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Everything posted by ABXX49

  1. I can't imagine what that feels like sitting inside!
  2. ABXX49

    Need advice on OEM Subwoofer hookup

    No surprise there.
  3. ABXX49


    Those would be a solid choice. I'd wait for the Dcon's to come out so you can be one of the first with a major 8" Dcon build!
  4. ABXX49


    How about a box of cake mix with ever purchase!
  5. I would go with the Cadence, personally.
  6. I owned a Cadence TXA-1000D and I loved it. I believe they are rated at 13.8v though.
  7. ABXX49

    help me choose what car to wall!

    The poll is working. How exactly is your wall going to be? I think 4 18"'s would be a tight fit for a wall in a car..
  8. ABXX49

    Upgrades on my Solid State amp

    That is awesome. I have to ask, though, where did you learn everything you know?!
  9. ABXX49

    little class project

    You guys did a nice job on that. How many layers of glass did you use?
  10. ABXX49

    Being apart of Sundown

    Good god, that's a lot for that little car! haha
  11. ABXX49

    w6v2 v Fi Q?

    Having heard both, I don't think you stand to gain an awful lot of output from switching. If you are going to compare the 1 Q to the 2 w6's the w6's will be louder.
  12. ABXX49

    Hello SUNDOWNZ need a little help

    Doesn't that put out more power than they can handle though?
  13. ABXX49

    4 E8's with a 15" PR

    How much output would you lose between say a 2 12" set up and a 12" with a PR?
  14. ABXX49

    4 E8's with a 15" PR

    How does this compare to any of your other obscure setups, Tony?
  15. ABXX49

    16 year old budget build

    I'd take the Kicker given the choice. That SSD is going to annihilate that little car. haha
  16. ABXX49

    lookin for reviw, info, opinion

    Have you looked into the Incriminator Audio Lethal Injections?
  17. You can get 2-3 Deka Intimidators for that price, and from what I heard they are phenomenal batteries. But the more batteries you get the more charging you'll have to do.
  18. ABXX49

    MLI 6.5

    I'll be picking a couple of these up in the spring.
  19. ABXX49

    Super Car Audio Knife

    hahhaha A+.
  20. ABXX49

    another fi amp question

    My buddy had a Cadence amp running 600w to his Q. I sold him my 1000w Cadence and you COULD NOT tell the difference.
  21. ABXX49

    Tracking number question

    When it gets shipped you will see the Shipped status of it. So it doesn't sound like it has been shipped.
  22. ABXX49

    help =(

    How did you have the headunit set when you set the gain on the amp?
  23. ABXX49


    Money sent. Finally. haha
  24. I'd look to the Seleniums then.