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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    haha, in the text of an ebay auction for a Porsche 911: "PLEASE BID TO PURCHASE WITH COMPLETE CONFIDENCE IN THE PORSCHE PRODUCT AND THE DEALER WITH 30 YEARS OF DISCRIMINATING EXPERIENCE." Discriminating? oh no! Germany has already been through enough of that.
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Anybody know how good of gas mileage the older Porsche's get? I'm looking up prices right now, but maybe one that's $8-10,000? I'd guess that would be an 80's model. edit: just searched. 22 mpg highway. yikes. My explorer does that.
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Had the craziest, longest dream last night. Was at a baseball stadium when some martians nuked the city. I saw it coming and ran away to hide, and a bunch of my friends and family ended up in the same little walled in area I was under the stadium afterwards. Then we had to hide from the short and stubby Martians and couldn't go outside. At first they were dumb and we could just kill them with our hands without trying. But then they got weapons, and so did we, and it became a street fight and a fight for survival in our little bunker, trying to keep all the ways in securely shut. There was even a romantic aspect of it, as a high school crush of mine was in the same place as me. My gf was in another area that I was trying to get to. Uh oh! Then the military stepped in, and I became part of the military. It was so long that one time I woke up in the middle of it, checked the time, fell back asleep, and picked up right where I had left off! It must have lasted 4 hours. Maybe I should make it into a movie.
  4. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Werd. Colorado is awesome. But if you've ever been to Alaska you know it's Colorado times about 4. Amazing up there.
  5. KU40

    18 btl:: not moving air but...

    i'd say it has to do with the song being played. the same song likely won't yield the same results on both setups. What amp do you have on it? The sub is the most passive thing in the system. Normally things like this have little to do with the actual speaker and a lot more to do with the box and rest of the setup. What is his 9515 tuned to? also, can you post dimensions of the box and port?
  6. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got 6 free donuts today! I was craving them after I read a thing on Krispy Kremes today, so after work I stopped by the store to get some plus the hot dogs and buns that I'm going to grill tomorrow. The girl asked me how many I had in the bag and I said 6. the total was only 3.50 though, which I thought was strange but I was like oh well. Walked outside and looked at the receipt and they weren't on there. wahoo! I think she liked me maybe is why. she was fit too. but wore a bunch of makeup.
  7. maybe a look inside will tell you. That is, if you don't have a warranty. Most of the time opening the case voids it.
  8. KU40

    what would be a good comp setup

    if you're looking for SQ, ditch the idea of those coaxials (3-way, 4-way, 5-way, etc.). You have to go component.
  9. KU40

    sound relativity to speed and pressure

    I don't want to dig up the old thread so I'll post it here. I remember on the older version of winISD (the beta version I think), the port velocity was measured in mach. It recommended you stay under mach .14 to not have port noise. I don't know if that is true mach or if their calculation for the mach number is correct, I'm just throwing it out there.
  10. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What do you call cheese that isn't yo.............. Nacho cheese! Ramos, I told the joke you posted about the 9 inch pianist at my brother's bachelor party and I think my brother almost died from shortness of breath from laughing.
  11. KU40

    lakers vs celtics

    Hey I guessed right. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
  12. KU40

    slapping sound?

    try playing the sub outside of the box
  13. KU40

    sound relativity to speed and pressure

    dang. I knew the Raptors were awesome but didn't know they were THAT awesome. Don't they have some partial stealth? I hope the US doesn't sell some of these planes or the plans for them to other countries like they have with other jets. Even if they are our allies. I've heard that nowadays fighter jets more or less do almost all of the work and the pilot is just another input for its computers.
  14. KU40

    sound relativity to speed and pressure

    I'm jealous of you Helotaxi. I've always thought it would be amazing to be a pilot. But it also scares the chit out of me. I'm 6'3" anyways, which I think rules me out of being a pilot doesn't it? So I guess I'll just have to play Ace Combat on my PS2 to get my fighter fix . Maybe you were hearing the afterburners light up? I dunno. I didn't think they could do supersonic around urban areas either. But F-15's sure can go fast. Mach 2.5 I believe. Awesome, awesome planes.
  15. KU40

    eD 13Av.2 or Fi Q

    and the most moronic owner. I'd definitely choose anything not ED.
  16. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think you just supported my statement haha, maybe true. But I'd say "keep as a memento of how retarded kansas COPS are."
  17. KU40

    SQ application/Question

    free air? why would you want to mount a sub free air? If you're going to do anything like that, do infinite baffle. I don't know any subs that perform well at all in free air.
  18. Depends on the amp. They made the same amp in 3 versions- a 50HC which was .66 ohm stable, 100HC that was 1 ohm stable, and 200HC which was 2 ohm stable. Also to the OP, it's not necessary to bump every 10 minutes. I hadn't been on this forum for the last 4 hours but there was still less than one page of threads with new posts to read. So you're powering four 150 watt subs with a 1400 watt amp. I'd check the subs for blown voice coils. Try hooking up one sub at a time and see if the amp still goes into protect. If it does and you know the sub is good, it must be the amp. Make sure all your wiring is secure and there are no strays touching something they shouldn't. If they are good then it's probably the amp. Got a warranty?
  19. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Where ya going? and equally as important, did you catch any? First smallmouth I have seen on my lake actually. It is known as a largemouth haven and I put 5 in the boat during the hour I was out, but I also pulled my first smallie out. I also saw what may have been a state record, but she was travelling and didn't want my crank, spinnerbait, worm, or jig I'd guess in the 8lb range. Boo. state record smallmouth or largemouth? It's hard for me to imagine the state record for a largemouth up there would only be 8 lbs. A kid just caught the state record largemouth here in kansas a few weeks ago and it was 11.5 lbs I think.
  20. KU40

    My home stereo setup

    oh for some reason the pictures didn't come up the first time I clicked on this thread. Now I see them. Do your fish kinda flinch and act stunned when the bass hits? My friend who works at a pet store said they probably would if I put my tank in the same room as my setup.
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Somebody please explain the following to me: You can buy a set of 3 disposable Gillette Mach 3 razors for $6. However, 5 of the replacement blades for the Mach 3 handle you already have costs $13.50. How in the hell does that make sense? Not only that, but the last time I was in there to buy replacement blades like 2-3 months ago they were only $9. All of a sudden I just had that "It's the end of the world as we know it....." song pop into my head. I haven't heard that since the last time I watched Tommy Boy like 2 years ago. hmm.....foreshadow?
  22. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think I'd save up the extra 50 dollars and get the Dayton (comparing the 500 watt versions of both). The dayton has an EQ. and I believe I heard somewhere on here that the Dayton has a built in subsonic at like 15 hz? and the Bash has one at 20? I don't know, something like that. I'd rather the lower subsonic as well. If that's true. I might be lying. But I also like the black of the dayton more than the white of the bash. However.....I imagine the Bash works just fine.
  23. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Where ya going? and equally as important, did you catch any?
  24. KU40

    Nick, Scott, Shawn, anyone else...system ideas

    So Ascendant Audio subs are set in stone but really Alphasonik could be a possibility, yet you wouldn't even think of the IAs? I will say I'd definitely get the AAs over anything alphasonik.