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Everything posted by MarkyMark

  1. MarkyMark

    USamps reviews

    NP. I think its a 2005 or 2006 model. It does not have the gunmetal color you have shown somewhere else on this forum.
  2. MarkyMark

    USamps reviews

    Long time Reader. First time Poster. My Beast 2007 Tacoma US AMPS AX-5600 Pioneer DEH-880PRS Usher 9950 Tweets Dayton 7" RS-180 Mids Audiocontrol 2XS 12" Elemental Designs 13kv4 Subwoofer @ 2ohm - shoulda gone 1 ohm A whole lotta RAAMMAT + Ensolite US AMPS AX-5600 Review Good: -Durable Design - Chrome HS -Easy to connect / disconnect -Clean Sound -Awesome Power - My 12" sub is at 2ohm and is awesome. I almost fear what a 1ohm sub would sound like. Bad: -Big - Impossible to put under seats (however I knew this when I bought it so shame on me) -Fussy with Pioneer 880-PRS headunit; requires soldering to HU ground to get consistent signal strength to the amp. Not a big deal to do, but Pioneer 880-PRS headunits are by no means a fringe customer headunit. Very reputable and used in a LOT of SQ installs. US-AMPS should include a special note in their manual so lazy customers like me don't have to tear apart their dashes twice and solder RCA's in their console. Not fun or easy let me assure you. -Installed an almost identical speaker setup in a friends car and he used a Memphis Belle MCH600 amp and did not have the problems above and comparable SQ. Considering this AX amp is notably more expensive then the Belle you should look into fixing this Pioneer headunit problem that the Belle does not have (Fussy with Pioneer). Notes: PLease don't let me give you the impression that I do not like this amp. It performs fantastically and I could not be happier. I just bring up the negatives so Flakko's engineers can fix it for future models. What most impressed me about US-AMPS was the customer service I received when I had the Pioneer - AX problem mentioned above and in several other posts on this forum. I called USAMPS expressing my frustration with the amps consistent signal strength fluctuations. Especially when my buddy had a much better sounding system at the time for much less $$ than I paid. Receptionist said their tech support was fully occupied at the moment but if I left my number they would call me ASAP. I gave the number but never really expected to hear back from anyone. Much to my surprise within 5 minutes a gentleman named Greg called me back, identified the problem as some kind of Pioneer ground loop / floating point calculation (????) and gave me clear instructions as to how to fix it (solder RCA negative to headunit screw in back). He said if that did not work I could send the amp directly to him and he would diagnose and fix it ASAP in much sooner time than me sending it back to the seller. Lo and behold the solder worked like magic and I have been rockin' out ever since to a damn fine sounding AMP. Flakko, I've had the misfortune with dealing with customer service reps from far too many electronics manufacturers over the years. However, I can honestly say that the quick and polite customer service I received from US AMPS far exceeded ANYTHING I have gotten from anyone. No 10 minute robot sequence. No being forced to listen to a "you must be an idiot" FAQ. No jerk in India. Nope. I got called back in 5 minutes from a guy who knew his chit. While it was a relatively quick fix, Greg made me feel like I was important and a valued customer, and said HE WOULD DO WHAT IT TAKES TO FIX THE PROBLEM. This is what true customer service is. He should be commended for that. Sincerely, Mark
  3. MarkyMark

    Us Amps AX-5600 Questions

    Hello Everyone. Long time reader. First time poster. I had a similar problem with my AX5600 - 880prs install. However, I never had noise. I had a sporadic bass channel level problem. Some days it sounded great. Some days barely audible; muffled with all gains maxed. Fronts and "Rear" channels (1-4) sounded great and completely unaffected however they were being fed a signal from my Audiocontrol 2XS crossover. Called US-AMPS and a very helpful gentleman named Greg instructed me to solder a wire from the barrels (grounds) of my sub channel RCAS to the screw on the back of the 880prs head unit. Something to do with Pioneers "floating point" receiver technology (don't ask me - Gregs the genius - not me). Anyhow, 100% fixed my problem and my neighbors have been hating me ever since.