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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    we didn't get any hail, thank goodness. just rained hard. I was for sure we'd get some because a big red spot moved right over us. but it just made the rain come down in sheets.
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My LG is pretty good on battery, I usually charge it every 3-4 days. I don't talk on it a ton but I text like 30 times a day sometimes.
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    topgun, it looks like you guys are getting hammered by this storm right now. It seems to be on an ESE track so I think we'll be getting it in about an hour ourselves.
  4. KU40

    Tired of RCA HT.

    I just got them from partsexpress. I took the easiest route because I wasn't sure how it all worked at the time. I think I got kinda lucky that it sounds as good as it does (if it even does. Sounds great to me, but some big SQ guy may come rip it apart, I dunno).
  5. is that just when you idle though? I think you should be fine. I'd replace/upgrade the battery and wiring first if anything, especially if the battery is 5+ years old (not sure how old your Jeep is). Those are generally much cheaper. I got an Optima red top deep cycle knockoff from Napa for 60 dollars and it noticeably improved my charging system on my old car.
  6. KU40

    System help

    when you strap, the lowest rated impedence doubles. So if you have two 1 ohm amps and strap them they become a single 2 ohm amp together.
  7. KU40

    Tired of RCA HT.

    I thoroughly enjoyed my building experience. It's like creating a frankenstein. Car audio just isn't the same for the most part, doing a whole home system is more fun.
  8. KU40

    Whats some good Cardio

    expand on that? Do you mean you just have to eat right?
  9. I've ran Crossfire, Memphis, and Planet audio TT series amps and I think they're all solid. I'm sure they have something in one of their lines that would suit whatever number of channels and power you'd need.
  10. KU40

    subwoofer question

    sound quality Honestly watching videos on youtube is probably the worst thing to base your opinion on. Watching them excurt doesn't really show anything, and oftentimes the loudness easily overbears the mic on the camera and you don't get a real picture of how it sounds. I'd base my opinion much more on the input of the members on this forum. I'd never buy kicker subs, so I think pretty much anything is better than them.
  11. KU40


    I'd like to hear more about this. I usually drink a 32 oz. bottle of gatorade after I play basketball. When I was in high school it was about all I'd drink other than milk and juice in the morning. But since I started college I've switched to drinking water at all times other than milk and juice in the morning, and gatorade on days I work out (usually just play basketball, some days I've lifted after I play). I think I'm kind of a non-responder to a lot of things, though. I have never noticed increased energy after eating or drinking anything with sugar, and caffiene I think actually makes me tired. That's a little off topic. I tried creatine during high school for a couple weeks, but I don't remember much about it or what it did for me. Then I started hearing bad things about it and quit. Last summer I just took whey protein after working out a few times a week and gained about 10 pounds in 2 months. That was excellent for me, as I had been trying to gain weight for years. Too bad the school year came around and the school's weight room got overcrowded (as usual) and I stopped going in. I loved feeling powerful.
  12. KU40

    Whats some good Cardio

    basketball has kept me in shape through college. Then all I have to do to get my 6-pack is do about 5 minutes of ab work when I get home and before I shower. After about 2 weeks of doing this 3-4 times a week I can see the definition. But sometimes my motivation wanes and I stop doing the ab thing for a few months at a time and my definition leaves. But I think basketball keeps me right on the edge.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm the same. I've seen too many rear end accidents and they're all caused by the person behind not paying attention. So I leave a lot of room so that my brake lights are on for a little bit longer and can slow down slower so that I make sure I have their attention. I've also seen a ton of accidents where you have 2 lanes of traffic going one direction and a long line of cars stopped at a stop light in one lane, while the other lane has significantly less. The car in front of you switches to the shorter line without even hitting the brakes and when they swerve you're faced with stopped cars right in front of you. That's why I like my Explorer, I can look over most cars and see that happening. Although usually it's just another time of paying attention and looking ahead, because there are always ways to see around the car in front of you. Some people are just glued to the rear end of the car in front of them with their eyes.
  14. KU40

    lakers vs celtics

    ray allen has definitely gotten to be less consistant. It seems he either has 4 or 24 points and shoots either 2-13 or 10-14 or something like that. The celtics' defense seems pretty consistant, it seems like their opponents will score between 80 and 90 every game. Their offense is what fluctuates considerably. They can score 70 one game and 115 the next. It seems like the whole team is either off or on, instead of maybe one being off and the rest picking them up. The Lakers I haven't paid much attention to this year.
  15. KU40

    how low of hertz can a 12 q produce

    I have a rap song that hits 20 hz. so it's not impossible. However with your musical tastes and all I might suggest you go sealed. If you want to try ported, I'd think 30 hz or so. tuning lower will give it better SQ and will play 30-40 hz louder, which is considered low for most music.
  16. KU40

    Tired of RCA HT.

