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SSA Round Table Member
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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Haven't posted in ages.. Starting over! (help)

    Not to preach, but if you're strapped for cash now and have a baby girl on the way, save it for the baby.
  2. KU40

    Wiring 2 subs, some thoughts

    The outputs of mono amplifiers are wired in parallel just inside the case. They aren't really two channels. So wiring one sub to each output will do no good, it's just like wiring both positives together into one output and both negatives together in the other. The two subs will still be wired in parallel, and the amp will see 0.5 ohm.
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ruby red made me think of Rubyyyyy Roooood!
  4. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's Ice Cream Tuesday, yay. Every 1st and 3rd tuesday of every month we go get ice cream at a local place with some friends. They have a buy one get one free deal on Tuesdays for those with a student ID. Glad I kept mine
  5. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Cardio Power and Resistance Insanity DVD
  6. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thought he was just merging sections. Nope. Everyone he has recently banned are getting searched and anything even partially annoying to him is being cleaned up. I'd bet this pertains to those that are still there as well. He has gone so far to remove ALL posts by some people. I thought he was going on vacation for like 6 months? Why is he still worrying about the forum?
  7. KU40

    New Box Help

    You'll just have to be a bit more careful with the power on the new box, and especially with a subsonic filter. Tuning higher means more frequencies below the unloading point of the box.
  8. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    what's my avearage mike... this week could be the week i lose though. Just can't have mercedes lewis score more than 6 points.(knocks on wood) My team finally won this week! I even had 122 points, which was second in the entire league and will make me a couple bucks.
  9. KU40

    New Box Help

    The new box should be a little louder. Any speaker can handle any amplifier with the correct gain setting. You already answered your own question by saying if you set it to output 1500 watts. What would be the difference between that and an amp rated at 1500 watts?
  10. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Hey we watched some of that last night too. The gf and I are driving back to Virginia for a week after Christmas to visit her family and we are mapping out man vs. food and diners, drive-ins, and dives stops to eat at all along the way and back.
  11. A single set of 3-ways in the doors should suffice. You don't need to muddy it all up with the extra ones in the dash.
  12. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Shot some baskets, then lifted legs. On Saturday I ran 2 miles.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thank god late night in the phog is tonight. That is the official start of basketball season, where the team can start practice at midnight.
  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Shit, to me it was basketball season after KU lost to north dakota state 6-3 in the first week. I knew Kstate would walk all over KU today, but my estimate was a 30 point blowout. Guess I was off by 3 touchdowns. Even on our homecoming, no doubt. I'm really not impressed by our new coach, Turner Gill. The kids just never seem ready to play, either motivation-wise or performance-wise. Sure Mangino choked kids, but he won an Orange Bowl.
  15. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The temperature on the Traeger could very well be hottest near the temperature gauge. My temp is at the grates where the meat is. I suspect yours is off for that reason. If it were ceramic or held the heat better than steel it may be different. On top of that, I bet the temp gauge is a piece of uncalibrated crap. Sure was on my barrel smoker. Might very well be your trouble. And yes, I am sure that mine is right, well at least within 2 degrees which I'll call right. 15-20 I would not. Do they gasket mod the Traegers? If so, I'd do it. The more you make it convection the more even it will be. Otherwise you'll always be chasing hot/cold spots in it. I'm positive the temp gauge isn't good. I've stuck other thermometers in there and they are always different. But the smoke setting on the Traeger is a little tricky, because it's not a constant heat. On that setting the auger starts and stops, only ushering in pellets every few minutes. The temp gauge might not be right, but you can definitely watch it fluctuate over a 10-15 minute period by as much as 20-30*. Also, these traegers have two holes on the backside, each about 1.5" tall and 3" wide. But I fear if I plug these up it will make the inside much too hot since the settings are just based on pellet feed rates, not a temperature gauge setting. The temperature gauge is at the top, right in the middle of the barrel. Ouch. How cold can you set it? Will that make the fluctuations worse if you lower it? The lowest is the "smoke" setting, which is supposed to be either 225 or 250 degrees, I forget. But even on a warm day outside if you watch the temp gauge provided on the grill, the temperature fluctuates between something like 170 and 210 degrees. But I believe that to be biased low by about 20 degrees.
  16. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Last night I did one mile of jog/sprint intervals and jumped rope for 5 minutes.
  17. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The temperature on the Traeger could very well be hottest near the temperature gauge. My temp is at the grates where the meat is. I suspect yours is off for that reason. If it were ceramic or held the heat better than steel it may be different. On top of that, I bet the temp gauge is a piece of uncalibrated crap. Sure was on my barrel smoker. Might very well be your trouble. And yes, I am sure that mine is right, well at least within 2 degrees which I'll call right. 15-20 I would not. Do they gasket mod the Traegers? If so, I'd do it. The more you make it convection the more even it will be. Otherwise you'll always be chasing hot/cold spots in it. I'm positive the temp gauge isn't good. I've stuck other thermometers in there and they are always different. But the smoke setting on the Traeger is a little tricky, because it's not a constant heat. On that setting the auger starts and stops, only ushering in pellets every few minutes. The temp gauge might not be right, but you can definitely watch it fluctuate over a 10-15 minute period by as much as 20-30*. Also, these traegers have two holes on the backside, each about 1.5" tall and 3" wide. But I fear if I plug these up it will make the inside much too hot since the settings are just based on pellet feed rates, not a temperature gauge setting. The temperature gauge is at the top, right in the middle of the barrel.
  18. KU40

