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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    fi q 15 w/bp power

    also, a subsonic won't help during a comp at all. You should be playing a note above tuning frequency.
  2. KU40

    fi q 15 w/bp power

    I guess I just know when the note is being played below tuning and turn it down to where it won't rip itself apart.
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that sure didn't take long
  4. KU40

    fi q 15 w/bp power

    oh, I skimmed over the two part. my bad. as for no subsonic, no biggie. Mine doesn't have one and I've been using it for........3 years with no problems. I would check the amp. play a sine wave and hook up a dmm to see the voltage coming out of it. Chances are if the subs sound like they're fading when the bass hits, it's the amplifier lowering the amount of power it's putting out. subs only play what's given to them.
  5. KU40

    2012 AD Are you ready?

    gobbly-gook. It will come and go just like January 1st, 2000. I knew nothing would happen then, and I know nothing will happen in 2012. or 2126.
  6. KU40

    help need recones for (2) q 15 d1 with bp power

    Have you tried calling or emailing the company directly? Message boards aren't really the place to do business like this.
  7. KU40

    Am I over Powering ?

    is that amp stable to 2 ohms by itself? Nearly all monoblocks are stable at a load under 4 ohms.
  8. KU40

    sound deadening question

    Yeah there are two different reasons for adding mat. One I suppose is mass loading to get rid of the tin-can sound (or adding something that will either reflect or absorb the sound, as in the case of foam). Another is to cover up holes in the door to effectively separate the front and rear waves to create an IB setup in the door.
  9. Switching the terminals at the amp does nothing for checking polarity if a voice coil is wired wrong in a DVC woofer. You have to change them on the sub. And just because they look right with the markings doesn't mean they aren't switched once the leads get into the voice coil.
  10. KU40

    mounting question

    http://www.the12volt.com There was another site that was even better IMO, but I can't remember it right now.
  11. KU40

    Listening Preferences

    I'd be interested to try the new Mag. The Icon has been a solid SQ performer as well (from what I hear). I believe a sub is a valuable asset to most if not all music types. More than likely once you add a subwoofer you'll hear notes played that you've never known were in the song. tuning a sub can either come in the form of the enclosure or signal processing. With a sealed box the most tuning you can do is change the size of the box. But then with processing you can set crossovers and adjust EQ settings to change the sound.
  12. KU40

    fi q 15 w/bp power

    there is no way a sub should need a recone after just a few weeks. It should take years for the soft parts to become weak enough to maybe notice. Do they make any other noise (mechanical)? I'd be so afraid for that sub in an 8 cubic foot box with 1400 watts of power on it. The mechanical limits have been reached a number of times I'm sure.
  13. check your power wire under the hood. Then on the amps.
  14. Try reversing polarity on each voice coil one at a time. Sometimes manufacturers accidentally label them wrong.
  15. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You talking software like autocad? Or some piece of equipment?
  16. KU40

    Am I over Powering ?

    people say those things for hype. Truth is, put an amp on it, play it as loud as possible without it blowing up or sounding bad, and just go with it.
  17. KU40

    sound deadening question

    It wouldn't be if there weren't stupid posts. If I had full run of the forum, the rules would be different but first off not using grammar would get you warned the first time and banned the second. It is just rude to come into someones house and not spend the time to actually try to ask the question you want. I'd also require that each post started with a phrase like "I searched for xxxx, and xxx, and xxx but couldn't find an answer...." I'd also have a pretty much zero tolerance policy. Perhaps you don't realize how many threads some of us have to read. It is really deflating when crap like this happens and makes those of us who put in a lot of time waste time which sucks. I read this thread right after he posted it. I was going to reply until I actually read the post. So I agree. I pass up on replying just because the poster sounds so unintelligent that it's not worth my time because more than likely I'll have to post 4 more times explaining what I posted the first time.
  18. KU40

    Trying to finish off my setup

    budget? Size? Silk or metal tweets? Do you like more midbass or better midrange? Are these just going to be IB in the door?
  19. KU40

    Decisions Decisions

    How about one FI BL 15" (not sure how much they cost). Just do a mock-up of the box with cardboard before building the real one to make sure it will fit into the trunk. Lots of problems with those openings.
  20. KU40

    forgot which is negtive and postive.

    While I agree with this for the tuning process, I think for the basiline you should start with everything in phase. Then make adjustments from there to determine best sound.
  21. KU40

    forgot which is negtive and postive.

    red is usually positive
  22. KU40

    the BOX

    inch is fine. I'd pretty much listen to anything 95Honda has to say.
  23. KU40

    Q 12D2 power handling

    I'd say 1000. The box you use may even lower that.
  24. KU40


  25. the crossfire. I don't know where you got it to be .5 ohm stable, but all the info I've seen on it is that it's 1000x1 @ 4 ohms, 2000x1 @ 2 ohms.