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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Going to the driving range. Gotta try to get my woods working, and maybe blow off a little steam. Yeah I know, it's probably not like shooting a gun.
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If/when I get married I am most likely only going to wear the ring on special occasions. I can't stand jewelry, especially rings. They just irritate me. I never wear a watch either. Glad you aren't too mangled though Sean. You actually had a diamond in your band? Don't see very many dudes with that.
  3. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My dad almost had his arm ripped off when his shirt sleeve got caught in a grain auger. Luckily the shirt just ripped off and he only had a few cuts and bruises. My stepdad had a finger torn off when it got caught in a chain in a hay baler. Farm accidents happen.
  4. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The thread or the forum? The forum is for audio, the thread is for random bs'ing between members. It always irks me when people don't know the difference between a thread and a forum, calling each thread a forum.
  5. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Asia is one thing. I far too often find my self in line with what was said earlier by Sean. The EU now has a new head. The last idiot was horrible. The new EU head has the chance to take over. I'm not concerned with China or russia, nothing even close. I have not been to China, but what I have heard from people I know who have been and have family there, they are just now barely breaking into being industrial, much less information aged. They sure can reverse enginear things, but they are a reactive culture, and government. Local power is huge but it's not as global as most think. Fawk I could be wrong.... who knows. I love the discussion though. Matt when your looking for your 3rd world country to live, I suggest Thailand. Close to so much natural beauty. Many other wonders are local too. I would kill to see Angkor, some of the temples in china and the Taj. I'm sure I'm probably wrong. On all of this, for that matter. I don't have an interest in government, really, just read or hear quips every now and then if some headline is interesting, so I'm sure all of you know more than I do. I don't care so I don't really pay attention, which is probably why I think it's fine.
  6. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    After working long hours tuesday and wednesday I was excited because I'd get today off. Then yesterday at work happened and it totally killed it. Such a crappy day, I felt like a worthless employee. It was like no matter how much I thought through something and was confident in my result, it was the exact opposite of what I should have done.
  7. KU40

    BL ohms

    Get dual 2.
  8. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm going out of town for two days for work and no internet, so the discussion will have to wait. I just have one thing off the top of my head, and it's about eastern Asia. I read an article that said China would likely overtake the US's GDP in I think 12 or 15 years with the current growth rates. So they definitely are doing something right at least in that sense. However, they also have almost four times the population of the US. Shouldn't they have four times the GDP? Granted they were pretty bad for a long time under the Commies, but I think if they ever do get 4x US GDP, they'll run into the same problem the US has been having with trying to be the world power. One country can't do it alone. The world market has changed, it needs many more even countries.
  9. KU40

    Big wheels.....

    Why would somebody do that to a Lamborghini? Oh the humanity
  10. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't really believe that. The majority of people in Germany thought killing minorities in the 30's and 40's was right, should that have made it legal in that country? Though for the vast majority of things, what most people think is right is the law. You may think it's not true, but the majority of people still think marijuana should be illegal, the speed limits are fine (for the most part), and the drinking age is fine. You may be more influenced to think otherwise because people in your demographic have the loudest voices to you. Maybe in 20 years when our age group becomes the dominant generation that will change. Or maybe I'm just influenced by my conservative western Kansas heritage. What Dem Beats said is what I was thinking. I wasn't calling the rest of the countries in the world 3rd world. Just that the US has a higher living standard than most. If the US wasn't so great, why do we have so many immigrants from so many countries? Why would people leave their countries to come here if it's so great over there? I'm not being "typical American," I'm being a realist. Dem Beats hit my other thought on the head, that here we have a much better chance at owning things or having the ability to increase position than a lot of places. Hell, the government will give you money or at least a loan so that you can go to college. We have systems that basically make kids go to school, it's more or less up to the kid how far he wants to go. I'm curious as to what other countries you're comparing the US to and what differences there are that are more appealing to you?
  11. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That looks like a tiger
  12. KU40

    Could someone help me plz?

    is that 1.75 cubic feet per sub or for both? If it's for both, that's not nearly large enough.
  13. KU40

    Amp recommendation for aura transducers (bass shakers)

