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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    indeed. Crock pots have no use IMO....well other than to keep dip hot or similar for a buffet. They are not made for cooking. I think it has its place, though may be limited. Putting most vegetables, especially green ones, in a crockpot will just make them mushy and not awesome. But I think meatballs are good, and a few months ago I made this awesome chicken stuff to put over rice and it was awesome as well. Too bad I can't remember the recipe, haha. I've got to start writing these things down. My gf has been asking for it like every month since then. Let me clear up the misconception with my statement. Everything you can do in a crockpot you can do better in something else. I probably wouldn't disagree with that.
  2. KU40

    OK building a new fi home audio sub!

    yeah winner!
  3. KU40

    OK building a new fi home audio sub!

    i have the 500 watt version of that amp. the 3 on the right are an EQ. Frequency is the center frequency for the EQ. Bandwidth is the width of the frequency curve affected by the EQ. I think a .1 makes the curve more skinny, so maybe only 55-65 hz are affected if you have the freq on 60. a 1 might make it affect 10-110. That's just an example, not saying those widths are accurate. Then level is the amount of cut or boost to the EQ curve. On the left side the freq is the crossover. So that should have an affect on the sound. Phase and gain I'm sure you know. On mine, I have the freq. at about 20 hz, bandwidth at .4, and level on 2 I think. Crossover at about 65, phase 0 and gain about 1/3 (obviously signal dependant).
  4. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's about to rain on my brisket smoking . I still have 8 hours left, too. Might have to bring it inside to the oven until the rain goes by.
  5. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    indeed. Crock pots have no use IMO....well other than to keep dip hot or similar for a buffet. They are not made for cooking. I think it has its place, though may be limited. Putting most vegetables, especially green ones, in a crockpot will just make them mushy and not awesome. But I think meatballs are good, and a few months ago I made this awesome chicken stuff to put over rice and it was awesome as well. Too bad I can't remember the recipe, haha. I've got to start writing these things down. My gf has been asking for it like every month since then.
  6. KU40

    OK building a new fi home audio sub!

    I think a higher tune would help you out as well. 25 hz seems all right. With a tune as low as you have it, it almost acts just as a sealed box sometimes and doesn't give much of a peak above tuning. That room is fairly small so you may actually be seeing some room gain around 60 hz. If you tune higher I think you'll notice an increase in the bump right above tuning, which might help it be more even with 60 hz. Also I agree that if your crossover is above 60 it's probably too high. lowering the crossover will help eliminate that bump as well.
  7. actually you have it backwards. You'd want underlap, not overlap. So in your example you may want the high pass at 80 hz and the low pass at 63.
  8. KU40

    Couple box tips

    This first part is how having the correct crossover makes a world of difference in how a subwoofer setup sounds. When I first set up my amp for my new sub I put the crossover on 80 hz because I had heard that was the general concensus for a decent starting position. I left it there for a few years and I figured everything was good. Then I think one day last year I got bored and just played around with my front stage, seeing if I would want a 3 way setup or something. Sometime during that I turned my crossover up to 100 hz on my sub and forgot about it. A year passed and I hadn't really noticed it until lately I played some Crystal Method and I was like man, my sub sure is boomy. I think just that week I had read on this forum some people talking about having subs crossed over at 60 hz or so, so I decided to go out and turn mine down to there to see how it sounded. That's when I found out the crossover had been turned so high before. Doh. So I turned it down to 60-65 (my crossover just goes from 50-250 with no markings between, so kinda hard to precisely do by sight). I turned on some rock and man it made a huge difference. Not only did it blend with my front stage better (I think their crossover is around 70-80), but the sub sounded tighter. In fact, it's very tight, even moreso that I would have thought it would get. and it's in a ported box! (another one of those myths that could be arguably debunked here) The second tidbit is about how having too small of a ported box can rob SPL. Years ago I had 4 12" subs in a sealed box in my trunk and I would hit about 153 db on the Audiocontrol mic. The box was 4 cubic feet, i.e.- 1 cube per sub, per manufacturer recommendation. One day I decided to try porting it to see if I could gain SPL. I was burping 53 hz with the sealed setup so I figured 45 hz would be ok for my tune. I put in the port, and at the next comp I hit exactly the same SPL, 153. So there's my evidence that having a ported box (it was probably only 3.5 cubes after port displacement) that's too small will rob SPL. True there could have been other factors involved, like box impedence differences, etc., but I did found that the same 53 hz note was the loudest with the ported box as well. So at least that was constant.
  9. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    well I didn't catch any fish. Guess I just have to go make my blueberry pancakes now.
  10. KU40

