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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't know how much this'll help you, but I tore my calf muscle a few years ago (actually a moron did it to me). I'm trying to remember exactly how long I was away from basketball for. I can't recall for sure, but I know it was at least a month, maybe 5-6 weeks. I'm not sure how bad the tear was either, though, as I never had it scoped or had surgery or anything.
  2. KU40

    why has no one ever?

    SPL is not all about stuffing tons of equipment in a vehicle. thank you !! You're welcome.
  3. Well I don't know that I'd say that, I doubt your (or my) ears are more sensitive to clipping than an o-scope. But in the absence of the scope I trust my ears pretty well. Maybe not for clipping specifically, bust just that something is amiss. Whether it be clipping, straight overpowering, or distortion of one kind or another.
  4. I think there is a phasing issue with wiring subs in series. At least I've read that it's better to wire voice coils in series and the subs in parallel than to do the opposite. Not sure if it would matter in your scenario or not. Somewhat easy to test, though.
  5. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    In the middle of another three day weekend because I got my work hours in early this week while I was out of town drilling and collecting groundwater samples. This is nice. Third weekend in a row. And the hot intern from last summer just got a job in my unit after graduating last month. She starts Monday. I think there were only two people that applied for the position, her and a dude. The dude brought his mom to the interview (not sure if she went into the conference room for it, might have just sat outside). So I'm not surprised they didn't pick him.
  6. My guess is that your L7s were tuned to like 42 hz so they would play really loud in the 50 hz range. But the Nightshade is in a better box and plays the lower notes better and is not so peaky.
  7. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I LOL'd so hard it hurt... http://www.fashionista.com/2009/06/would_y...the_spermin.php now that's amazing, time to go find some dumb gullible whore I have one you can use. I routinely moisturize her face for her. Well, I apply, and let her rub it in. A few years ago on that show "Loveline" on MTV, a lady called in and said her man busted it on her face but she left it on there for a while, and after it dried a little a lot of her wrinkles had gone away. She was asking if this was safe to do on a regular basis. haha.
  8. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Each moofer powered wiz 5000 wattz ? in fact, no one else seemed to pay any mind to how retarded that question was... Those were very funny replies, I lol'd.
  9. KU40

    why has no one ever?

    SPL is not all about stuffing tons of equipment in a vehicle. It's very possible to make two 18s louder than fourteen 18s, even with the same power to each sub in both installs.
  10. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Didn't sleep for shit last night. If it wasn't thunder waking me up, it was an arm asleep or the fan blowing the sheet so that it tickled my back. And I have to drive 5 hours this morning But I did manage to have a good dream about a few beautiful women somewhere in there.
  11. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Man that thing's wild. Five valves per cylinder? Extra intake or exhaust? Intake. They will always favor the intake side. Look at any vehicle and the intake valves will always be larger and or more. That was my hunch.
  12. KU40

    HBD Denim!

    Happy Birthday fearless leader
  13. KU40

    why has no one ever?

    How do you know they haven't? I'm sure somebody has. People put stuff in vans all the time.
  14. KU40

    amp for highs

    You can't. If you run a mid and tweeter on the same channel you have to have passive crossovers between the amp and speaker.
  15. KU40

    Oz audio Matrix Elite 15 arrived

    I've heard lots of good things as well. I think you'll be happy.
  16. What? Is there a question in there?
  17. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My nephew has OI. He just broke his leg for the 3rd time in 8 months yesterday. I hate that fucking disease. All the boy wants to do is play baseball and he can barely even walk. Man that would be awful. I feel bad for your nephew. I consider myself lucky as I've never broken a bone.
  18. KU40

    Finally Got wheels again

    The cupholder fits a 32 oz. gatorade correctly? Nice. I haven't seen one before that can do that.
  19. Did you just call me a knob? I don't even know what that means. Try reading through the links in my signature.
  20. No. Each channel from the head unit can only put out a certain amount of power and it doesn't depend on how many channels are being used because they are independent of each other. Try putting an external amplifier on the fronts, that'll liven them up quite a bit.
  21. KU40

    please help subwoofer

    Whew I'm tired after reading that one long sentence. If that 16 cubic feet is after port and sub displacement, you're tuned to..............wait for it............46 hz. That's your problem. You need to build a new box. Or at least lengthen the ports to 8". That would lower your tune to around 35 hz and make it a bit more listenable. But it would be hard for me to believe that you don't have port noise with only 75 sq. inches of port for those eight 12s. You may have to redesign a new box to get more port area if you experience noise.
  22. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Most of the national chains should have the proper equipment to do it and do it right. Whatever you do, check them before they put them back on the vehicle. They have a bad of habit of just throwing the tire on there and then weighting it where needed instead of trying to remount the tire in a better position. Ideally, you want the least amount of weights needed and spaced out instead of in one area. Large wheels and tires are usually not an issue, diameter-wise; it's usually the extreme widths that cause them fits. My old man's '90 GT has 10.5" tires on the rear and I went to 3 different places and broke 3 machines until I gave in and had to take it to Tire Rack. That's true too, didn't think about the balancing aspect. Especially if you only put weights on the inside. You broke three machines? How did they break?