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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    car losing power with volume all the way up

    why would he turn the subsonic filter all the way up?
  2. The damage is probably more than just a broken connection. That mosfet is more than likely blown as well.
  3. KU40

    Recone a Hyfonics Goliath

    So they just want to sell you the product and be done with it. Nice customer service.
  4. Do you have a large voltage drop? What do you have for a charging system?
  5. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://www.menshealth.com/mhlists/be_fit/ Are you in shape? I figure I could do the 1.5 miles in 10 minutes, touch the rim (helped by my height, my vertical is probably only about 25", which is "ordinary"), do 40 pushups, "measure up," and toss a basketball 75 feet. I could also probably run 300 yards under 1 minute and maybe leg press 2.25x my weight. I'm not a very efficient swimmer and I've never even attempted anything close to 700 yards. I also can't touch my toes anymore, and can only bench 1.2x my body weight.
  6. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Had an eye appointment with a new doctor just now, and I go in there and tell them that after a while my eyes get dry and itchy. They asked how long I kept the same contacts, I said two months. She said "two weeks?" no, two months. Then she told me that the contacts I have are only meant for two week use, which is why they get bad after a month or so. haha, oops. I coulda sworn my last doctor told me two months. hmm. Well I guess that solves that problem! I never saw the doctor with my contacts in, but the fuzzy image of her sure looked a lot like Liv Tyler. I think it's a requirement for women eye doctors to be thin and attractive. I've never seen an unattractive one.
  7. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That reminds me- the other day I was changing a rear back-up light in my Explorer, and I pull the bulb out of its housing and all this water comes gushing out of the housing. I look at the bulb and it's full of water. hmm, interesting.
  8. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    shooting bad guys top. Though there is always the concern that that kind of response will garner a more forceful rebellion from criminals.
  9. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hey we will get paid, yay. At least we're not California. Our $200 million deficit pales in comparison to their........get ready for it.........$40 BILLION! Nice job, Ahnald. no wonder he's been on TV the last few months pleading for people to visit CA. wow, I think ours is only a couple billion I don't know if you guys have heard/read about our situation, but they seriously cut funding for education to try to balance the budget here. I believe the cut was in the 100 million range for FY09. That brings state funding dollars per student back to 1989 levels (not adjusted for inflation). Had an email the other day listing four or five programs that our state was cutting funding to first in order to help the problem, and they were all things like sex education, unplanned pregnancy organizations, helping single mothers, etc.
  10. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I heard on the radio yesterday that there was an outbreak of armed robberies at convenience stores in Atlanta a while back. The police decided to take drastic measures to try and curb the problem. They put in one-way mirrors and a little safety room with an armed guard in it. If an armed robber came in, the guard came out and gave one command to drop the gun and give it up. If the robber didn't heed the warning he got blasted. They brought this up because I think Palm Springs is having a similar problem, but they don't want to go as far as armed guards. Too bad. Sounds like a good solution to me. Instead they just installed more security cameras. Crazy I tell you. Let's try to persuade an arm robber that it's not okay to shoot somebody and rob a bank. Or maybe he will get camera-shy when he sees the number of cameras and drops his gun. Oh, I forgot to mention that the tactics used by the police in Atlanta dropped the armed robberies to nearly 0 real quick. Let's see how Palm Springs does........
  11. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I agree. I honestly can't go a day without seeing a headline that says "Worst crisis since (enter year)," "Economists expect it to stay bad until at least the middle of this year," "Experts say the economy won't be back until 2015." Maybe if the media stopped playing Chicken Little, things may get better sooner.
  12. KU40

    car losing power with volume all the way up

    Electrical can't keep up, simple as that. The voltage is dipping too low and electronics shut off due to undervoltage protection. Lots of things will get ruined in short order if you continue to do that. Beef up the charging system before doing it again.
  13. KU40

    Hooking up two amps to one sub

    Yeah, I figured he wanted to use two different model amps and the other was 500 watts or so. That's why I recommended just using the one Profile.
  14. KU40


    Nice work? Are you implying that he made it with his sister? haha
  15. KU40

    Quad Stacked Magnet

    There's hardly a reason to go with 4 or more slugs, most subs don't need more than one. But people think that 3 or 4 means a better sub, so the companies put it in. It can be a marketing thing. Or a cost thing, as Denim pointed out.
  16. KU40

    Just for duran!!!

    What? Who would do that? That's stupid.
  17. KU40

    Just for duran!!!

    wow I didn't know people still had ICQ or if it was still operational. I haven't heard anything about it in probably 8 years. I had it about.......10 years ago. It was all the rage in middle/early high school, people would be asking "are you going to be on ICQ tonight?"
  18. KU40

    Sealed subs to use?

    I say two SSA Icons sealed.
  19. KU40

    just ordered 2 15" Q's dual 1 ohm

    is that 5.6-6.2 cubes before or after displacement? IMO, you're going to need at least 70 sq. inches of port. If that 5.6 cubes is before displacement or you can't give them enough port, I'd go sealed.
  20. KU40

    detailed this weekend

    A drop? oh no. You need to put some 285/70s on it, maybe even 305/70s. It looks boss with those (dad has one).
  21. Just go to your local shop and listen to some. Honestly there aren't a ton of high end 4x6s. If you really want better, look into putting a 6.5" component set in your doors.
  22. I imagine you'll want another battery. But as abxx said, may as well test it out first.
  23. Maybe you should fox them! Sorry, that wasn't helpful.