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SSA Round Table Member
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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Going to bed early tonight.
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wanted to take a nap but forced myself to get up so I could go wash the Explorer then go to the grocery store and still have enough light to run in warm temperatures. It's 62* right now, about perfect running temp. Maybe even sans shirt, wahoo! Catch some winter rays.
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

  4. KU40

    3 questions for bass upgrade

    so wait, I need 3-5 cubes AFTER PORT AND SUB DISPLACEMENT? YES
  5. Did you not use butt connectors to connect the wires together?
  6. KU40

    round port displacement?

    pi * r^2 * length
  7. I don't see a problem, most cars run around the 14 volt range. If your gauge says 14 volts, you're fine. edit- just saw you gave more info. Has it always been at 15 volts before? As I said, most cars run at 14 so having it at 15 is actually the unusual part. Was that 15 measured right upon startup in cold weather?
  8. The new punch amps aren't as underrated as the old ones. Back in the day of the old gray waffle iron heat sinks they were underrated by nearly 100%. But not anymore. Rockfords have always also been a bit current hungry. Yep, I just looked it up, and as per Rockford's website, that amp is only 65% efficient because it's a class A/B. So you're pulling about 500 watts from the electrical system. Are you clipping the hell out of it too?
  9. The SSA store sells new amplifiers, db-r sells both new and refurbished ones.
  10. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Time to listen to music really loudly since my apartment neighbors are probably at work or class! Don't get to do this often so I'm pumped.
  11. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh and I got a chick's number after asking her out for this weekend. First date in 3 months yay
  12. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Gonna be a nice day, may have to run 3 miles after destroying my muscles at the gym (haven't lifted in 5 days). According to my baseline scale at my mom's house I've gained 6 lbs, to 184. Halfway to my goal!
  13. KU40

    3 questions for bass upgrade

    Depends on what port you're going to use and how much volume it will take up.
  14. KU40

    Sundown Amplifier Bench Tests

    x3. Who cares if the 3000d puts out 3418 watts or 3397 or whatever the individual case may be. They're all going to perform basically the same as the testing Jacob did in his vehicle with those amps. Plus it's a useless number anyways, since it's taken at a specific voltage with a specific load, and 99% of the time in your vehicle you will be at neither that specific voltage or load.
  15. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Was talking to my dad and stepmom at length the other night about many issues, and the economy was one. My dad made some interesting points. One was that his generation (I believe he's at the end of the baby boomer generation, as he is about 50 now) is putting a ton of pressure on the economy. He said for the most part they are lazy and all think they should be management. None want to do the actual work. Which is what allowed Mexicans and other immigrants to "steal our jobs," as everybody says. It also made it so much more profitable to ship other jobs overseas. Plus right now these are the people getting into retirement and perhaps drawing on social security, medicare, etc., and that is really draining government funds. One of the biggest problems, actually, is that people are living longer nowadays, and that large influx of retirees is a large burden on the system. He said to be quite cold and frank about it, we need more people to start dying. My stepmom made the point that after the baby boomers are gone, there is a generational gap that should make the economy much better, and those are the "DINKs", aka Dual Income No Kids. I guess there was like a 10 year span after the baby boomers of people who didn't want kids. They wanted to work and do lots of things themselves without being tied down by children. Just read an article about how financially stupid Americans are. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Financial-Literacy-The-Time-bizwk-3789648566.html?x=0 Highlights: * Americans were saving 11% of income in 1981. 0% in 2008. * Only 18% of baby boomers polled got a simple question about compound interest correct. * Only 19% of college students knew that stocks, on average, have higher returns than bonds or savings accounts. * Only half of those polled said investing in a number of stocks or mutual fund is safer than investing in one stock alone. * The huge rise in the amount of stupid loans people take out that they can't afford to pay back and never understood in the first place.
  16. KU40

    inline fuse

    They must have two fuses. You MUST have that fuse right next to the battery, as that fuse protects your power wire. If there is a short somewhere along the length of the power wire, that fuse will blow before the short starts your car on fire. But the fuse must obviously be before the short in order to do any good. You use fuses near the amplifiers if you either A) use a distribution block and decrease wire sizes going to each amplifier (smaller wire requires smaller fusing), or B) the amplifier does not have internal fusing. Many big amps, like 2000+ watts, will require external fusing.
  17. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Shit it's a day off work and I was up before 645 still. I woke up at 5:30 to get into work an hour early..... Bleh. Overachiever! WHoa... don't go over board turbo. I only did this because I had to car pool. I plan on waiting a while and then taking the Browns to the superbowl on the clock to make up for it. With Brady Quinn or Derek Anderson?
  18. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ninja edited
  19. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Could be about anything. Heavy metals (lead and arsenic come up the most), volatile organic compounds like trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE), carbon tetrachloride, dichloroethylene, chloroform, ethylene dibromide, etc., diesel or gasoline range organics, pesticides and herbicides, benzene and MTBE and other things found in oil or gas spills, nitrates, etc. Just depends on what may have been spilled at that particular site. The last two days I was working on a site that had carbon tetrachloride contamination in groundwater. It was used as a grain fumigant decades ago, as well as in fire extinguishers in the 30s-40s. We shut down water wells if they have more than 5 parts per billion of this stuff. Luckily it's out in a rural area like I was saying and the nearest downgradient domestic well is not impacted, at least as long as the sample we took yesterday comes back clean. But I expect it to. At least hopefully, for the sake of the cows that drink it
  20. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Shit it's a day off work and I was up before 645 still. I woke up at 5:30 to get into work an hour early..... Bleh. Overachiever!
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Shit it's a day off work and I was up before 645 still.
  22. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have that intuition. Haha. But really, what I want to know is, who the F takes a picture like this, and who is that dude that allows/wants it to happen? You never know. I was trying to fuck this really hot chick once. One night at her house, we were messing around. I went for it and she wouldn't have it. I got ready to leave and she asked me to wait. She came back out with a pair of her thongs and told me if I put them on and let her take a pic, I could beat it up. So, 2 minutes later, I was in the nappy dug out. Well worth it for me, but nothing embarrasses me, so I don't care where that pic is. Wow. I'm not really sure how to respond to that. Not on your part, but on hers. To me it's kinda weird that she wouldn't have it unless you did a simple thing like that.
  23. KU40


    If that's a concern, you NEED to go out and measure it. Otherwise none of our suggestions are worth anything if it won't fit.
  24. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    like so? Want...to...touch...