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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Did I make a mistake with the 15" BL's?

    seal the trunk off behind the front baffle of the box. aka- don't let the waves back into the trunk.
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    put skiis on the front and traks on the rear?
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Tooting your own horn, eh? Is that allowed? the real question should be; Is That Legal? I'm confused...... Tooting....horn...sexual euphemism... well I actually meant it as advertising his own thread in here as it seems he is proud/amused by it. Which it is funny, I'm just busting his chops for telling everyone in here to go see his thread
  4. KU40

    2 15" L7

    Either will amplify the signal to the subwoofers.
  5. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Tooting your own horn, eh? Is that allowed?
  6. KU40

    Throw a few subs at me!

    I have signatures turned off. That bandpass box is probably 98% of your problem. Before spending the coin on the new sub, build a sealed box for the JBL. Even if you want to switch to a different sub after trying it out, you can still use the sealed box you build for the new sub.
  7. KU40


    Anything's possible. As has been said, some of what having the windows down helps is cancellation. Cancellation can be frequency-specific.
  8. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Coooooookie Crisp. Man why isn't that commercial on anymore? Now all we get are drugs.
  9. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well today is sure to be a very long and boring day at work.
  10. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    verizon is taking over alltel, we will start getting all the new phones and stuff january 2009. cant wait to see how it turns out I actually said that. Make sure to get your quotes correct.
  11. KU40

    Pictures of my Explorer ..All kicker....

    Actually either of those are theoretically supposed to gain 3 db. Do them both and you get 6 db. But......that's theoretical. Real world almost never works that way.
  12. KU40

    Bass is nothing like it should be

    VERY vehicle and install dependent.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    and I just remembered as I was putting my check into the verizon envelope that it's not a security envelope. why send out a plain white return envelope when you know that anybody who uses it is going to be putting a check into it? also dumb. Just for that I hope they like the extra piece of paper I stuck in there to cover the account number on my check. That's what they get.
  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    and the farm doesn't like verizon?
  15. KU40

    Bass is nothing like it should be

    if your box is tuned to 32 hz, 25 hz on the subsonic should work. Have to remember that the crossover point isn't the point at which the level starts to decline, it's already the -3db level. As for the box facing debate, I just say try it. In my old car I had a large box like that and I tested both ways and decided on front firing. Another guy with a car like mine who competed said he was in the same boat and found that front firing yielded higher on the mic for him. I never got mind metered. It sounded basically the same, but there may have been a hint more with it front firing.
  16. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Seriously? That was one of my favorite games. darn right. played for 2 hours last night, until I wandered a little too far and ran into a Wolflord, who killed me. Luckily you get respawned! A coworker said it's basically the same as Final Fantasy, which I have never played (any of the, what......11 they have now or something?). Both made by the same Japanese company. Maybe I'll have to try out FF if they are similar. I didn't know they were making Dragon Warrior still, but apparently a new one is coming out next year. But for PS3, which I don't have.
  17. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27766333/ Um......shit. Give those deck hands machine guns. Kill those damn pirates.
  18. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't like Alltell, why not switch to Verizon? I've always had good luck with them, and my LG phone lasts 4-5 days on a charge and it's.......3+ years old. The only thing I will bitch about them is that they put the amount of the bill right next to their return address, and it shows through the envelope window. Fucking brilliant! Let's just let everybody who sees this envelope know exactly how much money is inside so that they can determine if it's worth ripping off or not.
  19. KU40

    Bass is nothing like it should be

    Try turning your box around and firing it into the cabin. In that case it would be even better if you could seal off the trunk behind the front baffle with some extra wood or the like. The box may be acting as a barrier in itself for the sound because it's so large.
  20. What amplifier is it? Assuming it's 2 ohm stable in stereo, you could wire your two rear speakers in parallel and hook them up to one channel, then run your two front speakers in series and wire them to the other channel. That's a very crazy way to do things, but.....it'll work. Head units don't like to be bridged or run below 4 ohms per channel.
  21. it is fine to do so. I have been running mine attached to my sub box for 3 years.
  22. KU40

    Pictures of my Explorer ..All kicker....

    The RMS alone has no bearing on how loud a sub will be. Hypothetically, if you have a 150 watt RMS speaker which was 91 db efficient and put 150 watts on it and a 300 watt RMS speaker that was 87 db efficient and put 300 watts on it, which would be louder? Comp's are 89 dB efficient and 20 mm of xmax, and CompVR's are 86 dB efficient and 26 mm of xmax. They are built to be a better woofer, that is enclosure and install dependent, but theoretically a better woofer. xmax is just like the RMS number. It has little bearing on how loud a sub will be. Look at PA woofers. They have maybe 4 mm of xmax. Yeah they can't normally dig as low, but in the 45-80 hz range they're crazy loud. They also typically have efficiencies of 95+ db. I wasn't trying to say that his new setup wouldn't be louder. I'm just saying be careful about thinking every sub with a higher RMS rating (or xmax) will be louder than what you have. Typically larger subs (in terms of motor size for power handling) are less efficient. I don't know about these two subs, I haven't looked them up. I'm just saying in general. But you also hinted to it. You said Comps (150 RMS) are 89 db efficient and the comp vr's are 86 db efficient. That means you'll likely have to dump twice as much power into it to make them just as loud as the comps. Efficiency isn't the ONLY number to look at, either, but it will give you a better idea than xmax or RMS ratings ever will (provided the numbers are measured in the same way).