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Everything posted by ABXX49

  1. ABXX49

    SQ help

    I know this is a little late, but I'm from Warren. Glad to see some other guys from norther PA here!
  2. ABXX49

    going active

    Active vs. passive refers to the crossovers. In a passive the cross over will occur after the amplification. Active occurs before amplification. When you go active it allows you to changes your crossovers points and slopes. You will need a processor, active capable headunit, or active capable amplifier to run active. Passive would be like what you see in a component set. (with the crossover block). So it depends on your processing you plan on doing to decide if you go active or not.
  3. ABXX49

    Final Got My system tuned

    Don't forget that crossovers are not brick walls.Brick walls, not that I know I would use them if I had them, depends on how they would perform, but does anyone know of any brick wall crossovers for car use yet? I haven't seen steeper filters than 4th order for cars. I have never seen anything steep than 24/db Exactly, err, almost. As I stated they aren't brick walls, but the DCX2496 does do 48dB and I have seen 96dB slopes which is pretty close but still not a brick wall. Why would you ever want that? Wouldn't that make it much easier to discern the individual speakers? Someone enlighten me!
  4. ABXX49

    the "(2) XCON 18s" build....2009

  5. I'm kinda confused with your problem. All songs don't have the same level of bass, so some are louder and some are definitely softer.
  6. ABXX49

    Wall socket'd my 12ssd thats going for recone

    Sounds like she has a mean streak. haha
  7. ABXX49

    RE SX 12" Flared Port

    What type of paint is that? It's beautiful
  8. ABXX49

    Which subs will be better than my CVX'S?

    I would go with Icons or Qs.
  9. ABXX49

    12" Fi Q vs BL

    How low does "true" rap go?
  10. Well there isn't any point in spending a lot of money on speakers that are just going to be run off of the head unit. I'd go ahead and get a budget kicker set.
  11. As long as they are running at the same voltage I see NO reason why there would be any problem. Maybe someone else here will say something different though..
  12. ABXX49

    Sub for my car?

    It depends on how much power you are running to it. If you use the amp I mentioned previously you can be safe leaving it stock. If you go to the Fi Products (maybe it's technical) section of the forums there is a sticky post that will explain ALL of the options.
  13. If that doesn't help, maybe you should look into a new starting battery. Something like a Deka, Powermaster, Kinetic, Optima.
  14. ABXX49

    Sub for my car?

    Your first step should be the Big3. You can find a tutorial on the tutorial section of the forums. If that doesn't fix (if you have one) your voltage problem you will want to upgrade your starting battery to something bigger. You can also go with a smaller amp if you choose, to draw less current. Looking back you might want to consider looking at a 10" BL. I know my 12" Q would make some people get out of my car. So it is going to get pretty loud.
  15. ABXX49

    Sub for my car?

    Keep in mind that you will need to purchase an amplifier wiring kit too. (You can buy the stand alone products, but for a beginning an amp kit is much easier.)
  16. ABXX49

    Sub for my car?

    Well if you have no experience building a box, you might be better off having someone do your first. You will need quite a few tools to do so. Look into Fisher Customs and Pound That Sound here on our forums. A couple of great vendors! I had a single 12" Fi Q and it really ran havoc on my car. I think you might be interested in looking at the BL line of subwoofers by Fi. Buy the D2 voicecoils. https://ssl.perfora.net/www.ficaraudio.com/...view.shopscript For an amp I would consider the Sundown Audio SAZ-1000D http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/zencart...p;products_id=6 Wire the subwoofer to 1 ohm total load. Wiring diagrams can be found at www.the12volt.com. When you are hooking it up, make sure you know what you're doing. There are a few good tutorials on setting gains on here. Hell, you can even take it to a shop if you don't feel comfortable doing so.
  17. Have you done the big3 yet? It may be a cheap solution to your problems.
  18. ABXX49

    Sub for my car?

    Okay. Are you going to do your own build, or have someone build a box for you?
  19. ABXX49

    12" Fi Q vs BL

    Maybe if you played them side-by-side you would be able to tell the difference. Bass heavy rap isn't designed to win a sound quality competition.
  20. ABXX49

    12" Fi Q vs BL

    That will work, but I still think you'd be happier with a BL. If you listen to rap, you aren't really concerned with true sound quality.
  21. ABXX49

    Sub for my car?

    Okay, lets start this over. We will need your listening preferences, budget, goals (already kinda have them), and experience (wood working, installing). Do you have an amp yet?
  22. ABXX49

    12" Fi Q vs BL

    It will work. I think you should spend a few days doing some research before you jump into it.
  23. ABXX49

    OK... Here we go...

    It will help, but don't use it as your sole means of bracing. Definitely do a double baffle and add some extra support in there. Fiberglass will never hurt. EDIT: Adding fiber glass to the corners will help. It won't really do too awful much on the flat surfaces.
  24. ABXX49

    12" Fi Q vs BL

    The better one is the one that fits your needs the best. Same power handling. If you want sound quality get the Q if you listen to rap get the BL.