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Everything posted by wrxinfx

  1. If life is like a box of chocolates.... then you are screwed if Oprah is around. You will have no life. ;)

  2. wrxinfx

    Need Help, Not sure what subs to buy

    At certain frequencies at the given power it does . ROE gave us a glimpse of the Q and BTL in their 12" woofer challenge a while ago. I don't take it as law since everything is install dependent and the motor structure of the speaker itself has changed. But it gives us an over all view of how each works in the optimal enclosure and with adequate wattage and takes the guesswork out of it for us with coherent and accurate results. So to the OP ... choose what sub fits your needs. If you have tons of money.. BTL with tons of power. If you want to slam daily.. BL with a saz 1500 . If you want superb sound quality with awesome lows .. a Q with either a 1200 or 1500. All are loud and will make you lose your hearing. And in defense to Bimmerboy... my correlation between owning a super car and not being able to use it's speed still stands.. thats what he was trying to say. You all know we once bought the best speaker only to power it with Pyramid and Radio Shack amps...lol. I would get flamed if I ran my BTL with a rockford punch amp pushing 500 rms of a tape deck and complain why it doesn't slam..haha. Sorry for straying off of the intended subject but Bimmer had a good point.
  3. wrxinfx

    Need Help, Not sure what subs to buy

    The BTL is more efficient, it WILL be more loud than any other woofer from Fi. They don't have a "prime" wattage rating either, the ratings are the maximum recommended power applied given the thermal and mechanical handling built into the woofer. I know that. Given the proper wattage and set up the BTL WILL be louder. Which is what I stated above. You need more power to move the assembly of the BTL as compared to the smaller and softer spider pack of the Q. Well maybe not softer but less spiders means less mass in the assembly. I have both. I compare both... in my setup.. which is not ideal but given the same wattage the Q moves more. A decibel or 2 is negligible therefore its redundant to say (A) is louder than (B). Not my opinion.. just fact. I need a 3500 and then i'll give you an honest review as how loud the BTL will get.Prime may not be the correct word. Ideal is. It has to be ideal in the situation and set up of the system. FI is conservative in their ratings due to additional options available. What they put on their site is ideal. It can handle more or less. Again... system and set up dependent.
  4. wrxinfx

    Q vs BL

    I haven't heard a BL yet but i'm gonna purchase one just for the hell of it. But the Q is accurate and semi loud. I'd say BL if you want loud. If its the lower powered version of the BTL then its a good choice for loud.
  5. wrxinfx

    Need Help, Not sure what subs to buy

    What Bimmer was trying to say is that why would you buy a Ferrari to only drive around at 55mph? Why would you buy a 4x4 truck if you don't go off road? Its like paying top dollar or a ton of extra money on something you don't need. If the OP wants loud on (x) watts then I suggest design the right install around the power he is going to run.. like everyone said above. The sub is just as important but not necessarily the pinnacle of the system. I have a BTL fl and with the sax 1200 it is screaming for more power... in my particular install that is. I have currently the 15 Q loaded back in and it is suffice .. almost perfect...with that same amp. It is at or close to its nominal potential with that wattage. The BTL needs 2000 plus watts to live up to its potential. Its just a waste knowing it can get louder but can't due to power restrictions. Like having that same Ferrari but driving it 2 miles down the road in a school zone every single day for the rest of my life. So what i'm trying to say is that for (x) wattage.. get the right sub for job. FI didn't run wattage specs for fun. They engineered their woofers to be prime in that wattage range. But if you got the extra headroom in power... use it wisely.
  6. wrxinfx

    Need Help, Not sure what subs to buy

    I've got a 15 btl and a 15 q. Q is accurate as hell. I love it so damn much. BTl in the same truck, same sized enclosure is just a vicious monster that sounds better than those irritating DD's. Money+install=your pleasure.
  7. wrxinfx

    SSD 15 build time

    Wow. I ordered my Q and in 7 days.. it was at my house. IN Hawaii...hehe. My fully loaded BTL was here in 10. I guess they had it built already and just had to ship it. I was lucky I guess. Boy are they beauuuuttttiiiiifulllll!!!!!!
  8. wrxinfx

    15" Q-Enclosure Question

    My box for my Q 15" is 3.0 after all displacement tuned to 30 hz. It sounds clean. I'm happy.
  9. wrxinfx

    ebay seller for FI or AA ?