    !!!!!help with 2 12" Fi Q's!!&#33

    yea i feel u but what if money isnt the issue? it would be better buying two 1000w amps in that case right? so whats one of the best brand amps out there? i was looking into the hifonics brutus series I still think a single amp is the way to go money issue or not. Fewer parts to go bad, easier installation, typically less space consumed, fewer wires running around, fewer places for things to go wrong.
  11. KU40

    !!!!!help with 2 12" Fi Q's!!&#33

    Just do single chamber. And what amp you should get depends on what you want bases on quality, looks, power, and price. I'd just get a single 2000 watt amp because it's easier to set up and oftentimes cheaper than two 1000 watters. Capacitor, no. Alternator depends on how big your stock one is.
  12. KU40

    Couple box tips

    Well I did make it 45 hz, so that's not far from 47. At any rate, it didn't work for me. Didn't make the box more efficient, I should say. Now could it have handled more power and thus get louder? Maybe/probably.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    time to go fishin'! Hope I catch something. It's been raining all week so the water probably isn't very clear and fish may not be biting much. But we'll try.
  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You are absolutely right except that our rubber floor has a better underlay than the wood floors - it actually is really nice to use (even with my old knees), surprisingly! To be honest I was really skeptical with the idea to begin with but we absolutely needed a rubber floor for indoor throwing training during the winter months. maybe yours is a different type rubber floor than the one they built in a rec center in my hometown. That rubber floor is like concrete. No give at all and balls bounce a little differently. But I guess if you're doing indoor throwing it might be a better solution.
  15. They both are. A filter is not a direct and complete cutoff like a wall. Rather, it's a slope and just attenuates the level above or below the crossover point.
  16. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    man I'm so happy it's friday. Now I get to play video games and watch porn the rest of the night! and go fishing in the morning. My gf brought over a turkey tenderloin last night and we baked it and......omg it was quite possibly the best thing ever. Maybe it was a combination of the extra lime juice and seasonings it had been marinating in since the time it was put into the package and me pulling it out of the oven at just the right time, but it was so tender. Soooo tender and juicy. It was white meat and I normally don't like that because it's more dry than dark, but this was so juicy and full of flavor. Luckily I still have half of it left in my fridge for tonight! It was like sex in my mouth.
  17. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    rubber floors = teh suck. wood is so much greater. tell them to just put in wood. It's better for joints anyways so I don't know why you'd even want a rubber floor.
  18. KU40

    Sub comparison for some SPL!

    you can also change the box up to get some more efficiency. What's it tuned at now?
  19. KU40

    Oh noes!!! It's Friday the 13th!

    I hadn't noticed it was the 13th, though I probably would have once I got my timesheet. Not sure I would have noticed it enough though, as I don't put much stock into these things. I'm just glad it's Friday!
  20. KU40

    JL Audio 12w3v3

    i'd do sealed
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hate my damn eyes. They're already getting blurry with my contacts in. It's not from being tired, because i'm usually the most awake 1-2 hours after I get up in the morning.
  22. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Gonna have to check our wireless router tonight after work. Haven't had internet at my computer at home in 2 days. I hate wireless routers. They need reset like every month. Lawrence got lucky with the storms last night, as we just got heavy rain. There was a small, 10 second tornado that touched down about 10 miles east of town though. I thought the whole line of thunderstorms was just going to move northeast over us very slowly because that had been its pattern, but once it hit us it decided to blow east more. That was lucky.
  23. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A few weeks ago my brake light switch went out. I think my rear blinkers kept working though. You can check it, though, by just pushing up on the sensor that's on the brake pedal to see if that turns your rear brake lights on.
  24. KU40

    which to get

    I'd do the one ported at 33-35 hz
  25. KU40

    Just for FI....

    This thread should change its name to Just for everyone....