    subwoofer cancellation

    Neither of those will cause cancellation.
  19. KU40

    Stock Market

    Does anybody play in it? Might be interesting to have discussion not only on the market but the state of the economy and things. I know the owners of the board dislike politics, so PLEASE LEAVE OUT your views on those. I don't want to hear Obama did this or Bush did that if it's just to bash and be dramatic. I started almost two years ago, part of it was out of the opportunity to gain money, part was just because I was bored. The market obviously changes everyday in response to different worldly happenings, and it keeps my brain occupied. I started out with long term holding views in mind, but in just a few months I got sucked in to trading more short term. I'm not a daytrader at all. I've done that with one stock twice with success, but I don't like it. My timeframe is usually a couple weeks to months, depending on market conditions. I'm both a fundamental and technical trader, that is to say do look for particular chart patterns or cues, but I have to like the underlying company's financials also (or the state of the US if it's an index play). Some trades are based on strong financial standing and future prospects alone. I do some rolling stocks (those that go up and down within a range and you try to trade their short term tops and bottoms), some covered calls, some growth plays, some value plays. I won't get into my positions yet. But it looks to be a good start to the day after the good personal income and spending reports this morning.
  20. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    We were actually in Salina at Logans, as that was where we met my stepmom to give her back her Expedition she let us use while my gf's Equinox was getting a new windshield. I've eaten at Gates in KC before. It was pretty good. And I think I bought a bottle of LC's bbq sauce once, but never eaten there.
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hmm, well 225 for 4 hours is how I do mine already. I must be messing something up. Should I be putting a can of water inside my Traeger to help keep them moist?
  22. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No kidding. Shopping cart would be an upgrade. Roomate Sean hates PT cruisers with passion. It's actually weird how much he hates them considering he doesn't have his liscence yet. Convertible PT Cruisers are HORRIBLE ! They really look like a hooptied shopping cart... I think they look like bath tubs.
  23. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The gf and I went to Logan's Roadhouse for supper last night, and I think they have amazing ribs. You can't even cut apart the ribs because the meat just falls completely off of the bone and you end up having to just eat it with a fork. Their menu says they slow roast them for 8 hours. How can I do that? I usually smoke my ribs, but they don't turn out as tender and fall-off-the-bone as that. Would smoking them enclosed in an aluminum pan work? Or do I just need to put them in the oven covered with aluminum foil?
  24. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No kidding. Shopping cart would be an upgrade. Roomate Sean hates PT cruisers with passion. It's actually weird how much he hates them considering he doesn't have his liscence yet. I hate them with a passion as well.
  25. KU40

    Stock Market

    You like the makeup, huh? Haha. Hey, whatever makes money. I'm not quite sure what to make of today's action. As I mentioned, CSX, INTC, and JPM all reported good earnings and even decent guidance going forward, yet CSX was the only one to advance today. Kinda worries me that INTC and JPM were red all day, in what was such a good market day. A surprising number of solid companies that I follow were also red today. One thing "experts" say is that once solid companies level off and the junky companies are the ones advancing the market higher, the rally is near its end. There's also talk of QE2, aka quantitative easing, where the Fed buys a bunch of treasury bills in order to pump money into the economy. The talk of this one is on the scale of $500 billion. Some say anticipation of this has been helping to drive the market up the last month, because markets love money input (more spending = +earnings, plus the money infusion essentially lowers interest rates, making borrowing cheaper). Unfortunately this destroys the value of the dollar, which we've also been seeing over the last month. You can thank that for gold being at all time highs and oil being above $80 again. Does anybody follow macroeconomics?