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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nah dude...............better to believe in nothing than to be muslim..............At least thats how most of America is gonna see it. To most americans not touching pig is un-American. J ya, if not for 9/11 i doubt that would be a reality. i gauge this kind of thing by who has a greater chance of becoming president lol. i doubt ill ever have chance to vote for an atheist running for president in my lifetime... maybe a muslim but definitely not an atheist. im actually surprised that Obama's mom, being an atheist, didnt stir up more contravercy... What about agnostic?
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Somebody stole the hood! Why does nobody seem concerned about this and he just raced anyways!?!? hehe
  3. Their RMS rating is 100. Don't get caught up on power ratings for component speakers anyways.
  4. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    x2. They could believe in rocks or worms or dirt for all I care as long as they don't act like the islam followers. x3. cocky bastards, at least the extremists. One reason why I don't like religion.
  5. The infinity references use textile (soft) dome tweets. I had the reference line about 5 years ago and they weren't bad. The midrange was pretty good, upper midbass was good, but it couldn't go too low. The tweeter was good enough until you pushed its limits a little bit, then the sibilant sound came out. It's not a harsh sound like metal domes get, but it's almost equally as bad. They are a decent upgrade from stock most likely and really aren't bad for the price at all, but if you want great sound, save up a little more.
  6. KU40

    Ported Box for 2 12''Fi BTLs

    Post the usable dimensions of the cargo area and how many net cubic feet you want.
  7. KU40

    SSD10 lacking bottom end

    Do you have a subsonic filter turned on?
  8. KU40

    Ordered Wrong Subs :(

    Sorry, forgot you guys only use emails. edited my first post so nobody reads it and gets confused.
  9. KU40

    Should I use my SAE1200 or SAZ1500?

    http://www.sundownaudio.com/index.php/products/amplifiers.html for some of that info.
  10. IMO, components are well worth the price over coaxials. If the component set is just ok, at least the crossover should have a -3db option for the tweeter, which helps a ton. I've always used that feature. If you get a better component set the fine tuning with the crossover gets more elaborate, as I think my JL XR comps have a -1.5, -3, and -4.5 db jumper for the tweeters, as well as a low, mid, and high jumper for crossover point for the mids. I think the low crossover is about 2k, the mid about 3k, and the high 4.5k? I'd have to double check. 3.5k is about the average crossover on a set of passives I'd say.
  11. KU40

    Should I use my SAE1200 or SAZ1500?

    The SAZ is a more solidly built amplifier and has a couple more features, but there's nothing wrong with the SAE series at all. You can make them both put out the same amount of power, up until about 1200 watts or so, which is the most clean power the SAE will make. Since you have a 1000 watt sub, either will be fine and you likely won't gain much if anything from the extra power that the SAZ is capable of. The difference of the efficiencies of the two when outputting 1000 watts is likely negligeble. When you're already pulling 120 amps, what's an extra 5 if that's what the difference is? Just flip a coin, choose the one that looks better, sell the SAZ if you need more money now, or decide by some other arbitrary reason, it won't matter much. I'd probably choose the SAZ, just because it's the higher line and has a little more headroom.
  12. KU40

    250$ speakers?

    Stop making multiple threads on the same thing. You have some suggestions in your other one. Two people already recommended the IDs, another the PG RDS, and another talked about going in another direction with horns. You can build off any of those suggestions in there.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Good morning. F that, It's Monday.
  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yeah that was wild. Then the Giants TD pass 30 seconds later than manningham bobbled before turning over and catching it in the end zone.
  15. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that game was horrible. chiefs outgained the raiders like 400-100 and lost. Not that I really care. but a game of 6-3 into the 4th quarter is booooring.
  16. KU40

    Ordered Wrong Subs :(

    email them for better results.
  17. KU40

    Should I use my SAE1200 or SAZ1500?

    Since you're attempting to apparently sell a saz1500 I would assume you already have it. In which case I'd just keep it. makes no sense to sell it and get a less powerful amp for probably the same money as what you'd sell the saz for.
  18. I guess it kinda depends on what he means by keep up, whether that be actually at the same volume as the subs, or to where you can at least hear the words, which would likely be several dbs down. Do horns actually sound good at 145 db? All I think of are car alarms that are that loud and it's ear screeching.
  19. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    tip top went to the casino last night w. mi padre. I left with 30 more than I went with, so I was happy. But my dad left with 800 more. Seriously, when is it going to be my turn?
  20. To be honest you wouldn't want something that could match the output of your subs. 145 db with a tweeter will probably make your head explode.
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ha ha, you said shaft.
  22. KU40

    Ok 2 questions

  23. KU40


    What do you want out of the system
  24. I would choose the IDs. But neither of them, and nothing really, will keep up with over 2000 watts on subs.