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Big Shot

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Everything posted by Big Shot

  1. DjBedtime was right LuniTunes, i do have an Optima for sale. Just put it up in the early am today. Here's the link - Optima D31T 1) "Will a Red Top up front be ok mixed with a Yellow Top in back?" Yes, you won't experience any problems. 2) "What specific models of batts from the different manufactures should I buy?" The bigger the better! You can't have too much Battery!" 3) "Which manufacture should I you choose?" The cheapest. Optima, Odyssey, Kinetik, and Powermaster = The Same chit! If you are paying more to one company and getting less for your money you need to take your head out your ass. None of these batts is worth anymore than the other. It's just hype... Real World Experience... I just bought two motorcycles from a guy that weren't in running condition. He used to race these things over 10 years ago and they have been sitting in storage doing nothing ever since. One had a lead acid type battery installed in it and had absolutely no acid left inside. It had evaporated over the past ten years it was sitting. I hooked up my meter and the battery showed it had 5 volts in it. Any battery manufacturer pretty much states that if a battery gets below 10 volts it needs to be replaced cause it has gone bad or suffered permanent damage. Anyhow, since it was no trouble for me, i filled it up with acid that i already owned here at the house and threw it on the charger. It now has a resting voltage of 12.8 which is great for this type of battery. It's now install in the bike and working perfectly. I saved myself about $50 by not buying a new one. And by not believing the hype... Good Luck, Bob!
  2. Big Shot

    i think i have a bad cell

    I haven't seen it but i can't imagine why there would be a reason you couldn't...
  3. Big Shot

    Welcome to the IHoP

  4. Big Shot

    Looking for my Q

    Sry to hear your sub is MIA. I'm sure someone will get it straightened out for you soon. In the meantime, did you get the dual 2 ohm voice coils and the BP power option? If so check this out - Kicker Kx1200.1 Amp for sale I ran my 15" Q off of it and it was a perfect match!
  5. Big Shot

    Amps for the 15" Q

    This is what i used for my 15" Q with BP power option and it worked flawlessly - Kicker Kx1200.1 Amp Anymore power would have been too much. And with any less, i wouldn't have been getting all i could out of my sub. That link is to my auction and the amp works perfectly. You can see buy my feedback that i don't sell junk. Goodluck Ana!
  6. Big Shot

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hey guys, I got myself into a spot and need cash fast. By this Sunday to be exact. Just yesterday i left a guy a deposit on 2 motorcycles with titles and enough spare parts to build a third if i wanted. The only problem is i'm about $800 shy of what i need to pay him off and the only way i'm going to be able to get it is sell off some of my car audio gear. Which brings me to the point. I'm only a member of this forum. It's the best right? But since i'm only a member of this forum i can't get the word out to others that may be interested in the equipment on the other forums and i'm hoping one of you could do that for me. Here are the links to the items i put up on eBay so far... Kicker Kx1200.1 Amp Fi Audio 15" Q with BP power option and dual 2 ohm voice coils Whatever you can do for me i'd really appreciate it. Thanks, Bob!
  7. Big Shot

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Need to edit a post and for the life of me i can't figure out how. I want to change a link to my eBay auction cause eBay deleted it for use violations. I wrote "Not JL or Rockford Fosgate" in the title for my Kicker amp and they didn't care for it... Any help guys???
  8. Big Shot

    New pick-up line...

    Alright, it's an old joke but i haven't heard it in awhile until a girlfriend just used it on me recently. When i heard what she said my jaw dropped to the floor i was so shocked. She timed it perfectly to catch me having fun and totally off guard. Anyhow, you may have heard it before or not, but i wanna try and use it to pick-up chicks at the bar so tell me what you think. The joke goes like this... You simply look at a person who is standing more then a few feet away from you and motion for them to come over by you with your finger. When they get there you say, "Do you always cum when i finger you?". So that's it. I want to go to the bars and use it as a pick-up line. I want to see a pretty little thing standing across the room, smile, and motion for her to come over by me with my finger. When she does, i'm gonna say, "Do you always come when i finger you?". Good, bad, or ugly? Don't hold back guys! I really need your advice on this one cause i've been single for about a year now and i can't take it anymore!
  9. Big Shot

    97 Accord Trunk 15"Q ported ideas

    I run a 15" Q with BP off of the same amp and it takes the power fine - Box is 4.0 cu ft @28hz If you want to limit the power coming from that amp to the sub you'll do that by turning the gain down.
  10. Big Shot

