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Everything posted by KU40

  1. definitely. profile are garbage. or you can usually go on ebay and get some planet audio refurbs for cheap.
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    mine start next month
  3. But wouldn't it not matter since the positive from the alternator has to get to a battery in the back also, so there would be voltage drop across that wire just the same as if both batteries were in front and the wire was running to the amplifier, would it not? They're usually just put in back because of space.
  4. KU40

    SSD "15 froze/lock up. need recone kit.

    that's usually what happens. In which case you'd need to find out the cause of it so that you don't do it again after you get the sub reconed.
  5. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've been trying to figure up if renting an apartment until I can or can nearly afford to pay straight cash for a house is a good idea. Just because if you get a 30 year loan on a 200,000 dollar house, it'll end up costing you like 375,000 with interest once it's all said and done. 15 year loans are obviously better, I think it would only work out to be like 300,000 with interest, but obviously your payments are higher. and I hate interest. and making payments on a debt. Interest rates are pretty low right now so that idea may not work, but I bet if our economy picks up and gets the interest rates back to where they were a couple years ago it might make sense. Though when you figure this out you can't just say "I'll save this much every month, add that to my total" because you *should* be putting that money into some kind of investment. If you have 200,000 saved and have something that gives you even 5%, that's 10,000 a year in interest. So it could up your saved amount pretty quickly. Sure you probably wouldn't have a house for 10 years, but you then wouldn't have to pay it off into your 50's.
  6. Don't count on it putting out rated power. Figure 75% of it maybe. So if that's not more power than you currently have, forget it. Also I'm not sure if they have a warranty from that site, but if they don't, forget it again.
  7. haha I like how on his post it says RIckRolled but on the quote it says RickRolled. But I agree with Jim/Rick and M5 on this one. You shouldn't really be able to hear a difference in amps unless one is broken.
  8. KU40

    Gas Prices, again...

    Um, it has nothing to do with us mountains in the way of it running off into our country darn pretty mountains too. When I was flying to alaska the clouds were low for the first half and there were just a few peaks peeking through. wow.
  9. KU40

    Gas Prices, again...

    I agree. While I also agree that not everybody drives like that (me and you and y doc at least, ha), I get your point. It does happen way too much, and I hate it. Well, I guess I don't really hate it, I just think "oh, there goes another stupid person. I wonder if he or she complains about how much it costs to fill up the tank. I bet so. Maybe someday they'll pull their head out of their butt and realize that driving more conservatively not only cuts down on fuel consumption but accidents as well."
  10. KU40

    Check this crazy chit out

  11. KU40

    Fi Subwoofer for Home Theatre?

    indeed. I have two "car audio" subs in my HT and I don't know how you'd tell the difference. subs made more for home audio usually have a lower fs I think and are made to fit in larger boxes usually since there is much more room in home than in a car. But given those, you probably couldn't tell the difference between a car sub in it's recommended 1 cube box and a home sub in it's recommended 2 cube box, or whatever.
  12. KU40

    how do I calculate port area

    Ok I think I mean to say 3' by 19.5 I hope thats right on each chamber. The port is going to run the full length and be 3' on the sub side up. I hope thats right. ah. When I just reread it I thought hmm, now that I read it again I think he might mean a 3" wide x height of the enclosure slot port. haha. 60 sq. inches isn't too bad. It will help even more if you kinda round all the corners inside and out of the enclosure with some sandpaper.
  13. KU40

    BJ Fishers Enclosures are fireproof??

    I doubt he'll get anything for the subs and amp unless he had specific coverage for the stereo. Otherwise insurance companies normally don't cover anything that's not in a stock location. When I had my car broken into they wouldn't give me anything for my subs and amps but gave me retail - depreciation for my head unit and interior speakers.
  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I haven't. What application and price range? For a car in the 280-340 price range I suppose. My mom got them for me... Hope there descent. She said the cars rides 10x better, but I hate chitty tires that don't last Federal, Douglas, General AmeriStar, horrible tires They may be horrible, but they have a funny looking mascot guy! http://www.federaltire.com/ Made in Taiwan. and about 3/4 of all the links for information on the site end with a popup saying "It is currently unavailable now!" haha.
  15. KU40

    SPL audio subs

    sure do.....n't! ha just playing. I've heard their amps aren't great. So the subs probably aren't too different.
  16. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I haven't. What application and price range?
  17. KU40

    DDz sub

    the only thing about that is that if you do that, it's an entirely different sub!
  18. KU40

    Gas Prices, again...

    good point. That's wonderful for the short term. However I'm not sure it will work. The wheels are already spinning for these alternative fuels and all the oil companies and others have invested so much in them that I really don't think they'll slow it down. Although I suppose that if the price got low enough their profits would decline, but I don't know that they'd cut from R & D before laying off workers. It would depend on which could be more profitable at the time, oil or alternative fuel vehicles. Since it's only 2009 I imagine they will choose oil, though, since the alternative fuel market probably won't be large enough by then to warrant decreasing oil production for it. If it was maybe 2015 it might be a different story. But also the Saudi's aren't fighting only the oil price critics, but the environmental critics as well. So many people are switching to alternative fuels just because it's better for the environment and global warming and all that jazz. edit: I just realized that I was thinking of passenger car type vehicles when I did that little market analysis, but in fact personal vehicles only make up a fraction of the total fuel usage. I think it's only like 30% or something like that. The biggest users of fuel are shipping transportation and industrial uses. and I don't see them switching to alternative fuels any time soon. the passenger vehicle market is way ahead of them in that regard.
  19. KU40

    Gas Prices, again...

    3.85 in eastern kansas
  20. KU40

    how do I calculate port area

    you are going to need a LOT more port area than a 3" round port for 2 18's. I'd say do something at least 120 sq. inches, which if you're doing round ports would require at least four 6" round ports. I think in most SUVs the alignment of subs up, port back works the best.
  21. KU40

    Tang Band Neo 6x9 subs

    sounds good/interesting to me. I thought those neo motored speakers were pretty deep, though. Are they going to fit? edit: just saw they have a new slim version of the neo motor. cool.
  22. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol, Merc means something completely different to me "wtf, he wouldn't want a lead sled" Indeed, I have taken to some European terminology in cars though. Here in Lawrence the Merc is an organic grocery store.
  23. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    stupid eyes. I think I have allergies as I sneeze a few times a day, get runny nose sometimes, and eyes are dry/itch. I've taken antihistamines and they take care of the first two just fine. But they barely help the eyes, which is the worst thing about it for me. I can't wear my contacts hardly at all without them hurting. I hate it. and it's weird because I've never had this problem before this year. I spent weeks outside at a time in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming the last couple years and did landscaping for a summer 3 years ago and never had a problem. But for some reason all of a sudden this year it's decided to pop up. Maybe it's because I am indoors all the time now. My work building is pretty old I think, and I know my house is. They've remodeled a bunch of other apartments in the complex recently and they're going to redo ours as soon as we move out.
  24. KU40

    US Acoustics

    I think all the ones built by Zed were good. I think I had a USX2080, the one with the blue light on front. One of the channels died, and then I just smashed it into the concrete.