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Everything posted by ABXX49

  1. ABXX49

    New sub system setup!

    The enclosure is going to decided how the woofer sounds. I move my vote to 2 12" Xcons. Support your man here!
  2. ABXX49

    Wall socket'd my 12ssd thats going for recone

    I really like the two tone sticker you got goin' on there. I say keep it.
  3. The amps are already in my possession, by the way.
  4. I'm running two Sundown Audio amps. A 50.4 and a 100.2. I've been browsing the drivers for a while now, and have made a Peerless combination. (all) I don't know if this would be the best or not, that's what you're here for. I do plan on trying to run these as close to on axis as possible. One more question about the axis. If I'm sitting in the drivers seat, and the passenger kick is pointed at my right ear (for example sake) would that be considered on axis, since the drivers facing me? Or would it be XX degrees off since it's not facing my face.
  5. Can you elaborate on the Play Doh? I'm not really sure I'm following you? Instead of velcro. Any sort of bed that "holds" the speaker in place a bit will work. That's what I thought he was talking about. What would you tell me my next step is in this adventure, now?
  6. ABXX49

    12" Fi ib3 question

    It is made for infinite baffle applications. There is a ton of information around on this, especially on Home Theater Shack. You can do this in a car, but it is used more widely in home theater.
  7. Can you elaborate on the Play Doh? I'm not really sure I'm following you?
  8. ABXX49

    Question about component speakers

    With his budget he can only really pick two of the following 3. Deadener, speakers, or amplifier. Still at that budget, he can only do 2 of those 3 very sparingly.
  9. If that isn't enough, look into a HO alternator. (Ohio Generator, Mechman, Excessive Amperage, Iraggi)
  10. Upgrade your primary battery first AND do the big3. (For more information on the big3, see the technical section of the site.) If that doesn't work, add a secondary battery in the trunk. The only time I recommend a cap is if you're trying to impress your Hot Import Night buddies.
  11. 1. It won't fit. You can do one of 3 things for it. Buy a step down, buy a distribution block, or trim the wire to fit. 2. It's not been released yet. They are going to be a badass woofer when it does come out though. 3. Depends. The 15 is going to be louder given you put it in the right enclosure. It's all about how much trunk/cargo space you're willing to sacrifice.
  12. I don't really have any plans for competing. I think I'll probably try to set my stage more centered around myself. I read something Ramos posted a while back about having someone else help you aim by standing outside of your window with some sort of marking utensil and marking some inches in front and down of your ear. Both passenger and driver. So I may consider that too.
  13. Why would I aim to where the passenger is sitting?
  14. ABXX49

    Question about component speakers

    thats what its sounding like to me, if you looks around you may be able to find a few used components for cheap, or on clearance, another thought would be to find some good coaxials (jbl cdt vifa and others of the sort) but i would definitely do the sound deadener, it will make a huge improvement, and then go from there, also, clarion is great quality stuff, although not always the most user friendly I think it's pointless to add sound deadener if he's going to run coaxials or something cheap. It will help, but will it make them sound 'good.' I doubt it.
  15. ABXX49

    Question about component speakers

    These aren't dumb questions, they are questions a lot of newbies ask. I would suggest saving your money and buying a quality product, rather than blowing your money on junk. It's hard, but it will be worth it. I've been driving my car with only my rear speakers working (they are 16 years old btw) for almost 5 months now. It sucks, it really does. BUT I've been saving my money and trying to make a VERY educated decision on what I buy. I'm getting close, but I don't figure to have it done until the end of June. Do it once, do it right.
  16. ABXX49

    Question about component speakers

    You're much better off spending more money on an amp, and less on speakers. What are you goals in purchasing the system? Do you want loud? OR do you want something geared more towards proper sound reproduction? You have to pick one. Or at least lean strongly in one direction. I'm assuming you want the first one, in which case it really doesn't matter on what speakers you buy. Kicker, Alpine, Pioneer, Infinity. They are all going to sound similar. I used to run Infinities in my old car, and thought they sounded great back then. Looking back, they made my ears hurt, they were harsh, but sure as hell they got loud.
  17. ABXX49

    12" Fi ib3 question

    The IB3 is NOT made for this type of application. Look into the SSD series.
  18. It will be pretty hard getting the large drivers on axis. Especially if I go with a 4.5" mid. It may be a challenge, but I think I'm up for it! Now for the passenger side, how would I go about properly aiming those? Since I don't sit in the middle of the car, do I have to compensate? Aim towards my right ear? In front of my face? As you can tell I'm 100% new to this. I know some people will spend weeks and months trying to properly aim their speakers, but I really am not ready for that type of involvement. I would like to get good results with this, but I feel as I would have a hard time discerning the difference in a lot of aiming positions in the kicks. I figure I'll just try to eye ball it up, or maybe use the laser pen method.
  19. Yes, 30degrees off axis the direction the driver would be 30degrees away from pointing straight at you. Obviously in your kicks these will be off axis, but it depends on how much you want to intrude on your foot space. So is my goal to get these as close to on axis as possible?
  20. ABXX49

    sealed ht sub

    Mach5 MJ 18? Get two of em >:]
  21. ABXX49

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I vote the Mach1. My uncle as a 1999 Orange/Red GT (same body style). It is as bad ass car, I couldn't imagine the Mach1. Also, I don't really like convertibles.
  22. I've looked at this thread like 100 times, and every time, this happens.
  23. ABXX49

    Need graduation present ideas!

    You have an S7????!!!!! PICS NOW!!!!! That's my ultimate BONER! In the Liztick Red as pictured, albeit without the black wheels. They are just pure sex. Seriously, PICTURES NOW. Maybe a video of the exhaust too....mmmmm
  24. ABXX49

    Steve's Mach 5 IXL-10 Project

    Nice looking build. I've always wanted to try a sonotube someday..