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Everything posted by KU40

  1. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    There's nothing that can be done in that situation to ease things. If you show no emotion, you don't care, even though you are doing it in her best interest. If you show emotion, you're a stupid asshole. No win. KU I say you did the right thing. The right thing was to try to do the right thing. Ryan is right though you will always be made out to be the jerk, but the truth is you did try. To me that's worth it all when I go to bed. Well thanks fellers. I do my best.
  2. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Haha. Breastasis FTW!
  3. Man you need at least 2 more alternators! Just kidding. But don't get the cap.
  4. KU40

    Ported vs. Sealed Poll!

    Adam Sandler voice: "Information that would have been useful YESTERDAY!!!!!"
  5. KU40

    One or two 15 BTL's???

    x2 x3 x4 Wait, can I do that?
  6. KU40

    Doctor Q's Box Build Specs

    why would it starve the subs of power ??? i think it set up perfectly the way he has it?? this is why any time you put a sub in series you give a little over half power or you will fry coils i would rather see it in parallel but has to many subs and one amp. just remember the term American wire gauge standard and ul listed you exceed the awg standard for power on a conductor it does not get UL listed because of the potential for fire in other words burned coils. any time you put one wire or coil in series with another you have to use the smallest awg used for the power calculation. so if there 300 watts and d4's and if you series each sub to bring them down to 2 ohms they should only handle a true 600 for all. so if i am wrong please explain it is the only way some one can learn why he wrong. Where did you hear this? If a sub's RMS is 300 watts, it handles 300 watts whether in series or parallel. It doesn't matter. If he wires dual 4 ohm coils in series for 8 ohm load, then parallel wires all four for a 2 ohm load, the four subs will still handle 1200 watts total. If he parallel wires each voice coil for a 2 ohm load, then series wires each sub for a total 8 ohm load, the subs will handle 1200 watts total. If he parallel wires both voice coils on each sub and all subs also, for a .5 ohm load, it will handle 1200 watts total. If he series wires each coil on each sub and each sub also in series for a 32 ohm load, it will handle 1200 watts total. Cooling of the voice coils is first initiated by the size of the coil itself. Since this never changes no matter how it is wired (still have the same size coil and length overall), the power handling stays the same.
  7. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ashley just drove over to pick up some more things left here. She was crying and wouldn't even come into my house. I absolutely hate that. Makes me feel like such an asshole. I was trying to be light with the conversation so that it could be quasi-friendly and not dive back into old stuff or remind of the relationship too much, but apparently she didn't like that either. She said "Apparently you're taking this better than I am" and stormed into her car. I don't know wtf I could have done better. Kinda makes me not want to get into another relationship ever. I've had like 14 and they've all ended in heartache. But I was her first boyfriend. That's nice when you're in the relationship sometimes (sometimes bad), but absolutely terrible if it ends.
  8. KU40

    Ported vs. Sealed Poll!

    Why didn't you tell us this information at the beginning?
  9. KU40

    One or two 15 BTL's???

    Two subs would be louder.
  10. KU40

    So I destroyed my RL-i 10

    Apparently you need to buy two 10s or 12s. Just having one isn't enough output for you.
  11. KU40

    Can the XCONS handle it?

    Misapplication. I don't understand why everybody wants to put twice RMS to every sub out there.
  12. KU40

    Ported vs. Sealed Poll!

    two 10's ported should be loudest, easily.
  13. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Stupid morons one or two apartments over in our townhouse woke me up at 1:00 yelling and banging on doors. They did that for like 30 minutes! I was like are you serious? How inconsiderate can you be? Then even after they quit I was wide awake and couldn't go back to sleep for another 30 minutes or so. Man that sucked. Today is going to be long and slow enough as it is because of what's planned at work, I don't need sleep deprivation adding to it.
  14. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The one time I almost got a 300 I had rolled 11 strikes in a row. My 12th ball was beautiful, I buried it in the pocket. Solid 9 pin. WTF? Man I was so excited and disappointed at the same time. ;
  15. KU40

    So I destroyed my RL-i 10

    Yeah looks like you were bottoming it out quite hard, which forced the former to try and go up through the cone. Just too much power. You may have been clipping the amp pretty hard, too, in order to get enough power to do that in that box.
  16. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah they sure are. And I didn't even catch the damn thing. And we lost the game by one run.
  17. KU40

    Doctor Q's Box Build Specs

    Don't use 2x4s in a ported box. They cause air turbulence inside.
  18. KU40

    XXX Car Audio?? Any good?

    Ick. They dont' give the specs on the box, so I assume it's tuned too high, something like 40-45 hz. It won't sound good. And those subs look pretty cheap. What is your budget exactly? Can you build your own box? Really all that you need are the tools to do so, we can give you step-by-step directions.
  19. You can put them all in the same chamber. As for port area, 60-70 sq. inches should suffice I'd think. Your box is just a little under 6.5 cubes gross I think, so you don't want to take up too much room with the port. More port area will require a longer port and thus eat up more room. You could probably even get away with three or four 4" aeroports.
  20. My Alpine CDA-9827 has never skipped. But my biggest system was 1000 watts on a single 15. Maybe try putting some foam or something along the mounting edges of the cd player that you have now to dampen the vibrations.
  21. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    During softball tonight I ran pretty much full speed into the outfield chain-link fence. The warning track did not do its job of warning me, I was just focused on that ball. I was really lucky that I was running at an angle so I kinda just spun off of it and slid sideways down it a little. It gave me some nice scratches on my hands and knees. If I had been dead into it, I probably would have messed up my face.
  22. KU40

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah I wish. But I don't think I'd every try it. She's a good friend at work now, she's really made it more fun. I don't want to make it awkward. If she makes the decision, that's fine (and quite dandy!). But I don't want to initiate.
  23. Why would you buy two of those and make your system more complicated? A single mono amp would make things much easier, and cheaper.
  24. Only 250-280? What kind of voltage were you thinking cars run at and what efficiency for the amps? Assuming he can keep the voltage at 14, 4000/14 = 285, then if his amps are 80% efficient, 285/0.8 = 357 amps. That's under the best voltage conditions. If the voltage drops to 12, he's pulling 417 amps. But that's really neither here nor there, since those subs probably won't take all 4,000 watts. I'd figure on probably only using half of your available amp power most of the time. A 200 amp alt and extra battery in the back should be sufficient.