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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Yesterday: (I always post the day after for some reason) Bench press Tricep pulldown with flat bar military press w. dumbbells incline bench w. dumbbells laying over-the-head tricep extension w. barbell shoulder shrugs cable machine decline pectoral flies tricep pushdown w. rope ab stuff 20 pushups
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Some of the best family vacations I have had have been on a cruise. I try and take the family on a cruise every year. Believe it or not if you know how to book they are very inexpensive. Do tell the secrets! I became good friends with a booking agent for Carnival, she advises me baised on how many cabins I am booking. Sometimes during the low season you can get below cost bookings which is my favorite time to go. Less kids running around misbehaving and acting like idiots. The gf and I just popped up an idea to go to Hawaii sometime, neither of us have been. Looked it up and the offseason (I think it said september-early december) actually has the best weather. Most people go when the weather is the most rainy- during the winter. Deals are so much better in the offseason. We thought of going on a cruise before. She has been on a couple and really liked them, I've never been on one. But there are different cruises, not every one schedules everything for you. Don't. So MANY better places than Hawaii. Way too spendy for what it is. Suggestions? Goals? Oh.....fun in the sun on a beach? Mountains to hike would be nice.
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think the recession is wearing on people. I also think right now is a baby boom because of it. Soooo many people I know are having babies right now. Although I am also just getting to that age. Around 25-26 lots of people have babies.
  4. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Some of the best family vacations I have had have been on a cruise. I try and take the family on a cruise every year. Believe it or not if you know how to book they are very inexpensive. Do tell the secrets! I became good friends with a booking agent for Carnival, she advises me baised on how many cabins I am booking. Sometimes during the low season you can get below cost bookings which is my favorite time to go. Less kids running around misbehaving and acting like idiots. The gf and I just popped up an idea to go to Hawaii sometime, neither of us have been. Looked it up and the offseason (I think it said september-early december) actually has the best weather. Most people go when the weather is the most rainy- during the winter. Deals are so much better in the offseason. We thought of going on a cruise before. She has been on a couple and really liked them, I've never been on one. But there are different cruises, not every one schedules everything for you. Don't. So MANY better places than Hawaii. Way too spendy for what it is. Suggestions?
  5. KU40

    I have a dilemma.

    Yes. The levels were already at max from factory. Really? That's weird. Does it have a setting like an amplifier gain with markings such as 0.5v to 6v? Or just a + and -?
  6. KU40

    Difference between a big box and small box

    There is no build log in this thread, so I'm moving it to the Fi general section.
  7. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    I've worked quite hard the last 1.5 years or so trying to gain muscle, and while it has worked a bit (maybe 7-8 lbs), it just doesn't seem in my destiny to get really strong. So I think I'll just keep lifting to keep my strength up, but do more cardio now. City league basketball starts in 3 weeks and I want to be able to play the whole game and run everybody all around the court. I'll probably start doing Insanity DVDs again as those really helped me last time I did them during basketball season, as well as do more interval sprints for basketball-type conditioning. Just not totally looking forward to starting Insanity. There's a bit of a mental block in my head to start because I know how hard they are. Plus it'll really be a test for my knee. I'll have to take it slow with the side-to-side movements.
  8. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Yesterday- Fixed lat pulldown machine dumbbell curls shoulder raises both front and side deadlift dorsi flexor machine seated row shoulder dumbbell pullups bicep curls in the middle of the cable machine using both sides up near my head C-sit legs out and up ab workout pullups-pushups-pullups-pushups succession as fast and as many as I could do Ran 1 mile doing interval sprints
  9. KU40

    box measuring

    I assume you mean port volume, and no, you don't. Net box volume is gross volume minus port and sub displacements.
  10. It's saying that when you have the crossover at 12 db and frequency equal for both the HPF and LPF, the interior speakers and the sub will be 180 degrees out of phase. It's not a delay, it just means that when the sub's cone is pushed all of the way out for a note, the interior speakers will be all the way in on that same note at the same time. Depending on your distance from each speaker and the note being played, this may result in cancellation. This is why the manual suggests that reversing the phase would likely have better sound quality. That way each speaker would be going out at the same time. However, it's not always the case. Many people have one mid out of phase with the other, or even the sub out of phase with the mids. It really just depends on the vehicle, equipment, frequency, and where you are located within the car. It's not going to hurt the equipment at all either way. It's just a sound thing.
  11. It is absolutely ok if they sound better with the crossovers like that. Try it out. It's just a crossover, play with it (just don't get it too low for the interior speakers of course). Play with both the interior and sub's crossovers. They do not have to be the same number. In fact, most people do use an underlap like you're talking about. Setting the HPF at 100 hz will likely help the interior speakers not distort as easily. The only downside is you may miss out on some midbass.
  12. KU40

    I have a dilemma.

