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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Reconing an hx2 for home use?

    What's that? A new monster sub?
  2. chances are about 50% that it'll blow within a year. It used to be about every other day that I'd hear of somebody smoking an AB amp. I don't pay attention to them anymore.
  3. KU40

    3 sealed FiQ12's

    looks nice
  4. KU40

    HT Sub

    that box won't require polyfill. I had that sub in 3.8 cubes in my car and it sounded outstanding. You can try it, but you wouldn't need it to make the box seem larger is my point. I don't think it has any affect on power handling since it's the airspace inside the box that acts as the "spring" to control the cone. The polyfill just acts on the sound waves after they've already been produced by the sub.
  5. tune it to what you think sounds good. What does he mean the headunit's crossovers are usually set in the wrong place? If the headunit has crossovers, you can adjust them. So I don't know how they can be set wrong if you set them?
  6. KU40

    Will I kill my BL's ?

    You have to take those stories with a grain of salt. Unless they clamp the amp, there is no way to tell what the amp is actually putting out. They could put a 5000 watt amp on a sub, but you have NO idea what power is actually going to the sub just by looking and listening. There may only be 1000 watts going to it, but people think it handles so much more because of the amp's size and they figure they're using all of it. I'm not questioning either brand or their ability to handle power. But many times the power handling is actually limited by the box, not the actual coil on the sub.
  7. You won't hear that extra couple hundred watts when you're already around 2000. Plus if you build your enclosure a little larger you can still hit the mechanical limits of the sub with a lower powered amplifier.
  8. KU40

    Reconing an hx2 for home use?

    that amp is definitely not crap. I have it's little brother, the 500 watter, and it's great.
  9. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my head keeps bobbin as I'm going through threads on here. haha. man I need to go to sleep.
  10. KU40

    4 15's or 2 18's

    your head unit will have two power leads, one that's on all the time, even when the car is off, to save settings and things. The other is only powered when the vehicle is turned on. You can tap that second one for a remote if you want. A switch is ok, but can be a pain. and what if you forget to turn if off one night?
  11. To answer the question, it's impossible to tell whether you'll gain anything from bracing. Every box is different as to its needs for bracing and whether or not the meter will tell a difference. Bracing never hurts, though.
  12. KU40

    Bandpass subwoofer in home audio?

    I was thinking the same thing. Usually people build sealed boxes or really low tuned boxes (like 15-20 hz).
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    heh, I was just outside and thought "holy crap, it's freakin' cold" .... 51* x2 52
  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    There's a guy in my hometown that's owned like 3-4 business in the last 20 years, and they've all burnt down. When he opened a new place a couple years ago we joked about making a pool for how long this one would survive before it burns. I don't think it has yet, but it may have also closed already.
  15. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    a capacitor ryan1?
  16. KU40

    Help with speakers

    if the fuzzy sound is on all of the speakers, it's most likely not their fault. Check the grounds and RCAs.
  17. tuning to 15-20 hz in a vehicle isn't overly practical, especially with the small space you have since a tune that low will require a long port which displaces a lot. also, tuning that low is hardly any different than just running sealed. You won't automatically blow your sub if you don't have a subsonic filter on a ported box. There aren't very many songs that have sub-30 hz bass notes that would be below your tuning. You just have to realize when there are so that you can turn it down a tad and avoid overexcursion. I went without a SSF on my ported box for about 5 years with no problems. You just have to be smart about it. With that said, it depends on what your definition of "deeper" is. Since most music doesn't get lower than 30 hz, as I mentioned, and a ported box usually exaggerates the 30-40 hz range, a ported box is often seen to sound "deeper." But if you actually want to play 15 hz notes, go sealed. Below 25 hz or so the sealed box will be louder. Hmm, feel like I've written this a time or two today.
  18. KU40

    Ever have a Kidney Stone???

    what causes such things?
  19. KU40

    Havoc 12" ported or 15" sealed?

    false. smaller drivers play no "faster" than larger ones. IMO, it really depends on the kind of sound you want. The ported 12 may get a tad louder and the low stuff from 30-40 hz will be increased from the sealed 15. But the sealed 15 will have a more even frequency response and will be able to play louder from around 25 hz and down.
  20. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    time for pancakes and eggs, my weekend tradition.
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    of course, 2 minutes after I get out there to put the new amp in the cold front comes through. Dropped from 58 to 40 in about 12 seconds. Luckily it was a fast install. and I have bass again, so I'm happy
  22. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    wow it's 58 degrees outside right now. at 9am! with like 89 mph winds. But a cold front is just about to move through and make the temp like 30 degrees by late this afternoon with possible freezing rain. I better go put my other amp in real fast before that happens.
  23. KU40

    Reconing an hx2 for home use?

    I'm most familiar with partsexpress.com.
  24. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How much? shoot, I don't know. Maybe $20 plus shipping each? Not really sure how much blown amps go for. But to me they're pretty much paperweights right now.
  25. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    IMO, Wii is overhyped and not really that awesome after the initial bit wears off. Not that the Xbox is much better.