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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Pretty funny flick. Coulda done without the cock shots, though. But the two girls in the movie are super hot, and they have me all worked up now.
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    People will always find a BS excuse to try and stop you from doing something. But my uncle lives by one of those farms and they really are distracting and relatively unpleasant to look at. Before I went to his house I was in the camp that supported them 100% and thought anybody who opposed them was crazy. But having to look at those twirling things everyday would seriously drive me crazy. I hate to say it, trust me. And an oil or natural gas rig is really that much better for its neighbors? I've never been to a commercial wind farm, but I've been to people's houses that have 10kW-sized generators installed and I didn't find it distracting. I guess we don't have to worry about the commercial-sized stuff out here in the East, other than the offshore ones There's a difference between an oil-free society and what's capable now, easily. I don't know enough about chemical engineering and materials science to begin to provide an alternative...but I don't think we should sit idly by and just continue to do things the way they've always been done if we have alternatives that are doable in our own situations, because it's simply what's commonly accepted today.I would rather live by an oil pump, yes. That's just my opinion though. I also don't think one would be distracting. It's when you see 50 of them huge things in a field that you're like.....whoa. I agree about oil-free vs. what's capable. We can and should definitely use this time of rich resource capacity to look for alternative fuels. I wasn't trying to imply that we should sit idly by. I'm a geologist, I know our oil will run out some day. I was just relating our current usage of oil to other materials that humans have been largely dependent on in history. The difference is that we have been using iron for centuries and still have enough for centuries to come, unlike oil. It's a bit of a flash in the pan, but it has been a very bright flash. We just need to take advantage of it instead of take it for granted.
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's it, really. Lots of people hate oil but the truth is that it's used in so many of our daily products that most of those people don't know about. I think it's almost to the point where oil has become a staple to our civilization like iron or concrete. I think it can really singlehandedly be thanked for the massive growth that the world has enjoyed over the last 150 years.
  4. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27098598?GT1=43001 WTF? haha. that would be way weird. What if you got Arnold's arms in his hayday or something? haha. skinny dude and big ol' arms.
  5. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    People will always find a BS excuse to try and stop you from doing something. But my uncle lives by one of those farms and they really are distracting and relatively unpleasant to look at. Before I went to his house I was in the camp that supported them 100% and thought anybody who opposed them was crazy. But having to look at those twirling things everyday would seriously drive me crazy. I hate to say it, trust me.
  6. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Son of a bitch!
  7. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This was another paragraph I intented to type but then all hell broke loose. I think we agree. We just see different sides of it. I agree a bajillion percent. I just don't see much of a difference between him expanding his company and him expanding his lifestyle when it comes to the market place. If he employees 3 people, it's probably better financialy for him. Might get a better return on investment than he would on a porsche. Either way the money goes from him to someone else. when you buy anything you are helping others keep their job. From buying a big bag of bubonic cronic, to buying cement. Someone else lives from what you spent. it's all either goods or services. When you pay an employee, it's just a service. They trade time for dollars. Increasing taxes takes a slice of that money holds it for a while then puts it out. No one would treat a buisness' finance as poorly as our executive branch in the US does. It needs to be cleaned up. I would love a cabin with a fishing lake/pond BTW sounds like a dream come true. That or a Wally power 118. Fair enough. I'm definitely not saying we all need to earn 50k a year. I'm no communist. Nor am I trying to say that anybody shouldn't be able to earn a billion dollars a year. Diversity in incomes is essential IMO. I just don't think people who make that much should complain about being taxed more. This has kinda morphed from the original discussion about higher taxes to the richer, and I want to get back to it for a minute. Not a tax increase, just higher tax bracket. There is the stat that the top 1% pays 80% of the taxes or whatever. Those 1% can see it as bad because they're supporting everybody else. I think the highest tax bracket is 35%, is that right? For middle income, it's 25%. Even if we dropped those highest 1% of income earners down to the same 25%, they'll still be paying like 75% of the overall taxes. That will never change, because their incomes are just so much more. Even if Bill Gates paid 1% taxes, he'd still probably be paying the same amount as 1,000 average people put together.
