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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Boston acousticl

    actually that was his 3rd/4th question, depending on if you count the thread title
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was very annoyed from about 1/3 to until about 7/8 of the way through when she was shot. I clapped. Loved the huge one that went over their car when they were driving at the end. My sub liked it. and yeah the ending was........crazy. That movie just goes to show how silly people can be in situations when society breaks down.
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So then how do you feel about these? haha. just retarded.
  4. KU40

    Indiana Jones Advance Screening Tonight!

    One of my biggest concerns was that they didn't try to make it all new-age with special effects and stuff, but to stick to the way the other ones was made. I heard that they did do this, which I'm happy about. I think I'm going to see it either tomorrow or saturday.
  5. KU40

    ssd 15 or Q 15

    Look in the pictures here: https://ssl.perfora.net/www.ficaraudio.com/...view.shopscript notice how the pole vents are different.
  6. KU40

    3kw @ 26hz = Bad Idea =(

    With the longer coil is he going to have to worry about hitting the backplate with it then?
  7. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    At 6'2 and when you need a 55 in sport coats for your shoulders it's not going to be a real comfy ride. And the pedals are not spaced that wide from what I heard. But yes, it's an amazing design! damn. I'm 6'3" and wear size 15 shoe. Maybe I'm too big?
  8. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that vehicle is street legal. ooooooooooh
  9. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    can you get kit cars like that that are street legal?
  10. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    do a google image search, lazy!
  11. KU40

    Getting spl numbers up

    yeah it seems just upping your tune is about all you can do (I'd have actually gone a little higher yet, like 40 hz). Also, playing a single frequency instead of a sweep will help in future competitions. This is mainly due to your amp pulling power from the electrical system during the upper frequencies before it gets down to your sweet spot, which lowers your voltage and subsequently power to your sub. But the problem now is that you switched ports, so your box may get louder at a different frequency now. Do you get two runs on the meter or just one? if you got two you could do a sweep, have them tell you your best frequency, then burp it the second time through.
  12. KU40

    Any beer snobs here?

    my taste buds apparently haven't matured enough to like beer at all. I guess I'm the anti beer snob.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    sweet boat. definitely looks fast. You gonna sell your old one?
  14. KU40

    md2d 06 amp keep blowing fuses

    as long as you have a soldering iron, it shouldn't take more than 27 seconds.
  15. KU40

    flying back to the us

    the problem at idle is that alternators put out way less power there. Even 150 amp alts will only put out 60 at idle. So if you'd want the voltage to stay high you'd need like 4 alternators so that you can get over 200-250 amps just at idle. As Adrian said, you'll probably have enough battery power to stay at 12+. But your alternator's voltage will quickly become overloaded at idle and you'll be down to just battery voltage. So what you'd need to do is find enough alternator(s) whose total idle amperage would be over.......200 at least I'd say.
  16. KU40

    The Lady

    she looks a little like Cameron from House. I think she's hoooot.
  17. KU40

    md2d 06 amp keep blowing fuses

    since it's used and you don't have a warranty I'd open it up and look inside for something burnt. if it's something easy you can fix it with a soldering iron, or else maybe take it to a local electronics shop and ask for the part to be replaced.
  18. KU40

    4th order banpass build Log

    one thing I meant to say when I was talking about the ported box/horn confusion is that the inside of your port is tapered away, which may "confuse" the box as to where the port starts. As I'm sure you know, the port area on the inside of the box is just as important as the port area on the outside of the box. I think you would have had better results if you had simply made the baffle that the sub on straight across at a 90 degree angle from the side and port, making it a square sealed box inside. Might be worth a shot at trying before you tear this box apart.
  19. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just asked my girlfriend to do this like last week. I'm not talking like full on arguments, nobody really wants those. Just little debates, like why gas is high, why I think my way of doing something is better, war in Iraq, etc. She always just says she doesnt' want to talk about it. I think she's afraid I'll make her feel foolish, worried about being wrong, or something. But that's not my intention, I just like to share ideas and have intelligent conversations. I know she's smart, she just doesn't want to use it I guess. she said she'd try.
  20. KU40

    4th order banpass build Log

    I was kinda thinking similar. I didn't really know what that was. It seems more like a horn than a BP, and the ported section may have acted more like a leaky ported box. You might also not want the woofer to fire into a corner on the opposite wall. I'd think you'd want it firing either 90 or 180 degrees from the port.
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bitch! You get a job, gold digger!
  22. your stock speakers may not be either. active and passive refers to the crossovers used. Active uses powered electronic crossovers (like on your amp or head unit), passive uses capacitors, inductors, etc., in a circuit. They're like what you get if you buy a set of 6.5" components and they come with the little crossover boxes that you plug the input wire into and it has an output for the tweeter and mid. Both are good, I'd say active is better because it's more easily controllable and adjustable. Passive is generally cheaper, though. So back to your F150, I say it may have neither because many stock systems just stick the speaker in the door and hook it up to the factory head unit without any crossovers on it at all.
  23. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I say this because I WAS you. And I went about changing the wrong way, and you sound close to it. "Nice" guys finish last because they do not express what they want. Be it fear or out of a show of respect to women or anything else. Almost every nice guy I know isn't nice to themselves and ends up unhappy and unsatisfied as they will go out of their way to make everyone else comfortable, and never ever concern themselves about their needs or wants. That only leads to one thing and that's resentment self destructive behavior and probably being a real shiz head. I chose to be a shiz head for a few months... I don't want to see anyone else do that. Nice guys should finish first, but they also need to be honest. Weather you want to admit it or not, you were'nt honest with this girl. You wanted more, but she wasn't down with that. So you stayed, basicaly saying it's ok, when really it's not. I hope it works out for you man! You actualy do sound like a good guy... just what ever you do don't get down on yourself, and start bringing up your standards for youself. Good call on getting rid of the baggage though. Sometimes you gotta clean house of the crap people in it. I agree. Don't get down on yourself and you have to be un-nice sometimes. I was the same way, still sorta am. But if something is bothering you, you have to say something. Most girls don't want a guy that will cater to their every want, always agree with them, etc., they'll start thinking of you as something like a slave instead of an equal partner. But with that said, you also have to realize when a girl isn't right for you. If she makes out with you friend, it seems to me that either she didn't think you two were very serious or she did and didn't care anyways. If it's the latter, you don't want her anyways. Those kinds of girls won't change, at least not during high school and college years. Find a girl that doesn't play games. at all. Don't stand for them, they're immature. And don't buy that "I was drunk" bit. As my friend says, who's had both years of drinking and years totally without it, if somebody does it while drunk, they're thinking it other times while sober.
  24. KU40

    New to competitions and such and need help

    the ported 15's with more power would likely be louder, especially if you tune semi-high. or have switchable ports, one for everyday driving and another for when you compete that's tuned even higher.
  25. KU40

    The Lady

    niiiiiice. She just your date or possibly turn into gf too?