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Everything posted by amangujral06

  1. amangujral06

    Fi Sssd 18" box size limitations - help evryone

    well that is true that bigger sub not necessarily means more spl, many other factors comes nto play too, but we are not discussing that here now . Also when budget is very limited, power is limited , and only one sub is to be used.. 18" sub make sense. Any help regarding the query will be appreciative. Thanks
  2. amangujral06

    fi for india

    yipeeeeeeee!!! got the subs finally! time to party. man 18" SMD is heavy
  3. amangujral06

    fi for india

    well 2X15" JBL GTI's had already made it to TaTa Nano, i see no difficulty for a SMD into a three wheeler . and what floods!! Delhi got dried up again in no time
  4. amangujral06

    fi for india

    products finally arrived at delhi airport , boy finally they are just few kilometers from me, but these custom guys are too slow... i am totally going mad
  5. amangujral06

    fi for india

    hi nick, my friends are waiting to see my car ICED with fi q 15", i promised them 3 months back and it has still not come