  8. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't disagree with most of what you said. But my positions are based on my ways of thinking, which is from a cost perspective, not an earnings perspective. That is to say, I think about things in the way of "I have x amount to spend, let me see what I can get for this," not "I want product y, but it's not in my budget. I'm going to ask for a raise so that I can get it." I'm a pretty simple person, I don't demand much other than the necessities of life. I've never been a person who wants to buy that 10 bedroom mansion in orange county, I'd be more happy with a log cabin with a fishing pond in the backyard. If I made a million a year, it wouldn't matter if I got taxed 35% or 45%, because I wouldn't know what to do with either 650,000 or 550,000. I'd give most of it to my parents so that they can start doing what they want in life, which I know wouldn't cost more than 30k a year or something anyways. It's like my dad has told me, people who make 100,000 a year can be just as broke as people who make 30,000 a year. It's all in how you spend. Your example of a rich person renting porsches and having house maids and all could be interpreted in a different way though. Yeah his invested 100k could stimulate the market, but what if he took that 100k and gave 2-3 people a job in his company? And taxes that we all pay go to the government, who is the largest employer in the US. Yeah they misappropriate funds and things, but that's another issue. I also agree about not liking inefficiency, but if everybody worked as hard as they can, an employer may be able to cut one or two jobs in areas that are duplicated. That wouldn't be good either. I agree that people shouldn't be punished for dreaming big and achieving it. But isn't there some price point where their earnings just get excessive?
  9. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Please do. I respect other people's opinions and I think the rest of these people do too. I also have an open mind.
  10. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bullshit. Either way the whole reason behind this argument is stupid. Again, taxing people who try hard to succeed and have "the american dream" deflates that dream. Upward mobility is extremely necessary in our society and if you take it away the net result will be an economic crash that makes the current one look puny. I just say that because I cannot think of any situation where I think I deserve a million dollars a year. I would think of it as a gift. This just comes from my upbringing and seeing my parents work a hard 60 hours a week and make 40k a year from it. The fact that I can use my brain instead of my body to do work is also somewhat of a gift to me, not everybody is naturally equipped to be able to. Yes I have made a lot of good choices that should put me in good positions all my life, more than most people I know. But I would never think I deserve to make 10 times more than they do because of it. Like I said earlier, somebody has to be the trash man. I can't make a ton of money off stock from a company or something without the hard workers in that company doing the work to make the product, likely for 7 dollars an hour. Now I'm all for the american dream, like you say. I just think that's a different issue. I don't see being more heavily taxed as a barrier to overcome. If I make 200k a year and get taxed 33%, then get a raise to 300k a year and get taxed 40%, I'm still making more after the raise.
  11. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm not sure I understand if you were implying that I was jealous of the richer folks? I'm not. That's not why I think it's ok for them to pay more taxes. I just don't think they generally work 10 times harder to get their 10 times pay. If they earned it through businesses it was generally because they were forward thinkers, not because they shoveled more coal out of the mine per day than another guy. Granted this then gets into semantics on how you weigh physical work vs. mental work, but in my 5 years at a tire shop I was more exhausted after every day working there than I am any day at my current desk job making 2.5x the money. But even if you get to the top of the company, you still need those bottom guys or else you'd be doing it. So you can't take them for granted and better realize they're just as important to the company as you are. Not to mention I think you have to look at how much our average person spends vs. how much it takes to live. I just read that the average person makes 32k a year, which puts them into the 25% tax bracket. That's about 8000 per year in taxes. If you want to tax them the same as the rich folks, or even get them close, you'll probably be in the 33% bracket, or almost 11,000 per year. That's 3,000 out of the average person's pocket per year. That's about a whole year's worth of food to me, or 3/4 of a year of rent. But to a person making a million a year, that's a pair of shoes or a suit. If people are already foreclosing on their houses, having to work during retirement, etc., what's it going to be like then? Granted a lot of that was due to stupid people overspending, but that's another issue. All I know is if I made a million dollars a year, I sure as hell wouldn't be complaining about paying an extra 10% in taxes. Maybe that's just me. Although i would mind if that extra taxes went to feeding the lazy bums who think they're too good to work the menial jobs that the illegal immigrants are now working even though they probably dropped out of high school so that they could do drugs all day or sit in their trailer.
  12. KU40

