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SSA Round Table Member
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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Chat room

    I just talked to myself for about 2 minutes.
  2. KU40

    WMD18" vs. eD 19ov.2

    Yeah, basically anything but ED. I had some of the first flat cone k's, which were ok, but thankfully nothing ever went wrong with them.
  3. KU40


  4. I've always done it by ear as well.
  5. KU40

    amp gain setting

  6. KU40

    My first termlab metering today!

    Just be nicer to your equipment!
  7. Larger boxes are more efficient in general, not just ported boxes. But they also lower the power handling because the subs reach mechanical limits easier. So really it depends on how much power you are going to put on them. If you are going with their RMS power, you don't need to build the enclosure any larger.
  8. KU40

    TO Brian....

    You have to make or buy adapters to fit into the 6x8 hole. Otherwise there shouldn't be a reason they won't fit, since you can make the adapter so that it does fit.
  9. KU40

    12" BL Subsonic Filter..

    25 hz is fine.
  10. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Took a 3 hour nap after work today. Wow. And I only woke up because my phone rang.
  11. KU40

    Dark Skin

    I just switched back to the white. It'll work.
  12. KU40

    fixing sub... fibreglass?

    Man that thing had to have been making a terrible racket while you were destroying it, which evidently took time since you have a picture halfway through the destructioni. You need to learn to listen for those sorts of things. Recone is your only course. The other soft parts are surely damaged in some way as well.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How come the Hop doesn't show up when you click on the "view new content" link? Does the software get so intimidated by the vast greatness that it tries to ignore its existence?
  14. I think it would depend on how close to the rear gate your box is. Ports need a little room to breathe. If the back of the box is basically butted up against the back hatch, that won't work very well and subs up, port up box would be better. But if you have at least 3-4", you could do either design.
  15. KU40

    crossovers on comps....

    Everybody. The definition of a crossover is that which limits frequencies that a speaker plays. So yes, they do make a difference. The crossover on your components may have had an additional 70 hz high pass in it, along with the usual lowpass at 2-4 khz.
  16. KU40

    6 Alpine TypeR's, 2002 Escalade

    Hmm. Looks like a tablecloth.
  17. KU40

    Porting for a BL12

    Yikes, that's only 10 square inches! I don't doubt you'll get port noise with that. Unfortunately what you suggest, extending the ports, will not help the matter. You simply need more port area. Is there any way to add another port hole or two, or else simply expand the holes already in there to fit a larger diameter port in each?
  18. KU40

    Dark Skin

    We cannot adjust the sizing of the forum. The other bugs have everything to do with the dark skin being brand new and having some bugs in it. Mark only installed it to keep people happy for the time being until we have a new custom skin made and installed. Hmm, it must just be my monitor settings at work, as my home monitor does not have the problem with the sizing. It all fits on one screen.
  19. KU40

    Dark Skin

    It's funny, on the front page of the forum on the right side it says "Lastest Discussions." Did a non-native english speaking person write that? Haha. Is it possible to scale down the skin a little in terms of size? As it is, there are horizontal scroll bars because the page is too wide for the screen. That's kinda annoying. There's also a problem with text in quotes being white, the same color as the quote background, and thus unreadable. But if these are just temporary things I understand. This'll sure take some getting used to. Everything seems bigger.
  20. KU40

    How to wire subs

  21. KU40

    Opinion wanted-- for an SQ setup.

    What do your front speakers consist of? Those are more important than the rears, as you hear those a lot more.
  22. KU40

    External Ports

    Yes it still needs to be the same length, because the sub will still see the same volume. It's just that instead of having to build the box to 5 cubes with the internal port, for example, you could only build it 4 cubes because you don't have to account for port displacement inside the box.
  23. I'd try to not make that the long term solution. Vibrations from the box tend to loosen things internally in the amp and may cause it to fail prematurely.
  24. KU40

    1200 watt amp

    yeah but they only have 90 day warrantys how do i know it wont break on me after 90 days? If there is a manufacturer defect, it should be obvious within the first hours of playing, let alone 90 days. IMO, anything after a week is user error 99% of the time.