    If i'm not mistaken FI subs are dealer direct only. Sounds too good to be true.
  10. wrxinfx

    Fi BL 12 help. (Vid)

    Agreeing with Nick. Decent HU and get rid of the Loc. Change Rca's and then you should be fine. If you decide to skip any of those.. your FI is not living up to its potential. You'd be better off just buying a 12" sony explode, boosting the bass to max on hu and amp, pin the gain and "trying" to slam. Its like buying a Bugatti Veyron, filling it with 87 octane and then running $35 single ply trailer tires on all 4 corners. Why?
  11. wrxinfx

    bl 12 not hitting

    if you want it to be loud outside the car, mount it on the outside. you can impress a couple people in your neighborhood with a loud stereo. they are called theives. you can impress a lot of people on this forum if you can get loud inside the vehicle with the windows up, and not raise any eyebrows on the outside. x2
  12. wrxinfx

    Dustcap color options

    Thanks for the update Scott!!! Awesome as usual.
  13. wrxinfx

    Dustcap color options

    Did they all switch to stickers Nick? I bought 2 SSD's in 08 and they were painted on white? I'm touching it as I type this and it ain't no sticker. So you mean the white is a sticker now?
  14. wrxinfx

    Dustcap color options

    I have that. I wish I got the plain white instead. Just don't like the sticker thing. Painted white is better. And when the sub cranks... the chrome blue doesn't show as much as the white does like my 12.
  15. wrxinfx

    SSD 15 totally satisfied.

    Awesome!!! I love my SSD. I love my Q even more. Now i'm gonna skip the BL and get a BTL...lol.
  16. wrxinfx

    7 cubic feet, 3k, 600 dollars

    OMG!!!! I almost died laughing LOL!!!
  17. wrxinfx

    FI Q15 Box Ported

    That looks good. I just had my box built to 3.0 with all ports and sub volume subtracted tuned to 30hz. It is just a dream to listen to. Not boomy. Bass is accurate and decent loud. It is just a tad bit loud so i'm picking up a BL 12" to replace it now...lol.
  18. wrxinfx

    hey nick

    I bought 3. And now i'm about to buy another. Must be something good about them.
  19. wrxinfx

    Is this an official Sundown product?

    He said Jacob doesn't have much of a case when it comes to removing the Sundown name from his products. I guess he is going to keep running it. I for one will not buy from this guy. It shows his integrity right there.
  20. wrxinfx

    ssd12 question

    Don't hesitate.... pick'em up. I did and have no regrets. Well maybe I should have gotten two instead but then i'll have to spend more money on this and that and etc. "Fi"ne subwoofer to own.
  21. wrxinfx

    i recieved my BL got a question

    Good to hear that. Now let us hear it too. Vid would be nice.
  22. Good Lord!!!!!! With the camera shaking like that when it hit...... I got dizzy and scared at the same time. Scared that someone there might pass out. I have never before seen something like that. Damn!!!! Awesome!!!!!!
  23. wrxinfx

    what should i get!!!!!

    Bigjon hit the nail on the head. If you need to know what wattage you need to run do a search on the amp he reccomended. Sell your Boss... should have been named POS instead. Sundown 3000 to 2 15 BL's in a big box.
  24. wrxinfx

    TC Sound?????

    Heard they were going out of business. Check it out.... http://www.caraudio.com/forum/showthread.p...730#post3854730
  25. wrxinfx

    Just Ordered SSD 12 Copper Coil

    Yup, I know. I was so anxious to hear how it sounded that I just threw it in. I made it 16 years ago in high school. The walls are a little less than a half inch thick with 1/2"pboard back. It rolls like a mf so I got it bungeed to the back of my trunk. Works for now until I build a spec box per FI... ported though. Rugdnit... How much space you looking to take up? A 1.3 like mine takes up just a small amount of space for a 12" and if I had the power it would definitely bump. I wasn't impressed with the sub initially but after break in, it is much more powerful. For an entry level 12" I can definitely say its better than the type R's, Atomics, and other pitiful speakers I had. Try borrowing a friend's ported box and compare it to yours when you build it. I kinda want to keep my trunk space but the Fi's scream for ports.