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Everything posted by towny29

  1. towny29

    12" BTL enclosure

    is there a difference in sound quality between the slot port and the 4" one? Also, what freq are those dimensions tuned to?
  2. towny29

    12" BTL enclosure

    Hey guys, I'm looking to build my own vented enclosure (my first) for a 12" BTL fully loaded. I have looked at the box builder programs, but am having trouble. Would someone please design on for me? The maximum dimensions are 15"H x 34"L x 30"D. I plan on making it double baffle, and adding a magnet holder. But I guess before finalizing a design, I was thinking that it should be tuned to 35Hz, what do you guys think? Thanks for the help in advance, Justin
  3. Hey guys, I've been trying to decide which head unit to buy. Which one would you guys buy? How does the screen clarity compare?
  4. towny29

    How did you guys find SSA???

    I was looking for the Fi forum...