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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I went for about an hour last night, caught by first bass in about 3 months. I was so happy because I had been shut out the last 3-4 times I went to this place. I was starting to think I was an awful fisherman. Well, I still might be. But I'm happier. Although I lost my two favorite lures on something under the water . Must have been rocks, I don't know. And they start stocking a small lake here with rainbow trout in 2 days! So excited to get to eat those again.
  2. KU40

    Shorted out Sub/Amp?..messed somethin up

    not really. there is no voltage comin out of the radio in each case Depends on the head unit. on my alpine the mute button just cuts the output to about 1/5 of what it was before the mute.
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    holy schnikes adrian, that thing is toasted. Good luck with that.
  4. Where in the world did you get the idea that putting two 12s and two 10s in the same vehicle would be a good thing?
  5. KU40

    BL 15 problem

    it may have been an air leak from somewhere around the sub on the mounting baffle and when you took it out and put it back in, it sealed better.
  6. this is the dumbest spam I've ever seen.
  7. oh I guess I glanced over it.
  8. KU40

    Havoc 18 videos

  9. ha, that's why I asked what head unit he has. I just didn't want to mention it right away.
  10. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Does soundstream make good amps anymore? I want a 4 channel that's at least 75 x 4, but not too much money. 250 or less preferably. Maybe Clarion, Pioneer Premier, Kenwood Excelon? I like my Planet Audio a lot actually. But their new amps look weird.
  11. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And that's usually when things really shit the bed Yeah actually I just looked at a history of the Dow in a graph all the way back to the 1920s. damn the 90s were amazing. I didn't realize it, that was the first time I had looked at the full history. You can really see how bloated things got and so quickly, it really shouldn't surprise anybody that this happened. Nor should it really surprise anybody if it dropped another thousand or two. I mean it grew 400% in the last 15 years, that's ridiculous. Maybe a lot due to the internet? You had to figure once the novelty wore off and it truly became a big part of everybody's life that it would have to cool off. Yeah the internet stocks bubble burst a number of years ago, but I'm talking about real industry taking advantage of it. I mean yes this was directly due to bad lending practices and all, but the market has been down all year. Or maybe the internet thing really just was from '00-'02 when he market fell? I don't know.
  12. KU40

    IA Deathrows

    The name sure sounds menacing.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nice And it looks like it's under $3 per gallon at a few places around here http://www.kansasgasprices.com/ And I work and fill up in Topeka, go me! Though the station I fill up at is one of the 2.71 ones. When I first started working there 3.5 months ago my weekly fillups were around $65. Yesterday I filled up for about 45. that was awesome.
  14. KU40

    Verfication of wiring

    no. to bridge you use the negative from one channel and the positive from the other channel. *MAKE SURE AND READ YOU OWNERS MANUAL*
  15. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ??? Left feild? he was referring to my post and the stock market. He was evidently one of the lucky ones that got out before the crash (although it sounds like somewhat of an accident, but who cares really?). And when do you buy is when to buy back into the stock market. A question I have been contemplating myself recently. One would think that this almost has to be the bottom, the Dow is at the same place it was 5 years ago, but really who knows right now. The analysts I've read think it could be 1-2 more months. But we really haven't started feeling any effects from the bailout yet (analysts think that could take a couple weeks too), and it will take, IMO, quite a few months for banks to recover and start lending money again. Which I think that is the point at which the market will begin to rise. Which fits in with my plan, I'd like to buy stock for a christmas present to myself.
  16. KU40

    Wire Run .. Why?

    what'd you do
  17. KU40

    8 Cubes @ 34 hz Pair of 15's- Plexi

    how in the heck do you ship something that big
  18. KU40

    Havoc 18 videos

    see if its worth getting over say 2 jbl gto1502d
  19. he already stated no. What head unit do you have? Can you explain exactly where your grounds are and how you changed them to try and fix it?
  20. KU40

    Need advice on Highs

    You can't run interior speakers on the same amp as the subwoofers. They need their own.
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    on Monday I read a guy in another forum that predicted the DOW would get down to 7500 before it stopped. I think everybody thought he was crazy. But now........ If this isn't a really bad Friday, I can see a normal pessimistic Monday taking it down near there. It seems to always be these last minute things. I think twice this week it has fallen 3-400 points in literally the last minute. Maybe they should create a new temporary rule that cuts off trading at 3:59. I hope none of you are losing your asses in this.
  22. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you have to be lying!
  23. KU40

    to tweet or not to tweet?

    Yeah, don't add any if you already have a component set or coaxials. You don't need more than 2 for the entire front end. Also, crossovers don't restrict power overall. They only do it for the frequencies they are made to attenuate. As far as constantly blowing, I've never heard that at all. If you have a crossover on them there should be no problem. Maybe those people just played them full range?
  24. I didn't know they made Planet Audio stuff. What was the model?
  25. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My cousins and aunt live down there. Do you know Delcambre and New Iberia? I think they're a bit south of you? They talked about Lafayette quite a bit, so maybe it isn't too far.