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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just watched "Pulse" and it was decent. But after it was over I remembered the part in "forgetting sarah marshall" where they're at supper and Russell Brand is talking about how bad her last movie was because it was about people dying through their cell phones. But in real life, Kristen Bell's last big budget film was Pulse, which was basically about people in the cyber network. I wonder if that was just coincidence?
  2. KU40

    Memphis Amp

    my reply was in response to 4runner, who said 8 gauge would work. Yes it would be ok, but 4 gauge would be better. I had forgotten that the OP was deciding between 2 and 4 gauge. 2 gauge would obviously be better, but I don't think it would offer any benefits in this application. Though if he ever planned on adding amps or getting any larger ones in the future, yes 2 gauge would be good to do now just so it would have to be done once.
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    well the KU-texas tech game last week was the same way, just opposite outcomes for me. At least missouri looks more beatable than previously thought.
  4. KU40

    Is 3 12" BLs Better or 3 15" Kicker L7s?

    I question the same thing maybe hes gonna acctualy use his gain........ when people ask will a 2000 watt amp be to big for a 1000 watt sub.. we tell them no.. not if you use it right. it seems MAYBE hes gonnna use his right and have some headroom. bl bl bl bl bl bl bl bl bl bl bl bl bl im glad to see your thinking more along the lines of the bl. and not the btl. why not 2 bl 15's? He still hasn't told us anything about this "sick ass ported box" other than.....it's a "sick ass ported box." How do we know the box they build won't maximize his subs at only 500 watts each? Where's the point in 1500 watts of headroom? Not to mention he noted that he was on a budget in his other thread, so why not buy a single 2000 watt amp that will adequately power them both? Not only will that allow him to save space in his trunk, maybe a little extra money, and plus he could buy a better quality amp than the crunch or other amp he was talking about in his other thread. But hey, just my .02.
  5. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    watching that KU-KState game probably didn't help, eh?
  6. KU40


    I'm there with you. EVERY sub is underrated, apparently. they'll all take twice as much as the manufacturer recommends in any box. "I have a friend with a 3000 watt amp on that funky pup and it takes it all day."
  7. KU40

    Memphis Amp

    where in the world did you hear that from? Not true at all. Nor will bass sound weird off of a stock deck. Run 4 gauge wire. Definitely. You will see less voltage drop to the back and less strain on everything. At a price difference of probably 5 dollars, why not.
  8. hahaha. Maybe you should research who you're talking to before spouting off insults. I've seen a 170 off of a single 10 (that wasn't a solox), so 156, 165, whatever. eh. and......I'm pretty sure there is no fiberboard "specially made" for the solox. any properly built box made with generic 3/4" MDF would sound the same. But you also have to take into consideration what the box that they design will do for your music. If they tune it to 45-50 hz, sure it'll be loud. But it'll sound like crap at anything other than an SPL competition. So you have to ask yourself if you'd rather have 365 days of decent sounding bass or 362 days of crappy sounding bass with 3 good days at soundoff comps thrown in? and if they tune it to something reasonable, like 32 hz, you won't be hitting 165 db, regardless of if they have magic fairy dust wood.
  9. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    "Reeker" is ok. At least it wasn't awful, and there were a few tense moments. But they tried to throw a psychological twist in at the end and it was just confusing and didn't really fit. And the druggie guy was a horrible actor, which brought the whole movie down a peg on its own.
  10. KU40

    Is 3 12" BLs Better or 3 15" Kicker L7s?

