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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Slapping noise?

    If the magnet shifted a lot, the coil may be rubbing. But it would do it at all frequencies as long as the excursion is enough to put the coil where the shifted magnet is.
  2. KU40

    mids/highs to match?

    Don't run 6x8s. With a wooden baffle those speaker holes can be easily adapted to fit 6.5" mids, and have enough clearance for most good speakers.
  3. KU40

    Fi Bl's D1 Fully Loaded

    I wouldn't hold your breath for used 09 BLs, they've barely been released.
  4. KU40

    Enclosure for a Q or BL

    You just have to cut the end at a 45 degree angle on each piece where they meet.
  5. KU40

    Building a Subwoofer

    No you shouldn't need a highpass (subsonic) filter for that sub in a sealed box.
  6. The infrasonic filter should probably be set around 25 hz. The lowpass is your preference and depending on how good your interior speakers are (how low they can go). 80 hz is a decent starting place, but if your interior speakers are good you can lower that point. As for the slope, that also depends on your interior speakers as well as how the sub sounds with each slope. The high pass and low pass on the head unit may impact the sub amp, it depends what outputs on the head unit you use for the RCAs and which channels the head unit crossovers impact. If it's a lowpass filter for the sub preout and you have the RCAs connected to the sub preout, yes the crossover will affect the sub.
  7. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wayman Tisdale died today
  8. KU40

    Building a Subwoofer

    You could if you wanted. If you ported that 3.2 cube box with two 4" ports to 17 hz, the ports would need to be prohibitively long. A new box would need to be built. You may be able to get away with one 4" aero port, however, but that would lower your net volume to 2.7 cubes or so.
  9. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I understand. There are other members graduating right? It is always a good reason to party. My gf is. But she's an SSA hater. She's always like "you're on that site again? you're always on there."
  10. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I can't decide if I want to go ported on my MAW 15's or go a single sealed with the Mag 12. A snazzy sealed box with a plate amp for the Mag is starting to sound good to me. I don't know if it's this sub's low inherent distortion or what, but I'm noticing that it is very easy to hear clipping compared to other subs. Though I'm beginning to wonder how similar these new Mags are to the last Shiva? I wonder how the Shiva-X sounds? Similar but with twice the displacement?
  11. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah 35 isn't much. When i bought my explorer I went in and looked at their display of tints and it was almost like 35 wasn't there. I chose 18 or something. Apparently shops don't care about legal limits when they install your stuff, they just told me it's under the limit so beware. They also discounted the price if I paid in cash. Hmm.... In Baytown everyone north of 146 will only do 35 (the legal limit). First place I went to south of 146 said, "we can do what ever you like" lol. But they charge $10 extra for it. Big whoop though, 120-130 Was that for all of your windows? Mine was 60 for the front two. I thought that was pretty reasonable.
  12. KU40

    My Noob Question Thread

    The mic will be the only thing that senses that power difference. Theoretically you'll only be losing like .5 of a db.
  13. KU40

    Enclosure for a Q or BL

    Agreed, I deleted your other topic. What are you talking about with the horizontal and vertical 45s?
  14. KU40

    Slapping noise?

    Try taking the sub out of the box and play it free air and see if the noise is still there. Just be careful, it won't handle very much power outside the enclosure.
  15. KU40

    Building a Subwoofer

    I thought you were making the 4 cube box? If you may want to port it later, take that into account now. Leave room on the front baffle for the port and leave enough room behind it for the port to extend into the box (this may change your bracing plans).
  16. KU40

    Wierd amp problem.

    I know it's a noobish question, but are your crossovers the same on the Sundown as they were on the AB? Having a lower LPF or higher subsonic filter may cut frequencies in the songs you're listening to and make it less loud.
  17. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hooray for Friday, and hooray for a short work day! Off at 1:15.
  18. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Whoops I just used 4. But I do trail off quite often.
  19. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah 35 isn't much. When i bought my explorer I went in and looked at their display of tints and it was almost like 35 wasn't there. I chose 18 or something. Apparently shops don't care about legal limits when they install your stuff, they just told me it's under the limit so beware. They also discounted the price if I paid in cash. Hmm....
  20. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got off early from work today because I was in training in another city so I thought I'd go golfing because it's a freaking beautiful day. But once I got home my motivation waned, and I think I may just go sit in a lawn chair next to the lake and fish.
  21. KU40

    Is this box big enough?

    10s in the correct enclosure will outperform 12s in one that's too small.
  22. KU40

    Building a Subwoofer

    There is likely a very small possibility of 150 watts damaging it in any way, but sometimes you never know. 4 cubes is pretty big for sealed, I think that's about what they recommend for ported.
  23. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Read an article about that about a month ago. Crazy.
  24. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    But what is a joke is alot of things in society today............like our PUBLIC education system Fixed that for you. I thought the public was obvious, as private institutions can't technically be called "ours" Actually its the education system as a whole. As the son of a teacher in the public school system, its not their fault. Its these god forsaken kids, their shit head 'do whatever you want to do' parents, and naturally the govenment and their requirements. Rather than teach for the 'real world' and teaching children as they should, they teach for a test. Its horrible how they have to do this dance around bullshit in order to make sure the kids can pass. God forbid a kid not learn and fail the test, and get held back or don't graduate...........Whiney ass bullshit. J x2. I always had great teachers in my public schools. From what I've seen, it's up to the student's attitude a lot more. and the wienie-producing regulations.
  25. KU40

    Building a Subwoofer

    that high cut knob actually sounds like a low pass filter. You'll want to set it to 60-70 hz probably. At least I hope it's a low pass filter, because you don't want a high pass filter on that system at that high of a frequency. The only high pass filter you may need is a subsonic filter, but that'll be down at 15 hz, and it won't be a big issue with the sealed box. Ported boxes need subsonics more.