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SSA Round Table Member
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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Been gone lately

    I believe he is in sunny California nowadays
  2. KU40

    FI Q12 vs BL12 for Reggae

    I'd do 15" Q
  3. KU40

    2 ohm components

    A lot of guys with G35's need some assistance in understanding stereo's. Not only is it not the greatest idea, but it is rather a waste of money. and still, once again, you don't NEED 2 ohm components to match those factory amps. Anything above that impedence will work, you'll just get less power.
  4. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So glad that next monday is Labor Day. I love me some 3 day weekends!
  5. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i love our cooper s. we are talking about adding another one to the family and letting the boy have the current one. it's definitely a big, fun, fast and quick go cart. and with the 6 spd, it's just too much fun. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I've always thought those would be fun little cars, but I'm not sure how practical it would be for me. I'm 6'3" so not only would I question how well I'd fit, but half the reason I got my SUV was so that I wouldn't feel like i'm lifting myself off of the ground every time I get out, or vice versa for getting in. That's a long way for me to crouch down to get into every day. With my Explorer I basically slide right in without having to drop my hips. I love it. i'm 6'2" and 228pds. i fit fine. the doors are huge, the seats go waaay back and it doesn't give off the feeling of being as low to the ground as it actually is. my son is 5'8", and sitting behind my wife, he has plenty of room. in short, it's not a family car, but can do a short bit of duty and it's not as hard to get in and out of as one might think. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Same with my dad's Accent 3 door. I'm 6'0" and I have managed on more than a few excursions to curl up in the backseat to catch some Zzz's. Works fairly well for up to three Americans, luggage included, as a matter of fact. Nice car. three americans? What is the ratio of americans to other nationalities?
  6. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah, starts here too. Tuesdays/Thursdays are my busy days, I've just got one tomorrow. At least one of them is with a prof I've had before and liked a lot, it's my one 8:00am so that's important Back to school, back to school, to show my dad that I'm no fool. School's for fools, look at me! eheeheeheehee!
  7. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not all of them no, Got tired and wanted the door panels back on. Going to get some plexi from work and seal the rest of 'em up this week. The door panels come off in under 20 seconds so thats not a problem at all. eww purple interior.
  8. KU40

    Is this a good set up for my BTL 15"s

    ditch the capacitor, that's wasted money. Ditch 4-way coaxials, the extra 2 "ways" are worthless. As abxx said, get some components instead. I also agree to get 1/0 gauge wire, probably 2 runs of it. 4 gauge is not enough.
  9. KU40

    matching frontstage to substage

    Shush nick. ^^don't know chit about chit. It's true.
  10. KU40

    Been gone lately

    still? you did once?
  11. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And what are the answers?
  12. KU40

    matching frontstage to substage

    yeah, I mean power is power. Kappas are all right. The ones I heard were kinda bright, but they were a coaxial. With a component set you should be able to dial the tweeter down on the crossover.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    mine was issued in '02, expires in 2051 so when I'm 65 I've gotten some weird looks from that too lol WTF? I have to get one every 5 years and it costs me $80. $80 for 5 years?? damn!! ours expires every 3 to 5, depending upon driving record. safer drivers go longer between expirations. but it's only $15. i'd love to go 40+years and not worry about renewing. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Mine expires in 2011, 6 years after I got it. Don't remember how much it was though.
  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Man that sounds backwards to me, ha. RWD is the worst for the winter IMO. 4WD is so nice for the winter, especially when there is packed snow on the ground. You don't have to worry about the rear end sliding around you on corners on a RWD or the front tires just skidding straight instead of turning on a FWD. But those usually only happened if you gave it too much gas during the turn. All my previous cars were FWD and I did all right, but my Explorer is 4WD and you can just flip it on and not have to worry about a thing. I plowed through 10-12" of fresh snow on the lawn at my grandparent's farm and it was so fun and never even hinted at getting stuck. No way I could have even tried that in my old car.
  15. KU40

    40.1 to much for a DP??

