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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My left tricep has been twitching ever since I did my last workout, which I think was Friday. 4-5 times a day it'll twitch for a few minutes. wtf.
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'll be there Monday night Well shit, I'm back in Manhattan right now. And I'm in Wichita. God damn the food choices here are terrible. Well shit... But yea, have to agree with you on those food choices. When you headed back to the great white north? Thursday to Lawrence, Friday to MSP Are you going to eat here in Lawrence? Need suggestions on any type of food?
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    For real? dammit man.
  4. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    BBQ in Kansas >> all I'm not so sure about that one... Of course I've never been to Kansas Kansas City is the home of barbecue! Didn't you know that?
  5. KU40

    time to lose weight.

    See if you can't get your lady friend on your side. Explain your goals and strategies to her (I'm sure you probably already have) so that she won't go out and buy reeces pieces and things. These types of things are a lot easier when you have somebody in your corner, and honestly her actions are counterproductive. It'll be a bit tough on her too since I'm sure she does those things to try and make you happy since you used to like them so much, but let her know that you're changing and you have new things that would make you happy, like if she'd eat salmon patties with you.
  6. Well just remember that the fuse is there to protect the individual wire that it's on. So it doesn't matter if they are two different size fuses because the two wires are different size. Also, you should keep your stock wire there and just add the second one.
  7. KU40

    Arsenal 10"s failing??

    Reading posts by that Rover guy on there is annoying because he used "d" instead of "the" all the time.
  8. KU40

    (1) 15" vs (2) 12" Nightshades

    I'd also say save your money if you're happy enough. No reason to change arbitrarily.
  9. KU40

    What's the best way to tune an Amp...

    infrasonic is the same thing as subsonic. So you'll want to set it to 25 hz or so.
  10. KU40


    Kinda strange that they don't double output when linked. Where does the other 500 watts go? But if they give about 1k per sub, that'll work. Also, I merged your threads.
  11. KU40

    My BAD thread

    dump that hoe and get with the blond. for sure. End.
  12. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wasn't very hungry after I got home from my 3 hours of basketball playing so all I ate for supper was a salad, an apple, and yogurt. I think this may have been the first time in my life that I didn't have any meat for supper.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    haha that parking job was funny peng. I coulda parked my Explorer in there without any problems.
  14. KU40

    My BAD thread

    You seem like a nice guy that keeps getting stepped on. You gotta stand up and say screw it. Change the locks on your house if you have to, seriously call the police if she tries getting in or whatever. If she has stuff at your house, tell her to move it or else you're putting it on the lawn. Then do it. Drop that girl, man. That's not love.
  15. KU40

    My BAD thread

    I agree, this girl sounds like poison. I know it sucks to seem to have wasted all that time, but you can't let that decide for you. If you think about it, what are your options? You only have two, and that is accept the loss of 5-6 years, or else have a loss of 80 years, aka the rest of your life if you keep trying to put up with this. It seems as if you have made a valiant effort to help her, and you really, really don't want her dragging you down with her financial problems, especially in this economy. Unfortunately it seems as though she's one of those people who really has to fail in order to learn the lesson, and you really don't want to be there when it happens because it'll most likely ruin your credit as well when you try to help her out.
  16. KU40

    (1) 15" vs (2) 12" Nightshades

    Sounds like clipping. How are your settings on your amp and H/U set? And where is your volume on you H/U when bumping? Friend of mine is putting 2,900rms to each of his DD 9515"s. And he doesn't get a smell till the end of the second or third song depending on the notes. And it is 2,900 after imp. raise and voltage drop. It doesn't have to be clipping since he's giving the sub twice what it's rated for. Also, if you get a smell every time you play, that's damaging the sub. If you think about it, what is that smell from? It's from the glue getting hot and evaporating a little. If you keep taking a little at a time, eventually there won't be any glue left.
  17. KU40

    Port question

    I take it that 1.88 cubes is before port displacement? Is sub displacement factored into that already?
  18. KU40

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    he said the pioneer sub didn't do it, though. I'd agree with bkolfo, sounds like something got into the pole vent and is now rattling around inside. and as he also said, scratching sounds when pushing down on the cone doesn't always mean anything since it can scrape with just a touch of off-center pushing on some subs. Plus since you say it doesn't scrape sometimes, I'd imagine those are the times when you push it straight.
  19. I meant the speaker outputs, did you test those with a DMM? If so, did it read anything or just a 0? Also, not sure what head unit you have or if you had an amp hooked up before this, but some head units have a subwoofer output on/off switch. That would obviously need to be on. Or if it's like my home theater receiver, settings (crossovers, etc.) for other speakers turns on/off the sub output by itself. That's annoying, ha.
  20. KU40

    Flared ports and port area

    wow I said though like 14 times in that post. haha
  21. KU40

    Flared ports and port area

    That's a pretty decent calculator. I think it is a bit conservative, though. I entered a sub I've used and it recommended 78 sq. inches but I had 50 on my box and it was ok. You can also download winISD, which will graph port velocity vs. frequency, and I think you just want to keep the velocity under .15 mach or so over the frequencies you'll be using, which is normally 25 hz and up or so. You need less port when using aero ports, though I've never seen or heard any exact exchanges. I think you can get away with about 2/3 of the port area of non-flared round ports, though. The flared end does add to the length a bit I believe. I got a sheet with the aero ports I ordered from partsexpress that explained this and the equations to figure tuning, but I don't have it anymore. You may be able to find one with a google search, though.
  22. Not to insult your intelligence, but make sure you're putting the RCAs into the right hookups, some amps have RCA outputs as well. Have you measured the output voltage from the terminals with a DMM?
  23. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    weather.com says tonight we may get large hail and tornadoes. I've never heard them actually predict tornadoes. But yikes.
  24. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I must have missed the beginning, what are you building there Tom? A Mars rover?
  25. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What makes them a bitch? Do they have the bolts instead of lug nuts? The holes seem small, but that's what thin-wall sockets are for . I thought directional tread + different sizes + big rims would make them a bitch but as Sean pointed out no rotation is necessary, so I'm not even going to worry about it... ah I guess I didn't look close enough to notice they were different sizes and directional tread when I looked through your thread. But if they're directional and different sizes in the front and back, you can't rotate them anyways (regardless of life span)! I think it's hilarious when I see a parked car with backwards-facing directional tread.