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Everything posted by ABXX49

  1. ABXX49

    question (newbie kinda)

    You're looking at max power. You NEVER want to look at that in an amplifier. Look at sustained or RMS power. 320 watts per channel.
  2. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/zencart...p;products_id=6 $355.00
  3. ABXX49

    question (newbie kinda)

    It will give 320 watts per sub. Don't listen to the bridge master. You're only going to get so much out of that amplifier.
  4. ABXX49

    question (newbie kinda)

    This link will show you how to set your gains with a DMM. Follow that when you hook your subs up. I don't see that amp putting out rated power, but it will work. It sure as heck gives you a lot of room to upgrade down the line though! Don't bridge that amp. Run one sub on each channel.
  5. Hell, can't even get a zx1500.1 for that price...
  6. ABXX49

    question (newbie kinda)

    If you have one sub, yes. The dual just means it has 2 coils.
  7. ABXX49

    question (newbie kinda)

    All subwoofers will last (few exceptions) unless you abuse them. The subs I recommended will work with that amp. It will also allow you to upgrade to a monoblock and run them at 1ohm down the line.
  8. ABXX49

    question (newbie kinda)

    The specs on your amp say only 2 or 4 ohms. The DUAL part of the dual 2 ohm means it has 2 2ohm voicecoils which allows for flexibility in wiring options. http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/woofer_configurations.asp Go there and play with that, it will show you how wiring works.
  9. I was going to suggest that, but after looking on eBay it's just about more than double his budget.
  10. Those do power at 1ohm, which isn't really doing to help him. (I mean it will definitely work, but he said he wants to push them to the max.)
  11. You will need an amp that does max power at either 0.5, 2, or 8 ohms. Chances of finding a 0.5 stable amp that is affordable are slim. Chances of finding an 8 ohm car amplifier that puts out 2,000 watts is even slimmer. Finding a quality amp that puts out 2,000 watts at 2 ohms is your best bet. I can't think of one you'll find for $350 though.
  12. ABXX49

    question (newbie kinda)

    If you follow my previous post, yes. I would suggest getting a new amp down the line though. Hell, I would much rather have 1 sub and a better amp compared to 2 nice subs and a crappy amp.
  13. ABXX49

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I had one of those today. Eyes were tearing up and everything.
  14. ABXX49

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just close your eyes, Aaron....
  15. ABXX49

    2009 BL!

    Not sure about that on the 22" though.
  16. ABXX49

    2009 BL!

    From what I gathered they have the parts for them, but they haven't had time to get the coding for the site done.
  17. ABXX49

    Building a Subwoofer

    You can't beat the Shiva-x for that price! Never heard of the GR.
  18. Before I offer any advice, I WANT PICTURES! What is it you want, exactly? Advice on an amp and sub? What is your budget?
  19. ABXX49

    recommended electrical for 2 saz-3000?

    I'd rather do Powermasters over Kinetic. Heck even the Deck Intimidator batteries are pretty badass. AND they are really affordable.
  20. ABXX49

    Any Combos with Fi?

    That'd be my choice!
  21. ABXX49

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    I wish I lived remotely close to you so I could hear this thing when it's all done...!
  22. ABXX49

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What size is your RLp? Make sure you log it if you do en up going that route!
  23. ABXX49

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think the Mag is going to go in the living room of my place, I don't need it in the car and would like a new HT sub. I will probably use a plate amp on it for ease of integration too, haven't decided yet, don't have the money around to buy one so it doesn't matter anyway. Mag for HT = I have nothing but praise for the job it does.
  24. ABXX49

    covering my box

    I just did this a few months ago. The first thing is that there is NO room for error. If you feel ANY type of bump, it will mess it up. It took 10 coats of primer on this before the edges of the MDF were paintable. I had my paint guy use an automotive grade paint and a clearcoat on it. It looks damn good in person, but even with all of the HOURS of sanding and fine tuning there are still a few barely noticeable blemishes. Does it look good? Absolutely! Amazing! Would I do it again? Well I would charge a hell of a lot more than just price of supplies this time around...