    Have you turned up the level on the LOCs
  13. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Yesterday- Squat Seated calf raises lying leg curl lunge leg press plyometric jumps onto boxes ab stuff 20 fast pushups
  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Some of the best family vacations I have had have been on a cruise. I try and take the family on a cruise every year. Believe it or not if you know how to book they are very inexpensive. Do tell the secrets! I became good friends with a booking agent for Carnival, she advises me baised on how many cabins I am booking. Sometimes during the low season you can get below cost bookings which is my favorite time to go. Less kids running around misbehaving and acting like idiots. The gf and I just popped up an idea to go to Hawaii sometime, neither of us have been. Looked it up and the offseason (I think it said september-early december) actually has the best weather. Most people go when the weather is the most rainy- during the winter. Deals are so much better in the offseason. We thought of going on a cruise before. She has been on a couple and really liked them, I've never been on one. But there are different cruises, not every one schedules everything for you.
  15. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Ran 2.5 miles today
  16. That's the world of recording music. There's no standard of amplitude for each frequency level, it's up to the musician about how loud they want each instrument. I play 80s hairband rock and I have the sub level on my head unit maxed out at +15 and the volume as high as the interior speakers can play, but the sub is not as loud as it could bel. However, if I play some rap music I can't turn either the head unit volume or the sub level all the way up or else the sub exceeds its limits. Your factory speakers are likely not up to snuff and can't handle the low stuff with only a 12 db crossover. You may need an 18 or 24 db crossover for them. Having the head unit at 54 may be sending out a clipped signal, which is why the speakers sound funny. Your aftermarket radio only sends out 25 watts at 4 ohm. If your factory speakers are 8 or 10 ohm (which some are), they're receiving half that power or less. Your factory radio would have been built to give maximum power at the load of the factory speakers, so it may have actually been giving more power to your interior speakers than your aftermarket head unit is. You may need an amp for those speakers as well, and preferably one with a higher than 12 db/octave crossover from the sound of it.
  17. KU40

    amplifier future

    Likely too expensive to implement, plus just another thing to break. 95% of car audio people want the cheapest amplifier they can get. So I'd say probably never. Plus the amplifier itself wouldn't be any more efficient if it used these. It would just have an extra source for electricity, thus possibly reducing the load on the batteries and alternator. It would still use the same amount of power. If it did ever come out, chances are it would not be built into the amplifier but sold as an add-on, like a capacitor.
  18. KU40

    I have a dilemma.

    You shouldn't have to touch the LOC levels. Just adjust the gain on the amp.
  19. Your factory radio may have had a bass boost built in.
  20. KU40

    Box Building Question

    download winISD to figure out port length. Or use any other port calculator on the internet. If you use winISD and just want to know how specs for the port, you can use any driver. Just pick one, doesn't matter. Tuning is only a function of the box volume and port specs, the driver has nothing to do with it. So that's easy enough. Just remember that port and sub displacement must get added onto the net volume you enter into these calculators. So you'll plug in 6 cubic feet for the box volume in the program, but you'll have to add in sub displacement and whatever port displacement from the dimensions the program gives you. So your box may be 9-10 cubic feet total. As for actually building the box, it's about a 3 on the hardness scale. It just really helps if you have a really long clamp or two, or else another pair of hands to hold panels together as you screw them together to let the glue dry.
  21. KU40

    i was thinking

    Just leave the gain down. You can train your ears to pick up distortion when the sub is overpowered. Also, look for overexcursion at any frequency played.
  22. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Yesterday: Incline bench tricep pulldown military press decline bench Laying overhead tricep extension sitting pectoral fly tricep kick-back a few pushups ab stuff Ran 1.5 miles in 11 minutes. Thought I was going faster than that, but oh well. Hadn't run but once in the last two weeks.
  23. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    I've never thought of burn outs before Dutchie. That sounds like a good idea to mix things up.
  24. KU40

    down firing sub in car trunk?

    I did a downfiring setup in my car once. But I only got to hear it twice before somebody stole it, so I can't give a really good comparison. I didn't notice any problems with it, though. I'm sure it'll be just fine.
  25. I would guess that stereo vs. mono switch is for if you only run one RCA to the back for the sub amp or two. if you put it on mono, the head unit probably sums the signal from the left and right sides to send it down to the RCA, and you'd only need to plug in one RCA. I'd say just leave it in stereo, I believe the amp sums the input into mono anyways. Don't be afraid to turn the gain up if the sub can handle it. The factory radio was using high level outputs to the LOC you were using, so its signal may have been higher than your new head unit's signal with the low level RCA outputs.