    Just be careful with putting a lot of power to those. I had a couple and I think I blew them with a 50 watt per channel amp. They aren't as easy to tell when they're stressed as speakers..
  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thanks for being constructive in the discussion. I won't disagree that there are programs and laws passed that are just to raise money for the government, but IMO many of the things we are talking about here are ok. Maybe cameras aren't the best choice for the end they want, but my point is that abiding the speed limit law is the basis for the whole thing. I agree that government should protect people from being stupid to themselves (and others) but I think we may disagree about what that is. To me, taking drugs is stupid to yourself, drinking excessively is stupid, not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcylce is stupid, buying a gun on an impulse (referring to the waiting period law we have now) is stupid, etc. As for highway workers, I'd agree that ideally it would be great if we could shut down the road in order to do the work, but I think we'd see our economy dip if we did that. Roads are like the country's blood vessels. I agree I don't want to live under an all-powerful government, either. I think the government should be able to do their job without the average citizen really realizing that it's at work. Which, to me, is how the government is right now. I don't have any desires to do things that are prohibited by law (whether the law would be there or not). I don't agree with EVERYTHING the government does or doesn't do (bailout, certain military actions, etc.), but none of those are really laws, just one-time decisions. And we all make bad decisions at some time. Besides, I'd rather live here in relative safety and prosperity than nearly any other country I can think of. 80% of the rest of the world is in poverty or has lower living standards, or some kind of conflict on their own soil (note- that number was made up by me). At least my biggest worry is whether or not I'll get into a car accident today, not how I'm going to feed myself today or if some type of military person or rebel is going to come and shoot me today. At least I have options.
  15. It all depends on your box configuration, vehicle acoustics, etc. Go listen to them all and figure it out yourself. How are we ever going to know which is louder on your setup?
  16. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If you don't speed you won't have a problem. Not to mention it's in school and work zones, which are the two places you'd want to not speed anyways. how on earth do you get that? 57 vs 55, what is their reasoning for giving a ticket for that? i thought cops were supposed to protect and serve. who the fuck is getting hurt with a 2mph over? nobody, but the govt sees a way to make $$$, pigs don't protect shit anymore, they just push us further into the totalitarian govt that this will soon become, all because people are AFRAID. and yes i realize just how ironic this rant is with my avatar. further more, 2mph is just over 3% over the speed limit. How accurate do you really think their radars and cars speedometers are? And keep in mind all those rating they give for radars are under the BEST of conditions. I'm not sure what kind of methods they'll be using for ticketing but +3% is stupid. As a pharmacist i can fuck up your treatment by 10% and you can't sue my ass, why on earth is speeding more tightly controlled? Well my argument is based on the assumption that radar detectors and things are accurate. But my way of thinking also recognizes the speed limit as the law. If they wanted it to be ok for you to drive 2 mph over the speed limit, wouldn't they make the limit 57? If you think about it, speeding is about the only law we're allowed to break with some margin. Try telling the cop that it's ok that your blood alcohol level is .0824 because it's only 3% over the legal limit, that one small grain of crack is ok because it's barely more than the legal limit of 0, or that it's ok that you shot that guy because you barely grazed his skin and he'll heal without even a scar. Granted I was getting a little more out of proportion as I went along, but the idea is there. The rules of society really aren't that hard to live within and still be happy and productive. I won't argue against your thoughts on government, but if you also take a step back and realize how unruly people have really gotten, maybe you'll see why things have gotten to where they are. Even if we increased speed limits to 100 mph you can still bet that people will go 102. Oh and "how on earth I got that" was from one, if you have a kid walking to/from school you'd want people to go slow and be cautious as well, and two, highway workers are two feet from the road in a lot of cases. It doesn't take much of a flip of the wheel at 70 mph to swerve into them, not to mention the uneven surfaces and sometimes narrow lanes that construction zones create and that people constantly want to gawk at what's happening and not pay attention to the road. Well we'll take it one at a time. Your blood alcohol level is already being shot down as your blood alcohol level doesn't actually show anything except how much alcohol is in your bloodstream, NOT how capable you are to safely drive. This is why they have the tests like "walk a line". Blood alcohol levels = alcohol in bloodstream and nothing more zero to do with safety or capability. As for 2mph still being speeding and breaking the law... Why is it that a highway needs a speed limit anyway? your concept of blindly following laws that don't serve the people doesn't fit with the whole reason that people ESCAPED to this country to begin with. a small grain of crack? there's huge differences in the penalties for the amount of illegal drug you're caught with, and with a lot of drugs you're basically slapped on the wrist for small amounts. But i'll even argue this one for the same reason, it's fucking 2009 and we can't let people choose whether or not they want to do crack? at what point did the goverment become smarter than the population? Last time i checked they're supposed to be made up of the same individuals. If the govt can choose that crack is bad, shouldn't they let people choose the same thing? Since you can use an extreme example, maybe i should too. Technically speaking alcohol is very bad for your body, so is tylenol, and getting fat, should we make those against the law too? Shooting a person is completely the other side of the track, that's protecting someone else, not controlling my ability to do what i want with my body. and what school are you talking about that has a 55mph speed limit? I guess the roads are way different where you're from. If you want to control the speed in these areas then control the ROADS. If they were really concerned about school kids crossing the roads they wouldn't have huge highways surrounding them. Road construction can follow the exact same kind of argument, they can shut down enough lanes to be safe or shut down the whole road and let people take detours. If you can ticket me for doing 57 in a 55 you can definitely shut down a few miles of interstate for a week. With the exception of a few major cities, most highways are not really that "essential" to travel and people will actually still live if they aren't in operation for a little while (no matter how much they bitch about it). No, school zones are 20 mph. I think the article was talking about being more stringent there as well. Anyways I'm not going to argue this anymore with you. It's obvious we have two different views on society. I was never trying to change your mind, just defend mine because you questioned it.
  17. KU40

