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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I thought the training of the last two days would be nice since I'd get to get out of the office, but man it was torturously boring. One of three guys standing at the front of the room with powerpoint slides for 7 hours each day.
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    sweet looking house, I like the stone features inside. But......holycrapatthatpricetag.
  3. KU40

    possible subs in mind...

    is that 3.5 cubes before or after port and sub displacement? If it's before, a 15 is out the window.
  4. KU40

    Going to order this week, need final thoughts

    Ah okay, its just that I heard 4GA wasn't fitting on some amp terminals or something like that. What is the thing called that monitors your voltage? Capacitor or something? You can cut off a few strands of the power wire to help it fit into the terminal. and that would be called a voltmeter. a capacitor is very different. Some capacitors have voltmeters on them, but that is not a reason to ever buy one. In fact, don't buy one. Instead, look for a larger alternator (since your tercel has a what, 60 amp one on there?) and spend the money on that.
  5. KU40

    hifonics +w7

    I wouldn't run it at .75. If you blow it, you won't get money back out of it to help pay for the new amp later.
  6. KU40

    WOW! this is exciting...

    Welcome. Just make sure to read stickies!
  7. KU40


    I call them cars.
  8. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I thought that was a given since he was running as a Democrat Party affiliation isn't what it used to be. The stereotypes for the two big parties don't always apply. But the Democrats knew what they were doing. Put in a black man and say he'll change everything from what Bush is doing. That's all he would have had to say. He'd get 15% of the vote just from that from all the ignorant people who knew nothing about either candidate but still had to make sure to vote, plus the 45% that the Democratic party would have gotten anyway. I think the "just go vote" mentality that all the national groups, celebrities, sports stars, etc. are telling people is misguiding. They need to change it to "Go learn about the candidates so that your vote is not in ignorance." Too many people these days vote solely on how charismatic a candidate is. Politics are about POLICIES, not smooth talking you at a cocktail party. I think that the 200+ year old terms, democrat and republican, need to be rethought. FYI, the "Republican" party had only been around for ~140 years. but yes, they are getting quite stale. Southern slave owners were only around 140 years ago? Are you sure about that The actual party names of democrat and republican have only been around about that long. Before, they were known by different names. Like the wigs, and........I forget.
  9. KU40

    Sealed box, Common or separate chambers?

    if the sub is already blown and needs a recone.........
  10. x2. Why don't you mount the speakers on the outside of the car, that'll help being heard from a distance. It was a better post, but goals are still misguided.
  11. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    apparent inner city girl on the Kansas City news talking about expectations of her and her peers (I assume expectations from the students themselves, not from the teachers/parents/etc): "The guys here are expected to barely graduate if at all, and the girls are basically expected to just pop out babies."
  12. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    it's raining, that makes me happy . And the anticipation of getting some as soon as my gf gets over here in a few.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    anyways, I'm really tired of politics. I've never talked this much about them in my life, and I really don't enjoy it at all. Politics just make me angry. I'm so glad elections are over and I really want to stop talking about it all.
  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's really what it needs to be. Just. Be. Honest. It's really not hard and makes nearly everything so much easier, and being honest will never snowball. Not to mention the huge lift off of your shoulders from not having to carry around a huge load of bullshit everywhere you go and everyday.
  15. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I thought that was a given since he was running as a Democrat Party affiliation isn't what it used to be. The stereotypes for the two big parties don't always apply. But the Democrats knew what they were doing. Put in a black man and say he'll change everything from what Bush is doing. That's all he would have had to say. He'd get 15% of the vote just from that from all the ignorant people who knew nothing about either candidate but still had to make sure to vote, plus the 45% that the Democratic party would have gotten anyway. I think the "just go vote" mentality that all the national groups, celebrities, sports stars, etc. are telling people is misguiding. They need to change it to "Go learn about the candidates so that your vote is not in ignorance." Too many people these days vote solely on how charismatic a candidate is. Politics are about POLICIES, not smooth talking you at a cocktail party.
  16. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I agree. So much tip-toeing around things. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
  17. KU40

    Opinions on sub and amp

    individual frequencies, aka one note.
  18. KU40


    oohhhhh yeah. I'm retarded once in a while. As a kid I watched back to the future and thought the front said GMC. And even though I've read a ton of articles and watched tv programs about the delorean, it still snuck back in. But GMC does make a crossover.
  19. KU40


    Speculation obviously, since you used the word "probably." I'd also love to see you find a farmer anywhere in the US that uses a toyota or honda truck, let alone one that's 15 years old, which a large percentage of farmers use trucks older than that. I say farmers because those are people that use the trucks everyday for purposes they are designed for. Not to mention that problems 15 years out are at least 95% dependent on how the vehicle was treated for the first 15. People who buy toyotas, hondas, etc., drive on the highway. People who buy ford and chevy actually have work to do.
  20. KU40


    What about the Delorean?
  21. KU40


    no, i'm not in denial. Which I realize that saying I'm not in denial actually means I'm in denial of being in denial. But I will admit to being in denial about being in denial, not about being in denial that Obama being called the "chosen one" has anything to do with anything meaningful in your context.
  22. KU40


    this is retarded. but Jim I still like your smilies
  23. KU40


    there wasn't any.
  24. KU40


    maybe it has something less sinister about it. Like......he was chosen by the american people to be the next president? McCain would have also been the chosen one had he won.
  25. KU40


    ignorance is bliss huh? have u ever met a muslim? i bet u couldn't tell the difference between a black christian and black muslim just by looking at them. or a arab and a indian? your intolerance is amazing! yours is.. wow.