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Everything posted by jumpinbean23

  1. jumpinbean23

    Front stage help

    Do I need to worry about anything in particular with these going into a door? Will some work better than others? There seem to be several different space requirements? I know these are questions, but this is new for me, so please be gentle with my learning curve By the way thank you for all your help
  2. jumpinbean23

    Front stage help

    Thanks for the tips. I am looking into some of the seas lines at the moment, there seem to be some options that would work out. Do you have any experience with seas products?
  3. jumpinbean23

    Front stage help

    Yeah my doge has spots for tweeters in the dash. I have never taken the dash apart to see what kind of space is available. I was also looking into the 7" woofers as well there are quite a few options out there it seems, so it could be a tedious process for me lol.
  4. jumpinbean23

    Front stage help

    I am starting to lean towards building a custom 2 way system rather than take my chances on a pre-made set. Active seems like it is going to be the best option, so I guess I have quite a bit of researching to do. Once again any ideas or suggestions are more than welcome to chime in!
  5. Ok so here is my delemma. I just installed a crunch gp3000pro (new) and 12" btl (new), however the amp has no output. It powers on but that is all. I tried switching amps, no change. I tried a different sub and nothing. I changed rca cables and once again nothing. The head unit is a pioneer 980BT. The head unit is new also, but could this be the cause of my problem, or maybe wiring? I have a four channel hooked up as well and it works fine. The sub is d2 wired in parallel to 1 ohm which i checked as well. I am running out of ideas on what to troubleshoot so any ideas are greatly appreciated.
  6. jumpinbean23

    new box time need some advice

    I am looking at building a new box and I can't seem to make up my mind on 2.5 or 3 cubes. I also keep going back and forth on what tuning to go with 32? 34 any experienced btl owners out there have any advice??
  7. jumpinbean23

    new box time need some advice

    Sorry I know that was a vague question. As far as goals go I would just like it loud without sounding like It will be going in my wife's saturn . I haven't done much with ported enclosures so I'm just trying to get a general direction to go in. Right now she just has some polk components up front running off an alpine 100 x 4 . This will be mostly for hip hop, maybe occasional rock. The alt is a 160 amp right now, I have yet to track down anything higher so this may be a temp setup if I can't locate one. I upgraded the stock battery with a deka 34 and added a deka 31 as well ran 0 guage throughout. Right now the amp is a planet audio rxd2400, not great, but it's what I got at the moment. I hope that helps and if I left anything out let me know
  8. jumpinbean23

    12" BTL enclosure

    Just currious if the new 12" BTL would be better suited in 2.5 or 3 cubic feet? Would tuning at 32 work or would I be better off tuning higher? Any info would be appreciated
  9. jumpinbean23

    My brain hurts I need help

    Well I am currently laid off work so I told my wife I would add some bump to her ride. Seemed easy enough at the time. Then I started shopping around, and now I am losing my mind. I have looked at so many subs I think my brain is going to explode. I'm just wondering where to start. I would like to run 2 12's ported if possible, if not Ill drop down to 10's. Rough dimensions are 32Wx15Hx?. I can probably go wider, but just a starting point. I decided I will build a box for the first time so whatever I go with hopefully someone can help out with a good box design, or point me in the right direction. My wife will be happy with anything, she heard 2 12" cvx ported and grinned from ear to ear, I just feel like there is better for the money. I am trying to avoid mainstream just to be a little different, had I not found this website I probably wouldnt have this problem lol So the subs I have looked at so far are Re audio SE Fi SSD Audioque sd2.5 DC level 3 Kicker L7,CVX SSA Icon The amp I buy will just depend on the subs I decide on more than likely audioque 1200 or SAZ1500. The head unit is a pioneer 980BT With those subs in mind, anyone have any thoughts, I think any will suffice, but I have no experience with any of them except kicker, and my vision is blurred from trying to compare all of them lol. Sorry for the lengthiness of the post, just trying to give as much info as possible Thanks in advance