    I question the same thing
  11. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Here's my roommate (left), one of our old roommates (middle) doing the male cameltoe, and the other dick-in-a-box member on the right. And here he is with the girl. But she was too modest to wear her costume out . She had it on for like 2 seconds, walked 2 steps out of the bathroom and decided she didn't want to wear it out. I couldn't get a picture in that amount of time without looking like a stalker, so I had to wait until they were ready to leave. Though apparently it was actually a beer wench costume, one of those green ones. She was......hot. Sucks that my pics are a little blurry, but I was kinda in a hurry to take them and I think I need to adjust my settings. And as you can see here, I don't think she is too fond of having her picture taken even in normal settings. The first time I talked to her tonight she had on the costume, and she was like "Hi again, even though this time it's a little awkward." So I think she was pretty uncomfortable in it, even though it really wasn't any more revealing than what she has on here. The skirt wasn't any shorter, it just showed her shoulders a bit (but no cleavage at all, it was conservative).
  12. KU40


    From the album: HT

  13. KU40

    Dick in a box roommates

    From the album: HT

  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oh and my roommate said the girl from last weekend is coming back tonight, dressed as a beer girl with a skimpy skirt. I'm going to try and get pictures
  15. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I rented "Reeker" and "Pulse" as scary movies for tonight and tomorrow. Hopefully they don't suck.
  16. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ha, all three of those were listed in the link I gave. the ants and snails were in the same chain, though, as the one I was talking about with the ants and cows. the parasite went from the cows to the snail to the ant, then back through the cow by walking up the grass. It didn't say how it went between each though. And the crustacean is a crab, and the parasite is a barnacle that makes the male crab dig nesting holes for it. If it latches onto a female, it destroys her reproductive system and then makes her dig too. Both were in that article I just thought it was crazy, I don't think I've heard of it before.
  17. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/200...29/1607282.aspx Pretty crazy. A parasite that breeds in cat poop. The mice eat the cat poop, and the parasite goes to the mouse's brain. Once there, it rewires the brain to make the mouse LIKE cats so that it will go up to them and be eaten. Then the parasite goes back into the cat poop and the cycle starts over. Wicked little thing. Plus it says perhaps 1 in 5 americans are infected with it, and it may cause more traffic accidents and crazy behavior in people. Yikes. The page also talks about a few other parasites like this, like a worm that gets into a cricket and makes it drown itself and a parasite that gets into an ant's brain to make it repeatedly walk up blades of grass so that it will get eaten by cows, where the parasite reproduces. That's some crazy shit. Mind-controlling parasites. Makes me shudder. Plus read the first comment towards the bottom, it's about somebody's family members who love cats, have mental disorders, and purposefully don't clean up after the cats.
  18. that's what I wanted to know, too.
  19. KU40

    Need Subsonic filter for Home theater build.

    oooohhhhhhh. well, I guess discussion is over then.
  20. KU40

    Need Subsonic filter for Home theater build.

    well I really was also addressing that to Shizzzon, who made the thread.
  21. KU40

    Need Subsonic filter for Home theater build.

    you could build a passive subsonic by wiring a few big inductors together. I have never thought about doing that so I'm not sure what it would take.
  22. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have a small man crush on you sir. There is NO accountability on the individual or parent any more in this nation. We spend more on catching some college kid smoking a joint wasting taxes everywhere hemorraging monies in wasted projects because there is no expectation for the average citizen to take care of their own issues. /rant. I agree as well. Many parents don't take care of their kids as they should or raise them properly. This is where some of that "family honor" that's so popular in Asia would come in handy. But here people are too disconnected. Too many pass it off as "kids being kids" or "that's just the way they are" or what have you. They don't realize just how big an influence they are. And IMO, you have to start EARLY. I think a child really forms a lot of his personality between the ages of 2 and 6. If you let them get out of hand in small things then, they get out of hand in bigger things during the teen years and by then a lot of kids have become more close minded about their ways.
  23. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Now THOSE are the girls I'm talkin' about Adrian!
  24. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yep, myself.
  25. KU40

    Trunk porting

    putting a hole there will most likely help with loudness, yes. What kind of problems with the 6x9s do you think might occur? the hole should actually help them because it will release a little more pressure out of the trunk, which puts pressure on the back of the rear speakers. One time a lead fell off of one of my back speakers so the motor wasn't controlling the cone anymore, and the pressure from the sub spidercracked the cone all to heck.