    Do you really have the electrical capacity for 8000 watts anyways?
  16. KU40

    matching frontstage to substage

    don't worry about the power. Figure that out once you decide on speakers. You'll likely end up getting something between 50 and 100 watts per channel in a 2 channel. That's pretty average. The amp is really about the least important piece of the system.
  17. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i love our cooper s. we are talking about adding another one to the family and letting the boy have the current one. it's definitely a big, fun, fast and quick go cart. and with the 6 spd, it's just too much fun. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I've always thought those would be fun little cars, but I'm not sure how practical it would be for me. I'm 6'3" so not only would I question how well I'd fit, but half the reason I got my SUV was so that I wouldn't feel like i'm lifting myself off of the ground every time I get out, or vice versa for getting in. That's a long way for me to crouch down to get into every day. With my Explorer I basically slide right in without having to drop my hips. I love it.
  18. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Rode my bike about 6 miles today after deciding I needed some physical activity since I can't go to the school's rec center anymore. Rode out to the lake outside of town, and man there are some huge hills on the way. I might not be able to walk tomorrow.
  19. KU40

    matching frontstage to substage

    do you know what you want out of the sound? IMO, figuring out what type of tweeter you want is a good first step. silk vs. metal. Some can sound similar, yes, but most of the time the two have a distinct sound. You may want to go to a local store and just listen to a bunch of different speakers. Sure they'll sound a little different in your car than on the wall, but I think you can get a general idea. If/when you go, don't stand right in front of the speaker, as that's probably not how you'll be hearing them in your car. Stand off to the side to get the off-axis response. From there, figure out a budget for the front stage. You can go with something already put together from a manufacturer or you can piece your own together. Active refers to using a powered crossover for the speakers instead of the passive (the small boxes that come with component sets) crossovers. I'm not familiar with that head unit, but I don't think it has crossovers on it? If not, you can either buy an amplifier with crossovers you can use or buy an aftermarket crossover to put in the signal chain between the head unit and amplifier. If you go active you'll need one channel of amplification per speaker. So for a 2-way setup up front you'll need 4 channels. Conversely, if you go passive and just use a manufacturer's premade component set (easier to setup), you'd only need a 2 channel amp.
  20. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    screw my internal clock. It's too good and apparently I can't pull the power plug on it. Woke up at 6:40 again today. I guess at least I slept in 20 minutes over normal work day time. pshh. Think I'm going to go test some settings in the car audio system today. Might want to play around with the crossover points and junk, and see just how much I'd want new stuff.
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Lots in and around that price point, especially a year or two old. so far my priorities are #1. gas mileage, really need upper 20s on highway and would like to see mid 20s for my combined driving. #2. reliability, i put this below gas mileage because i would hope that in today's market all cars are reliable #3. Looks, I like the Tc, and I"d prefer a 2door, #4. Options.....gotta have cruise, power windows, abs and i think that's about all that i really care about at this point. #5. if it's used, has to be about 40k or less (would be far more comfortable with 20k) You can pretty much take your pic of cars with that budget. Should be easy to find something you'd like. Hell you shoudl be able to get a new TC with the TRD supercharger for under $20K. I'd go that route. I was thinking he meant miles on the car?
  22. KU40

    College football

    they were pretty good last year but who did they play? no one really i can't even rememeber who they lost to. to me they'd have to beat some well known team for me to give them the nod. Yeah that's what I mean. Their schedule was soft last year except for the last two games (against Missouri who they lose to, and Va. Tech in the Orange Bowl). But this year Oklahoma, Texas, and Texas Tech are back on the schedule. And at South Florida in the nonconference schedule. The last 5 years they've just played louisiana tech and Florida A&M-type teams in the preseason.
  23. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wouldn't waste your time and money. The reviews/experiences I've seen of them say they don't do anything. Try going to www.gassavers.org and reading some threads. There are a number on HHO setups.
  24. I doubt it. Infinity amps seem to be very finicky with impedance. I tried a 2 ohm load on a 4 ohm stable Infinity amp a couple years ago and it went into protect immediately.