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About Tatsamaru

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  1. or any info on the 15001ds to shed some light on this subject, there is no info what so ever about how much it produces, and i cant test it till i get home in mid dec early jan... so any information would be greatly appricated
  2. Ok has any one did any tests to see how much it actually puts out? i havent found any website that people actually have tested it...
  3. Well rusty said i could do a box at 10 cubes and it would be perfectly fine... this is coming from the man who made the subs LOL
  4. Well the reason i asked is because the stuff i have found said it would go into protect at 1 ohm and im hoping thats not the case. Thank you for the response as well
  5. I have looked every where and have only found very few discussions and i know it puts out decent power for what it is. My question is this can it run at 1 ohm all day long beating? im doing a groundpounder in a integra hatch with 2 18" level 5 DC's and i have 2 of these. I am over seas on a deployment for the army at the moment so i cant wire them up or anything so i need to know if they can run at 1 ohm or not befor i order the 18s any advice would be greatly appricated!
  6. Tatsamaru

    Highest number with RE SE ?

    2 15" RE SE's in a custom box tuned to 35 hz i hit 143 on dash with TL...powered with a 1500 watt audiopipe amp. Granted im in a integra hatch.. but they do beat, but SX would beat ALOT harder with power like that. They do handle the amp like a champ tho.