    wtf, anyone else get this crap?

  18. KU40


    It wasn't a virus, it was a link to a sex site. I about replied to the idiot telling him not to send me his crap ever again. Unfortunately that was most likely a waste of time. I doubt he'd ever come back here. He was just a drop a link and run sort of member.
  19. KU40

    Subwoofer / Amp question (supern00b)

    You don't have to use all that the amplifier is capable of. If you only want it to put out 300 watts, you can set it so it will do so and it will hardly be a burden on your alternator.
  20. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If you don't speed you won't have a problem. Not to mention it's in school and work zones, which are the two places you'd want to not speed anyways. how on earth do you get that? 57 vs 55, what is their reasoning for giving a ticket for that? i thought cops were supposed to protect and serve. who the fuck is getting hurt with a 2mph over? nobody, but the govt sees a way to make $$$$$, pigs don't protect shit anymore, they just push us further into the totalitarian govt that this will soon become, all because people are AFRAID. and yes i realize just how ironic this rant is with my avatar. further more, 2mph is just over 3% over the speed limit. How accurate do you really think their radars and cars speedometers are? And keep in mind all those rating they give for radars are under the BEST of conditions. I'm not sure what kind of methods they'll be using for ticketing but +3% is stupid. As a pharmacist i can fuck up your treatment by 10% and you can't sue my ass, why on earth is speeding more tightly controlled? Well my argument is based on the assumption that radar detectors and things are accurate. But my way of thinking also recognizes the speed limit as the law. If they wanted it to be ok for you to drive 2 mph over the speed limit, wouldn't they make the limit 57? If you think about it, speeding is about the only law we're allowed to break with some margin. Try telling the cop that it's ok that your blood alcohol level is .0824 because it's only 3% over the legal limit, that one small grain of crack is ok because it's barely more than the legal limit of 0, or that it's ok that you shot that guy because you barely grazed his skin and he'll heal without even a scar. Granted I was getting a little more out of proportion as I went along, but the idea is there. The rules of society really aren't that hard to live within and still be happy and productive. I won't argue against your thoughts on government, but if you also take a step back and realize how unruly people have really gotten, maybe you'll see why things have gotten to where they are. Even if we increased speed limits to 100 mph you can still bet that people will go 102. Oh and "how on earth I got that" was from one, if you have a kid walking to/from school you'd want people to go slow and be cautious as well, and two, highway workers are two feet from the road in a lot of cases. It doesn't take much of a flip of the wheel at 70 mph to swerve into them, not to mention the uneven surfaces and sometimes narrow lanes that construction zones create and that people constantly want to gawk at what's happening and not pay attention to the road.
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I watched the last 3 holes. Man it sucked watching Kenny Perry give it away.
  22. What impedance are the subs and how do you have them wired? My guess is either too big of a load on the amp (impedance too low) or low voltage from the car's electrical system.
  23. KU40

    FI BL?

    Maybe think about two 12" SSDs sealed.
  24. You're going from three 10s ported to one ten ported on the same amp and think the one will be louder? Granted W6's are a different breed of woofer. Why do you want to go bigger than 1.5 cubes? There's nothing wrong with it, it has its advantages, but power handling will decrease.