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Everything posted by ABXX49

  1. ABXX49

    What Freq for ?my ported box

    How much power are you feeding it?
  2. ABXX49

    Little Sundown System

    I DO TOO! They have a saw like that at our local Lowes. Is that your personal shop? If so, I'm jealous...
  3. ABXX49

    Terrible luck tonight

    I had a problem that sounded just like that. It turned out to be my crankshaft positioning sensor.
  4. ABXX49

    What Freq for ?my ported box

    Is that two cubes for the sub, or 2 cubes for the sub and port? I'd say 32-34Hz would be a fine tuning frequency.
  5. ABXX49

    IA 6.4 - 4 Channel Amp!

    Hmmmm might be just what I'm looking for for my 2way active >
  6. There is no real way to tell. Sorry.
  7. ABXX49

    Custom box, need input

    A good schematic is the most important thing. You'll need a router to cut the circle holes, glue (Titebond III is the glue of choice), clamps, screws, a table saw (or handsaw if you want to do it the hard way) Other than that, it's pretty straight forward. Just make sure EVERYTHING is square, it will save you from a lot of head aches. 3/4" MDF is the wood typically used for box construction. You can also use a good 7+ ply plywood, but you're looking at almost double the cost per sheet there.
  8. ABXX49

    HT Sub

    I'm building another HT subwoofer, this time for my roommate. The box is 4.8 cu ft tuned to 21Hz I believe. (I would have to check that again, I don't have my paper right beside me. I already have the braces planned out for this. The woofer is going to be an SI MAG d2 15" powered by an O Audio 500w plate amp. My question pertains to polyfill though. Do any of you guys recommend polyfill? Also, since this just makes the box ACT larger, does it have any effect on power handling?
  9. ABXX49

    Choosing New Subwoofers

    I would like to see some Flatlynes. I haven't really heard to awful much about them. I'd like to read a good review
  10. ABXX49

    Which Fi is good for me?

    Kicker amps are nice. I, however, would stay away from Hifonics amps. (They don't have much of a good rep around here.) Have you looked into Sundown for your amplifier needs? Also, do you have your heart set on Fi?
  11. ABXX49

    Sundown E8 Tline

    Just out of curiosity, Tony, what was your final verdict on the TLine you build with those Goldwood drivers?
  12. ABXX49

    Build me a box please

    Most of us use 3/4" MDF do to availability. If you have access to 1", by all means, use that!
  13. Man, that's got to be exciting to have it almost done. 1.5 years about, right? Anyways, awesome as usual. Your hard work is an inspiration to us all.
  14. ABXX49

    Build me a box please

    You're using 1" thick MDF?
  15. ABXX49

    HT Sub

    Nope to adding it or the effects of it?
  16. ABXX49

    fi good quality???

    All that is going to depend on how much power he is running. If he is running the Q's off 300w a piece he won't need to upgrade his electrical. (most likely)
  17. ABXX49

    small yet long question about FI Q 12"

    In comparison to....?
  18. ABXX49

    Sub box building programs?

    Are you looking for a tuning calculator? If not, I suggest a pencil and paper. After I get the rough draft done on paper, I fire up Google Sketch Up (Which is VERY easy to learn) and play around in there. It will give you dimensions in there, and you know it's accurate (assuming your math is). As far as tuning, RobClay has your answer.
  19. ABXX49


    Just out of curiosity, why is that important to you?
  20. ABXX49

    Computer speakers

    Yeah...BUT that means I have 2 of the woofers to do what I please with now >:]. I don't know to do with them yet though...
  21. ABXX49

    Computer speakers

    Thanks for the input Samuel. That's a nice looking setup you have there. I did end up getting this canceled, he decided to go with a HTIB instead. Boo.
  22. ABXX49

    Question about FIQ 12

    A sealed box will have a good response, but what type of music are you listening?
  23. ABXX49

    Sound absorption

    So, in a vehicle, would a sound absorber be something like Luxury Liner?
  24. ABXX49

    RF-p3 or RE-se

    Goals? Budget? Type of music? EDIT: Amp(s)?