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Everything posted by ABXX49

  1. ABXX49

    Worst Movie You've Ever Seen

    Working at a video store, I get to hear about a lot. There is this company called Asylum who copies other peoples movies and makes AWFUL knockoffs. Transformers to Transmorphers. I am Legend to I am Omega. 20,000 Leagues under the Sea to 30,000 Leagues under the Sea. The list goes on and on. By far the worst pieces of cinema in existence.
  2. ABXX49

    Fi versus Kicker (i know which is better :P)

    The Q's can get loud, in my opinion. But if you're shopping for "loud" go to the BL line. As far as 'which is louder'...who knows?
  3. ABXX49

    will it be worth it?

  4. ABXX49

    ANother question about an ssd

    I have no input on this, but rather want to know why they recommend that.
  5. ABXX49

    Notice: Behind on e-mails

    LOL. Good luck!
  6. ABXX49

    How do you guys crimp larger ring terminals?

    I agree with this statement 100%. I usually use pliers to 'break' the joint apart. I stick the wire in and fold one side down really well, and then over lay the second side. I then solder the tip just to make it look pretty.
  7. ABXX49

    Should I get an RF T1 12" for this price?

    Here's a question I have. Why couldn't he plug like 500 watts into the little formula for setting the gains. Wouldn't that yield the voltage at which he would only be putting out 500 watts?
  8. ABXX49

    Should I get an RF T1 12" for this price?

    No ones saying you have to use the full 1200watts either...
  9. Just remember that if you push this one too far, it too will fry.
  10. I'll be purchasing a Dcon in about a month.
  11. ABXX49

    Should I get an RF T1 12" for this price?

    If I were in your shoes, I would save for a while longer and buy 1 BL (knowing you want two in the future). Buy the d1 coil option and run it at 2 ohms for now. Upgrade to your 2nd BL down the line. But that's just logical thinking.
  12. ABXX49

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wasn't too impressed. It was alright, but a bit far-fetched. Wouldn't pay to watch it in theaters, or own it, but would definitely rent it.
  13. ABXX49

    New, got some Questions.

    That's a very unfortunate myth in car audio. A quality speaker will play at the same 'speed.' If there is a difference, it's immeasurable or negligible. Say you have 500w on a 12, then a 15, and 18, assuming the box is build to spec, the more cone area you have the louder. So it's really on how much space you want to give up, and what you can fit.
  14. ABXX49

    Should I get an RF T1 12" for this price?

    What type of music do you listen to, and what's your budget?
  15. ABXX49

    Welcome to the IHoP

    PS Check out my FS thread for the BEST prices around!
  16. ABXX49

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Unless you have a latex allergy.
  17. ABXX49

    FeedBack **Positive**

    ///m5 - Just bought an Eclipse headunit it from him. No surprises here, but he was excellent to do business with. I've never seen such packaging before! A++++
  18. ABXX49

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Time to goto work. 7-1130...wonderful shift.
  19. ABXX49

    Project questions

    He hit it spot on. You'll want to ground to your chassis somewhere. As far as the amp, you'll need a distribution block. You'll go 1 wire from your battery, a fuse no more than 18" from the battery, the distroblock in your trunk, and that will have 2 power wires you can run out of it. Run a wire to each amp AND fuse those wires.
  20. ABXX49

    having a box built for me

    What kind of power are you dealing with?
  21. ABXX49

    Favorite supplement

    I'm currently doing Ronnie Coleman's off season workout. It's 3 days a week with the primary focus on 2 body parts a day. You hit every muscle group after that with 1 exercise. I love it so far, but I'm getting off of it at the end of March just to change it up a bit.
  22. ABXX49

    Favorite supplement

    A sure fire way to drop weight is to change your eating habits. Do six smaller meals a day, rather than 3 larger meals. Practice portion control. Cut out soda. Cut out unnecessary sweets. Try to eat meals higher in protein. CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO. That is really the key. I started working out again in January. I looked back at a picture of me from 3 years ago, and realized that I've let myself go. I'm taking the following supplements right now: Fish oils, Glucosamine Sulfate, Papaya enzyme, GNC Multivitamin, and Optimum Nutrition Nitro Core 24 protein. I've already gained a significant amount of strength back, and muscle definition. Currently 164lbs at 5'9". Goal is to be 180.
  23. ABXX49

    From 1 btl to 2 btl's box build help

    I recommend starting from scratch.
  24. Take a peak at your grounds. I want to chalk this one up to another AQ amp failure, but definitely check your grounds.