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Everything posted by muzikmaddness

  1. muzikmaddness

    Sound advice

    Hello guys. I'm just another audio fanatic trying to look see whats the best route for my goals. I am definitely looking and wanting SQ, I'm just not sure about which brands work, and what brands to stay away from. Also, I'm looking into upgrade my amp, but I guess overall, looking for a system thats not too taxing on the electrical system. Looking at the FI Q's, seem to be very tempting. My vehicle is an 01 tahoe.. Currently, I have a beginners system... Kappa Inifinity Comps w/ jl 4 channel, 2 punch HE's in a sealed box(dont flame, I did't know any better) w/ old pioneer amp, and a poineer h/u... Any advice or suggestions is greatly appreciated... Thanks..
  2. muzikmaddness

    Sound advice

    Thanks for the clarification!!! That does make sense. M5, I do apologize if my response seemed to be sarcastic, but I guess I should have phrased my question differently in the aspects of having a SQ system. Now, with that out of the way, I'm open to any and all suggestions in regards to front stage, subs and amp.
  3. muzikmaddness

    Sound advice

    Now, to answer your question, I'm blending Kappa Infinity Comps pushed by a JL 4 channel amp. Now, one thing I really don't understand, is your statement. Subs really don't matter? Thats a new one I haven't heard before..
  4. muzikmaddness

    Sound advice

    I just need a mono sub amp. I not picky, but just want an amp that can do the job... I noticed that some people are leaning toward running one sub versus two. Whats the difference between running one 15 veresus two 12's? Is there really an SQ advantage with either set-up?
  5. muzikmaddness

    Sound advice

    Budget wise, I would say between $500-$800 for an amp.
  6. muzikmaddness

    Sound advice

    What are some efficient SQ amps worth looking at?
  7. muzikmaddness

    Sound advice

    Thanks for the reply. Just by doing some homework, it seems like the Sundown amps are getting some good reviews from customers. Do you have suggestions on amps?