    I have a mediocre Pioneer receiver and I have no problems with it other than some processing shortcomings. They may be cleared up in the higher end models, I'm not sure. mine was only like 200 a couple years ago. But I haven't tried Onkyo so I can't really compare. If you're going to build your own, I think a first step would be to figure out how you're going to do the crossovers because they can be the most tricky part. There are some premade crossovers, you can try your hand at building your own, or have somebody else build them for you. I think some kits come with crossovers already. I think both Madisound.com and Partsexpress.com have kits available, some even come with the wood that you just have to screw together to make the box. Having crossovers made can get expensive, especially if you want it done totally correctly and have somebody build them for you after you send them your drivers and the baffle they'll be mounted on. It can get pretty complex. Or you can just do some premade ones like off of PE, which I did. They aren't too bad. Not made for your specific driver and you don't really have a say on the crossover points, though.
  17. KU40

    lakers vs celtics

    I just checked on espn.com and the Celts were 1-0 at Atlanta, 0-2 at Cleveland, and 1-0 at Detroit during the regular season. 2-0, 2-0, and 1-1 at home against those teams, respectfully.
  18. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Was down in the great city of Garden City all week, standing in front of a copier all day to get information to bring back for our research. booorrrrrring. I asked a lady there if there were any italian places to eat, she said "the closest thing we have is Pizza Hut." Mind you, this is a town of 35,000 at least. But probably about 30,000 mexicans, though, so there are about 3,000 mexican restaurants.
  19. KU40

    lakers vs celtics

    I pick the Celtics in 6. I like Pierce cuz he's a KU guy. and I respect Ray Allen and KG because they're such workaholics. and I don't like Kobe, his personality is not awesome. I think you have your thinking backwards about the celtics on the road against Detroit, though. The anomoly isn't that they won two in detroit, the anomoly was that they lost the first 8 in the playoffs on the road. They had the best road record in the league in the regular season.
  20. KU40

    Fitting speakers front doors

    haha, yeah, um....... Don't go there. I'm really surprised they told you that, since retail stores like that usually make a good chunk of their profits on accessories like sound deadening. Why would they tell you not to. weird. anyways, yeah see if you can make some baffles. Make sure your door panel will allow it, as you don't want to build the baffles with too thick of wood and have the speaker hit the plastic panel. All you really need is a jig saw and an hour and you can have some baffles that will make them fit.
  21. KU40

    subwoofer question

    I've heard pretty good things about HCCAs. I think they have more SQ than when they originally came out. The sense I'm getting is that you care more about SPL than SQ, is that right? Do you know what you want to tune your ported box to? It might help us determine what subs you might like. It also seems that you are skeptical about these internet manufacturers. Could you tell us what you would be comfortable with? Does it need to be something sold in a shop near you so that you can go listen to it before you buy? If that's the case, could you tell us what brands are sold around you?
  22. KU40

    w3 vs type r

    If this wasn't the question of every day about 5 years ago I don't know what was...... But I don't have experience with the new versions of either model. How much do they cost? That will give us a better estimate of what's in a comparable price range.
  23. KU40

    Gains by ear

    You should also step away from the vehicle when you test because you can hear distortion a lot better from farther away than right up close to the sub. Also, don't only base your opinion on distortion, as it can be difficult to hear at low levels and some subs are pretty good at masking it. Another thing I look for is when the sub stops getting louder, and if you go back and look at the sub it has stopped moving out any farther (note: this last one is obviously frequency and box dependent. If you play a 30 hz tone on a box tuned to 30 hz it may take 5000 watts to get it to move fully, while it may only take 10 watts to make it move fully in that same box at 10 hz. sealed boxes are better for this.)
  24. I'm sure the subs are good, they probably stole the design from some other reputable manufacturer like they've been known to do before. I used to have some flat cone 12k's and they were pretty good. Well, once I got them. I preordered in like March and they said they'd be out in May or something. I think I got them in July.
  25. KU40

    Box tuning help

    like I said, try putting it into paint.