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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    College football

    Jayhawks Have to show that last year was no fluke, and this time they'll actually play a decently hard schedule.
  2. KU40

    2 12s or a single 15 in ported box

    probably two 12's. more cone area, more displacement. But it also depends on the subs you choose. If you are thinking about 12" subs from one manufacturer and a 15 from another line, it will be apples to oranges and the 15" could be better. My first comment applies only to those subs in the same model.
  3. Something very simple and low maintenance, just like a 14' aluminum boat for fishing in the lakes around here. There are a few in the newspaper classifieds for $600-1200, which is about all I'd want to spend. But I know almost nothing about boat ownership. I figure you have to register it and pay property taxes on it and the trailer plus get a tag for the trailer. But is insurance necessary? Unfortunately I don't have a house and garage of my own to store it in, as I live in a townhome complex. The nearby lake has dry storage spaces for $50 a month, which I'm not too excited about paying. A friend in a nearby town said I may be able to store it in his garage if it will fit (I think it would), but I may only use that for winter as it would be inconvenient to have to drive the 40 minutes to his house to get it every time I want to go out during the summer. If my complex would allow it, I may park it in there by my house. But I'm unsure of how safe it would be, and plus it may be a problem to have a 20' trailer sticking out of a parking spot, I don't know. We've never had a problem with theft or anything, and I'd get a lock not only for the hitch but maybe on the wheels as well. I don't know how easy it would be to steal the outboard motor if somebody was after that, but I assume they just bolt on, so probably not overly difficult other than the weight of it. What do you think? Maybe one of those self-storage places would be better. I'd have to call and get rates and see if anybody even has one that would fit the boat in it.
  4. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    most of it is a chit hole... I agree. x3
  5. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    x2. I'm looking at nearly a month until my sample results get back from the lab (exascerbated by the lab having a mold problem checked out this week, so no analysis till next week), and I don't really know what to do until then because my reports are obviously based on those results. Guess I can read some more textbooks and things.
  6. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    stupid braves have lost 8 of 9. They're so bad. At least they aren't Washington, who's lost 11 in a row.
  7. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I would have bought something, but it appears you now want what I want, that being 6.5" or 5x7/6x8 coaxials. Otherwise I just need some sound deadener to seal the holes on my doors. anybody have some? I think I want to do all 4 doors, just need enough for one layer to cover the holes in each. So I guess.......30 sq. feet maybe? I'm really surprised the claw mag hasn't sold yet. I figured that would be one of the first things. How do they compare to the new mags? I was going to get one. Obviously completely different motors, but I've never heard an xbl^2 offering, which is another thing drawing me to it.
  8. Not true. Not one HU on the market puts out their rated specs because they are MAX ratings. You need to listen to 0dB tone to get that number. Do you listen to sine waves? Music is dynamic. Most of the chitty music nowdays is way too loud, but is still down 10 dB. The waveforum of the music your HU is playing drives the output voltage; it is not constant. I've never ever heard of someone over-driving their amp with pre amp voltage. I would think the input impedance is too great anyway??? Yeah I do listen to sine waves. Lots of different ones at once, in fact. They make music. You've probably never heard of an amp being overdriven because most head units put out 0-8 volts and most amps can accept that. But I bet I can get it to clip with a 12v signal. You may have to define your MAX usage a little further. If it's like those amps that say 200 watts rms, 400 max, then that's incorrect. But if you mean maximum RMS value, then yeah. But most head units will put that out if you turn the volume high enough. At least I saw a test of an Eclipse head unit that put out 8 volts starting about 80% of maximum volume level. But I don't know how that plays into what I said? I wasn't concerned about whether it was rms or max, I just said if you put 12 volts.........
  9. KU40

    New Video - RL-i8 pair + SAZ-1500D

    I was thinking the same thing about the amp. I was like dang it's huge! Then I remembered they're only 8's. But it still seems pretty large. And yeah those subs do get down pretty well.
  10. KU40

    College football

    I think they have a bunch of returning starters again? Many of the other contenders lost key players so there is uncertainty about how the new person will fill in. and plus, getting to the championship two years in a row does say something, whether or not they were even close in either of the games.
  11. I generally agree with Helotaxi's statement. However, I noticed that on one install I did with a Pioneer head unit I'd have to turn the gain quite high and would get quite a bit of noise, as it sounds like twink has. I redid all the grounds and did all the other tricks to try and get it to go away, but it wouldn't. When I got a cheap line driver (I think it increased the voltage from the head unit's 2v to about 2.5v, ha) and could lower the gain, the noise reduced. I don't know if it was the amp not wanting to have a high gain or something in the signal chain, but the higher voltage helped reduce the noise. edit since I just saw Helotaxi's new post: My noise was just static.
  12. KU40

    a/v receivers

    I would definitely go to a store and play around with the receiver you think you want for a while if you can.
  13. KU40

    2 10" Box Build

    I don't know how Sony got a pentagon-shaped cone & surround to fit correctly in a round basket.
  14. KU40

    a/v receivers

    I have an average Pioneer, which does the job.......averagely. It has some strange options (such as when the internal crossovers for the mains are on or off, when the sub preout is on/off, how it changes the sound with certain options, which options are defeatable/not defeatable in certain modes, etc.), but it does the job. I think I bought it new for 250 about 4 years ago. What's your budget?
  15. KU40

    Where has Mark been?

    Mr. Bean went on one of those. Hope yours wasn't as crazy as his.
  16. Compare the line driver's output range to what is acceptable by the amp. If you tune your line driver to put out 12 volts but your amp only accepts up to 6 volts, well, you'll have a problem. Other than that, the voltage you choose for it to put out is pretty negligible as long as you match the amp's gain to it as you mentioned.
  17. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Doesn't light my fire. I thought you didn't like exotic-looking sports cars?
  18. KU40

    Gain Reduction Knob

    Oh I've just never heard it called that. That's what it does, but for some reason everybody else just calls it a remote gain. But you could still use the head unit if it has a subout. That's what I do on my Alpine head unit (0 to +15 for sub). I just set my amp gain with it on +15.
  19. It's probably an Alpine, so it was never there to begin with. Hey my alpine has 4v. I was actually thinking Pioneer, most of theirs have used 2v and I'm not even sure they do that.
  20. KU40

    Gain Reduction Knob

    Gain reduction knob? You mean like a remote gain so you can change your gain from the driver's seat? Does your head unit not have a subwoofer output and corresponding subwoofer level adjustment?
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Man my brain just wouldn't shut off last night. I had about 8 dreams last night and woke up after each one of them. This all after it took me like 30 minutes to fall asleep because I kept having thoughts of somebody coming in and doing bad things to my gf, who was downstairs watching tv when I went to bed. I have to drive 6.5 hours today so this might not be good. I might be chewing on a lot of skittles.
  22. what do you mean running out of preout voltage? No a line driver does not bypass the gain. The amp doesn't know it's there, it just receives a higher voltage signal. You just match the amp gain with the input signal, just like if it were coming from the head unit. The amp doesn't know the difference.
  23. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Got the newest Firefox update and it sucks. I hate the drop-down history menu. At least sites work better for me now. Text on MLB box scores on espn.com aren't jumbled anymore and the new radar map on weather.com works now.
  24. KU40

    How much power can a BTL 18 take???

    You'll definitely fry it with that. Try 2000 above tuning, way less below.
  25. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What happens in the Castro district on Halloween? and is that girl hungry for the cawk or what?