    Fi 15's or ED 15's

    isn't one thread with the same information enough?
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I try to as much as I can, but I live in a townhouse complex so it's not easy to do things or have all the tools necessary, and I only get back home to my dad's shop a couple times a year nowadays since I'm all growed up.
  14. KU40

    Fi 15's or ED 15's

    I'll be the first to admit I haven't used one, but a number of people on this board I respect with regards to their knowledge of amplifiers have voted it down. I trust their opinions as much as my own in this matter. Subs and amps from a company can be of two very different qualities.
  15. KU40

    what would be louder

    sealed and ported are two different beasts. Box requirements differ.
  16. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    stupid shop. Had to get an oil change at 5 after I got off work because I was already 1k miles overdue. I asked the guy if they would do me a favor and pull out one of my spark plugs so I could see the condition they're in. I bought this Explorer 15k miles ago and I have no clue when the last tune up was done (runs ok, just curious). Anyway, immediately the guy says no can't do it. There's one that's easy to get to, I just don't have a deep enough socket. I say ok, and go next door to the grocery store to get a few things. Come back 10 minutes later and everybody is leaving. The shop is supposed to close at 6. Yeah, you seem too busy to check my spark plug. Way to lose the possible tune up business, because now I'm just going to wait until I go home over thanksgiving and use my dad's shop to do it. Oh, but they sure didn't forget to say I needed a new air filter even though A) the guy asked me if I wanted to change it right after I got back from the store, and I walked past them working on my car and they still had it in the air draining the oil. Nobody checks the air filter before draining the oil. and B) I knew it wasn't dirty. When I got home I checked it, and sure enough, it was as clean as it was when I changed the oil myself 3 months ago and checked it. Go after the easy 10 bucks in the air filter instead of the 100 for the tune up. Nice business practice.
  17. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    other than the word whipped, none of those are adjectives.... I don't think it was sexual. I think the girl was just thinking moron, idiot, etc., for mistaking cream cheese for mayo.
  18. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's ok to be bias. feel free to have your opinion. That may be true and it may not. One good thing about our society is that if companies raise prices to make up for losses, people will find the product cheaper from another company, perhaps a smaller, start-up type place. Or mom and pop shop. Which that would be good for us. But if the big company has a large market share or near monopoly that probably wouldn't happen. People would just bitch and moan about it. But really I think it's a decent idea. People who make that much money deserve it, IMO. Are they working a lot harder than you/me to earn 100 times the pay? In 99% of cases, no. But for companies I think it's tough. We don't want to penalize those that expand and grow because that's what the market is all about. But then it's those companies that make that much just by having a huge market share or what have you and gouge the consumer that I hate. I have this thing about always seeing situations from both sides and hardly ever being able to decide which is better. It's a curse. 250k is way too low. Go out and survey what small businesses make and really hard working individuals. When you put your heart and soul into something versus someone who glides by you shouldn't have to pay a tax penalty. These are NOT the people we want to demotivate. The end result will be that everyone suffers as all goods will end up coming from overseas someplace if we demotivate the wrong sector. you may be right about that. 250k is too low. And no I wouldn't want to demotivate people, the last thing I would want is more outsourcing and importing.
  19. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ha you watched that too? I was with my gf flipping channels when it came on. She didn't recommend me getting the surgery, even in a joking manner, which I expected. So I must be ok.
  20. KU40

    Fi 15's or ED 15's

    Anything but the ED. And also don't get the AQ. The orion would be better. What kind of box are these going in? In that smallish car two 15s would be crazy loud no matter what. I'd do two Qs in a sealed box with 1200-1500 watts of power.
  21. KU40

    T1500-1bd Strong enough?

    it would work great.
  22. KU40

    pictures around town..

    oh, now I see. Reading > me. I like the first one. It has nice lines. The 5th one with the waterfall is also awesome, very vivid (and I really like water in streams). But #6 with the tree roots is incredible. It's almost surreal, as if it was computer generated. Great assortment of colors.
  23. KU40

    Verfication of wiring

    What exactly is bridging? Sharing power between channels to add resistance? No, there is no resistance added when bridging. It's just a way to use the power of both channels instead of 1. For instance, if you have a 4 ohm speaker and a 2 channel amp rated at 50 x 2 @ 4 ohms, 100 x 2 @ 2 ohms, and 200 x 1 @ 4 ohms bridged, you could either wire the speaker up to one channel and get 50 watts to it, or bridge the amp and get 200 watts to the speaker.
  24. KU40

    pictures around town..

    your gf jacked up the price on you? man, that's cold.
  25. KU40

    Wire Run .. Why?

    But necessary when dealing with power wire that could start a fire or leave you stranded on the road.