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SSA Round Table Member
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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Now we have some competition when sports seasons come around
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Good work!
  3. KU40

    Dad Life !

    Playin' rough, fixin' stuff. haha
  4. KU40

    Box building help

    Smaller boxes allow you to use more power because of higher mechanical power handling. Aero ports give a little better airflow. But whether a tuning frequency of 50 hz will be better or worse, I can't tell you. Some vehicles do well in the 40s, some higher.
  5. KU40

    My Sub Fades In and Out (what is it)?

    Gain setting doesn't mean power setting. Just because the gain is at half doesn't mean you're only getting half power from the amp. You are likely getting full power from it, and it's possible to be well into clipping with half gain as well. As a matter of fact, the JL 1000/1 uses a regulated output IIRC, which means you are getting 1000 watts no matter what. They don't underrate those by much, 1100 watts maybe.
  6. KU40

    help with box. 18 btl

    You should have gotten a 15", or two 12s would also probably work.
  7. KU40

    Box building help

    Tuning higher will likely increase your score. Assuming you're tuned somewhere in the 30s now.
  8. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Yeah my gym was super packed yesterday also, maybe the busiest I've ever seen it. It kinda sucked. When I was doing the roman chair, as you call it, a guy came and stood right in front of me and did some bent over exercise so I got to look at his ass every time I came up. WTF. There was of room to the side. I'm almost to 190 lbs. My arms are now 15.5", by far the biggest they've ever been. A year ago they were only 14" or so. I've been 178-185 lbs for the last 5 years. Finally getting a little more on. But I'm 6'3" and have a super wide frame, so I have a lot to fill in.
  9. KU40

    SAX-100.4 Only 1 Channel works?

    Run a new speaker wire just hanging loosely from channel 2 to a new speaker, maybe that you have lying around. See if it works. If it does, then hook that wire up to your passenger side speaker and see if it works. If it does, your passenger side speaker wire is the problem. If it works on the loose speaker but not the installed passenger speaker, the speaker is the problem.
  10. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Today I did: Seated high row Seated dumbbell curls Front and side shoulder raises w. dumbbells Low row Preacher Curls Overhand grip curls on cable machine I'm not sure of the name, but you're standing inclined forward being held by feet and legs in a stand, then bend down and back up while holding a weight (lower back exercise) Upright ab stand Ab exercise laying on bench press bench and lifting straight legs to each side where the weights added to the bench press bar are 3 miles on stationary bike 10 minutes of jump rope
  11. 1) Not necessarily. One amp at 80% efficiency is exactly the same as two amps at 80% efficiency. 2) Not double. You can still do one run of 1/0 or similar to the back, then use a distribution block to go to the two amps. All you'd need is an extra couple feet of each wire. 3) No. If you strap amps, you only use one amp as the master, and that controls the output of both amps. Thus only one bass knob is needed. SAZ-2000 and SAZ-2500s both do optimum power at 1 ohm. Cut it in half (or 1000-1500) for a 2 ohm load.
  12. Hmm, this is hard. Either my old Rockford 250a2, because you could hook up anything to it and it would play, and was quite underrated, a Memphis ST-1000D back when they were chrome, because it was my first big, class D, 1000 watt amp, or else my new Sundown SAE1200D v.2, just because it seems so solid and outperforms the amp it replaced so well. I also had one of those old Kenwood KDC amps, it was my first amp 10 years ago. I think it was only like 150 watts RMS, and I smoked my bandpassed Alpine sub with it. Sold it to a friend and he hooked it up and set it inside his center console. Never gave up despite the abuse.
  13. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Although they do have their limits. Last week a guy was shrugging a ton on the smith machine, something like 500 lbs, and I think one of his straps broke. Haha. I took a rest day yesterday. My calves were and still are pretty sore from killing them on Sunday. But they just seem so small. I kinda have chicken legs so I was trying to work them pretty hard.
  14. You could strap two 1000-1500 watt @ 1 ohm amplifiers, like the Sundown SAZ-1000D, etc. What is your price range?
  15. KU40

    4 fi q 12s ported or 6 sealed

    oh, my bad i glanced over the "ported on 6k" and though it was either 4 ported or 6 sealed on 9k.
  16. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Get some straps. I've seen guys use them on the smith machine for doing shrugs. They wrap around your wrist, then around the bar a couple times. That way the wrapped strap carries most of the weight and puts it on the top of your hand, where the increased size over your wrist holds it up. I've seen some people use them on the pullup bar too.
  17. KU40

    my subs sound like poo

    Uh, you need to have those on. lowpass at 80, subsonic at 33-35 with that tuning frequency. Try that.
  18. KU40

    my subs sound like poo

    Are the subs unloading? Is that the terrible sound you are hearing? It will be sort of a hollow, farty sound, coupled with the subs moving a lot. Is a subsonic filter on the amp set? Where is the highpass filter set? Any crossovers on the head unit? What outputs for the RCAs are you using on the head unit? Going from 38 to 33 hz would definitely be noticeable. and having the sub close to the port is not the issue. You say the subs are right behind the seat, do they hit the back of the seats?
  19. KU40

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    I guess I forgot to put up my workout yesterday. maybe I'll start naming off my lifts like everybody else does. Though I'm not sure of all the names. Yesterday I did: barbell chest press tricep pulldown military press with barbell decline bench tricep kickbacks seated fly over-the-head tricep extension ab work 5 miles on stationary bike. Does anybody know the gear ratios on those? Like if I do 5 miles on there, how would that number of total revolutions translate to being on the road in a high gear cruising along? Today i did: Squat Leg extension seated leg curl calf raises with both standing and sitting machines hack squat light 45* leg press light ab work 30 pushups ran 1.5 miles
  20. KU40

    2 ohms or 4 ohms? Easy Question...

    No, the impedance will fluctuate. Resistance stays the same (unless/until heat from playing affects the voice coil and raises resistance a little). When you wired to 2 ohms, you wired the voice coils together. Thus making effectively one voice coil, which is 2 ohms.
  21. KU40

    sae 1200d v.2 bass knob

    Hope it wasn't stolen
  22. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's a hell of a return in one day. My boss told me a similar story about his very first day of being in the stock market when he hit a jackpot and gained $2500 on a stock that he bought and sold that same day. I almost had a story like that. In the span of a week one of my stocks went up 1000%. But I was too excited to sell. I don't think it was a lot of greed, I just was naive about how fast it could fall back and I thought that with the good news that came out it would be sustained at that high level until more news came out and it would go up more, etc. I had only been in stocks for 6-8 months. Well in the next week it dropped as fast as it went up and I sold with the price "just" twice what I paid after I read up more and realized what was going on. Still a great return, but learned a lesson as well. It's just too bad that I'll likely never get to apply that knowledge because that kind of luck certainly doesn't happen often and probably won't for me ever again due to a change in investment strategy.
  23. KU40

    I fuckin miss NY

    You're just maturing. Teenagers and young 20-somethings take things for granted. Basically everything, in fact. It's easy to get comfortable and used to a nice place growing up, so much so that you don't realize how nice it is and how sucky parts of the rest of the world (or even the bad side of town if you have to live there) are. Those are just the things kids grow up with, so they don't think they'll change. Plus, yeah, your're stuck in a bit of a shithole so bad winters or whatever else don't seem so bad anymore, just to be in a familiar place.
  24. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Man, that's cold.
  25. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Whoops. I is retard.