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Everything posted by tharookie

  1. tharookie

    dB-R has 3000Ds Refurbs on Sale!

    i need to get rid of my 4 1500's and get some 3000's.free up some space!!!!!
  2. tharookie

    twistedcopperhead feedback

    lol!!!!!! :bigclap:
  3. tharookie

    twistedcopperhead feedback

    yeah.roberts a good guy.he's an old man,but a good guy and he knows his sh*t when it comes to car audio!!
  4. tharookie

    Lots of 18s

    that fing sexy as hell.if i only had the room for that many!!!thats gonna be one nasty vechicle!!!!!!!!i cant wait to see the build!! :clap:
  5. just wanted to wish everyone a merry christmas and a safe new years!!!ill be getting my x-mas gift after christmas!!
  6. tharookie

    1000D or 1500D ?

    i would go with the 1500d just because u might wanna add a sub down the round and a 1500d will do the trick.like he said though,just know your limits with the volume knob!!!ive got 4 1500's and just with 1 hooked up,my 4 12's are bangn!!!!!its worth the extra few dollars!!!
  7. tharookie

    Sundown vs RF testing

    yeah rockford might be a good amp,and ive had one,but nothing compares to the sundowns,expecially when u get them down to 1/2 ohm!!!!!!!!
  8. tharookie

    Differences subwoofer T3 vs. Soundown

    i have the t3 ts 12's and i love them.i havent blown them all year and i beat the hell out of them and compete with them.im currently running 4 1500 sundowns strapped at a half ohm on 4 of them and its killing them but there taking it so far!!!!!!i do need new subs that i can trust will take the power i want to put to them and thats why im waiting on the monsters sundown subs!!!!!!!jacob is a man that stands behind his product and has the best customer service ever!!!!!i would hands down go wth the sundowns cause ive personally seen what those subs can do and its nasty!!!!ill have my pair of 15's next year(or sooner if i can ever blow mine
  9. tharookie

    A True Sponsor and Friend

    hope you do make it to finals jacob.im gonna show some sundown love myself and try and launch my subs at finals!!!!thanks for making great products and being a great buisness man and stickn behind your products!!!!
  10. tharookie

    sundown wins again

    Team twisted mayhem took first place again at the kiwanis car show in white house,tn.thought id share that with the sundown guys.the others couldnt make it due to not being able to find gas!!!!thanks again jacob!!! Todd Mayton AS3-147.2db(at the headrest with the car off!!)
  11. tharookie

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    i d like to see what that sub will do on some music.like for daily or bassrace!!jacob,what do u think it'll handle power wise on music?
  12. tharookie

    sundown wins again

    thanks.the AS scores are crazy this year.whats up with brent man!!havent heard nothing about him in a while.hope he makes it to finals!!good luck on that 130 plus in drive by.thats sick man!!!!!!
  13. tharookie

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    hey jacob,ive got a 97 jeep and it love the 50 to 55 hrz. range.ive tryed going down but my best numbers are at 50 to 55.just thought id try to help you out.i think youve seen my setup,subs up ports back,but ive got something good instore for finals this year.ill send you pictures.good luck with the sub and i really wanna see a video.
  14. tharookie

    Article Submitted to 12 Volt News for Publication

    great article chris.sundown amps are working great for me and ill be adding to my list of amps in the future.{to let ya'll know that todd maytons score of 145.5 was with the car off and playing music}
  15. tharookie

    Article Submitted to 12 Volt News for Publication

    great article.keep them up.i love reading about team twisted mayhem tearing it up!!
  16. here are some scores from team twisted mayhem/sundown at the meca event at best buy.showing some sundown power and love!! todd mayton 4 t3 ts 12's subs 2 1500d sundown amps AS2-145.9{playing music with the car off!!} 1st place DB3-121.9 1st place jason drinkard 4 t3 tss 10's subs 1 3000d sundown amp S2-149.8{also,he was playing music and did not do a tone burst!!!}1st place spl best of show phat install phat truck shannon lee 2 t3 tsns 18's subs 4 1500d sundown amps M5-149.7 1st place
  17. Sorry guys,didnt know chris had already posted it up!!!
  18. hey guys.im looking for a 48 to 50 hrz song that i can play for my compititions.need some help.im currently using djmagic mike[make the car go boom]and its not working to good.the song falls off to quick.im holding voltage so i know its not that.any help would be greatly appreciated.thanks guys.
  19. tharookie

    Article posted in 12 Volt News

    great article.just goes to show you that sundown aint no joke!!!!!!!
  20. i feel u on that one.dont need the subs getting hot before it hits the note i want or need.plus buy then i wouldnt have the voltage i had at the beginning!!!
  21. thanks but its gotta be an actuall music track
  22. i appriciate it man.hopefully those will be enough songs that ill find something good.thanks alot.
  23. thanks alot man.anybody know any more songs at that frenquency!!!????
  24. not to shabby.glad to see you back in the lanes robert!!now we've got to fix the baffle again!!my 145.7 wasnt to bad on 70 amps of fusing!!!even though i only got one bass note off before all my fuses blew!!!!!lol..team twisted mayhem also got team participation award at the show.c ya'll at the next show.
  25. tharookie

    3000d at .5 ohms?

    does anyone know about how many watts a 300d will put off at a .5 ohm. with high output alternator 3 good batts. and around 14.2 volts?thanks for the help guys.hope to get some good numbers!!!