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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Actually I think I'm going to make some bbq meatballs if my beef is thawed out.
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    winner winner chicken dinner
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just noticed that I'm a "power member." haha
  4. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Watched a St. Patrick's day parade for nearly 2 hours today at work. My boss was watching with us most of the time so it was ok . Our office is on the 4th floor of our building and a coworker brought over binoculars "for security purposes." Yeah right. After 2 minutes he was scoping out chicks. We found a super hot 30 or so MILF sitting on the back of a truck. Her legs were even open the whole time, as she was sitting on the side rail against the cab, one leg down into the bed and the other on the side rail. And she had a shirt that said something like "give it to me green." We were like yeah, we all know what kind of girl she is. Too far away for camera, though.
  5. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    no +1 for sharing, way to be a douche bag i was sharing the music! and i can only fit so many people in my car. we even tried squeezing the sub that i had when teh fire drill went off in my car! he threatened my friend that if he didn't gtfo he was gonna tell the real teacher that he was swearing, cheating, throwing chit (yes he said chit), punched a whole in teh wall (the sub accidently put a hole in the wall during class =]). but then the fire drill was over in the middle of his sentence you really think all those people not inside your car really wanted to hear your music? I realllly don't like hearing other peoples music. I can deal with it in traffic when the person is passing by without to much of a problem, but when the vehicle is stationary and I can't move out of the range of hearing its a pain in the ass. I don't like other people hearing my music. That's because you'd feel embarrassed if anybody heard your Celine Dion, wouldn't you? hehe
  6. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    no +1 for sharing, way to be a douche bag i was sharing the music! and i can only fit so many people in my car. we even tried squeezing the sub that i had when teh fire drill went off in my car! he threatened my friend that if he didn't gtfo he was gonna tell the real teacher that he was swearing, cheating, throwing chit (yes he said chit), punched a whole in teh wall (the sub accidently put a hole in the wall during class =]). but then the fire drill was over in the middle of his sentence you really think all those people not inside your car really wanted to hear your music? I realllly don't like hearing other peoples music. I can deal with it in traffic when the person is passing by without to much of a problem, but when the vehicle is stationary and I can't move out of the range of hearing its a pain in the ass. I don't like other people hearing my music. Plus I'm sure those "jealous fingers" weren't that at all, but rather "turn it down, idiot" fingers.
  7. KU40

    Did I blow my subs?

    is the rattle coming from the sub itself or the metal parts of the trunk vibrating? and missing a couple of coils? haha. I doubt they're missing from your subs.
  8. KU40

    newb from kansas

    oh whoops I just reread it and figured out my mistake before I even saw your post, which confirmed it. Anyways, if you have the space, two will be louder. Twice the displacement and less power compression on the subs.
  9. KU40

    15" Fi Bl setup

    wait first you say port area = 55, then you say square port volume = 55. I assume you meant area instead of volume. You say the port is 4" wide, I assume it goes as high as the internal of the box (13.5")? I'd assume a speaker displacement of about .15, which brings your 3.97 down to about 3.8 cubes after all displacements. Then, a 4" x 13.5" port that's 8" long makes the box tuned to........43 hz. But you also say that you haven't played with the amp settings at all? That's a HUGE part of it. You have to set the crossover and gain at least. Plus since you only used 5/8" wood I imagine you're getting a significant amount of flex. You'll need to brace that box.
  10. I used to love Crossfire but they have soured the taste in my mouth after I blew 3 amps in 5 years- two BMF1000D's and a VR404. First 1000D blew mosfets but I did buy it used from an SPL competitor so I gave it the benefit of the doubt. Second one I never really figured out what was wrong, had some blackness around some resistors and small caps in the middle of the board. Though that one blew after a loud pop in all my speakers right as I started my car. I'm thinking I may have had a big static discharge through the system or something. My other amp (a kenwood) was fine though. and the 404 I don't think I could tell what was wrong. It may have been damaged from vibrations, I don't know. But again, other amps mounted at the same place at the same time survived. I really liked the BMF when it was working though. Rated at 1000 but measured 1250 in a review, and was priced well. So it really sours my day that I have to not like them anymore.
  11. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

  12. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You mean h/u's? Indeed.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was dating a 24 year old when I was 15 so don't worry about it. That's wild. But I have to wonder what kind of a girl would do that? One that had no idea how old I was. Actually started seeing her when I was 14, but didn't hit gold until 15. Ha I thought that might be the case. So you were hittin' a mature-bodied twenty-something at 15. niiiiiiice.
  14. KU40

    15" Fi Bl setup

    how long is your port? Is your "volume before displacement" number before both port and sub displacement? What are your box dimensions? One of those numbers is not right. I've been plugging the numbers into winISD for 5 minutes and can't get a scenario where that port area with that tune will work with that size box if it's before all sub and port displacement. The port is prohibitively large every time.
  15. KU40

    newb from kansas

    Why would you want to put 6000 on either of those subs? That's three times what they're rated for.
  16. KU40

    How to make/set crossover

    what speakers are they? That sounds fine to me. the 3.5s won't play much midbass anyways, they just don't have the displacement to be heard.
  17. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh and Sean wasn't it you that had a bunch of receivers? Any cheap ones left?
  18. KU40

    How to make/set crossover

    www.bcae1.com. on the right go to number 91.
  19. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was dating a 24 year old when I was 15 so don't worry about it. That's wild. But I have to wonder what kind of a girl would do that?
  20. KU40

    I messed up my port...

    Kinda need to know the size of the box.
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Watched "Quarantine" the other night. It was pretty frightful. The ending kinda sucked, though, and it was a bit short. There were a couple of times that I thought were unrealistic to a point that it detracted from the movie. They were the parts where somebody was trying to open a door in front of them and the cameraman would turn around and see something coming after him, then he'd turn back around and watch the person fiddle with the keys trying to open the door for like a whole 5 seconds, and you just think man, there's no way it took that long for the chasing thing to get there, the cameraman would be dead by now. Plus most of the attacks were very predictable. But it had good effects and gore and enough strange things to make it overall still scary. Tonight we watched "Role Models." That show is real funny.
  22. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    now this I have to hear long story short....i was responding to a fight call, the rear of the car stepped out, i overcorrected,(i think that's what happened) and at about 50mph (slowed down from about 90) i launched the charger about 15 ft down into a creek. it didn't swim very well, i got a concussion. no airbags deployed..and the charger has no front end. i've got cell phone pics that i'll eventually gt uploaded. and that's the just of the story, lol... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Sorry to hear about that. What was with the airbags not deploying? Did you get in trouble from your chief or do they normally understand that accidents happen in that line of work?
  23. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Indeed. Jonas Brothers are tools
  24. KU40

    Weird sounds help!

    Check for air leaks on the box. Check twice.
  25. KU40

    12" flatlyne mounting

    That's fine.