    Q vs. anything

    The ZX1500.1 is probably a bit too much for the Q even with the BP option. I'd say it's more of a BL amp. It's not that you can't use it on one, just make sure you don't set the gain for max power other wise you'll be adding a recone kit to your list of things to buy. I say that because i own a 15" Q with BP option right now that i'm running off of a Kicker KX1200.1 and it's happy. So happy in fact that i wouldn't put anymore power to it than i have now. I like playing it loud and long and have no doubt i'd have fried the thing if i was sending it a few hundred more watts...
  11. Big Shot

    what options should i get

    You'll want to order a dual 1 ohm voice coil sub and wire it in series to get a final load of 2 ohms. Your installer can do that for you. ^-- Sub wired in series
  12. Big Shot

    Best sub for small sealed enclosures

    I've never heard Planet Audio subs before so i can't comment on which of the three subs you're comparing would be the loudest. I have however owned both the JL and Kicker models you're looking at getting for a replacement and if i was in the market again for similar models i would buy the Kickers without a second thought. There simply isn't that much difference between the two to justify spending twice as much on the JL's...
  13. Big Shot

    Fi subs Featured in Music Video

    Nice video... What video editing software did you use?
  14. Big Shot

    Q problem

    Sub isn't blown, check all your connections...
  15. Big Shot

    Need Help

    I think I'll do that John. I was just wondering if someone was familiar with a way to disable it... Thanks!
  16. Big Shot

    Need Help

    A friend owns a 2006 VW Jetta. It has the factory 6 disc changer head unit that raises/lowers the volume automatically. But, it's messed up. And does it whenever it feels like. It has become real annoying. Is it possible to disable that feature and if so, how?
  17. Big Shot

    hello Fi car audio and audio pros..

    What is the amp's model number? How did you set the gain on the amp? What is bass boost on the amp set too? How did you wire the sub? What type of box is it installed in? (Sealed, Ported... What size? If it's ported what is the port tuned too?)
  18. Big Shot

    any plans for a sundown 5k?

    I was seriously gonna buy a hybrid for my next car... But since you put it that way, i think i'm just gonna buy bigjon's instead
  19. Big Shot

    Kicker L7 with Zx750 Enclosure Help

    Post edited due to the use of mind altering drugs... Nothing to see here, everybody just move along
  20. Big Shot

    tryin to catch me ridin dirty.

    X-infinity! Never, ever, ever ever ever ever say YES! (that was my best Chris Tucker impersonation) Why? Because the police have the burden in court to prove that they had probable cause to search your car. The first thing your attorney will want to figure out is if the police had violated your rights and performed a illegal search. If they did, and your attorney proves it, then anything and everything they found in that illegal search can not be used against you in a court of law. Including, but not limited to, a dead body in your trunk. And I speak from experience, just saying no saved my ass twice!
  21. Big Shot

    Fi Q's (2 15's vs 1 18)

    What makes the 18 more musical?
  22. Big Shot

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    Huh? Don't ask... If you didn't understand it the first time you're just gonna make us both confused
  23. Big Shot

    New pick-up line...

    I give... What?
  24. Big Shot

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    Ummm... Not SQ edition here. Nor am i able to follow the requested rules (sry John) cause i only got 4 hours sleep last night and i'm tired as chit but, i want to share none the less Sean Paul - Like glue Love the bass. It has a good rhythm to it and shakes my van up pretty good... I can't help but wonder how it would sound being played off a Sundown 3000 with two 15" BL's... *Lookin' at you bigjon!* Benny Benassi & Public Enemy - Bring the Noise (Pump-kin Remix) Love the bass. It gets loud & plays clear on my system. Old school song with a new school techno twist... *Still lookin' at u *
  25. Big Shot

    Help with Fi 15" Q

    You'll want to go with a dual 2 ohm voice coil sub so you can wire it in parallel down to a 1 ohm load. Here is a link for you to understand what that means... Sub Wiring As far as what enclosure you should use it's really up to you. The easiest to make yourself would be a sealed enclosure and i would suggest you do that. You can bump your sub and get a good feel for how it sounds not to mention some experience in making the box itself. Then, go ahead and make a ported enclosure. Once you've down all that you'll know which you prefer more. I have a single 15" Q in a 4ft^3 enclosure tuned to 28hz powered by a Kicker Kx1200.1 amp and as far as i'm concerned, i like the ported. It gives me more output down low which is what i like...