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Everything posted by badasschevillac

  1. badasschevillac

    FS: Mmats Pro Audio D3500.1

    Bump for a great amp! Glws wish I had the $
  2. badasschevillac

    15" DC LVL5 newly reconed

    Still for sale
  3. badasschevillac

    Trying to get another 18" BTL

    so you can't use the new btl's with the old?
  4. badasschevillac

    Pioneer 9800

    yea i had that HU and that pissed me off too...its so slow! but no i never found a way to. but man i miss that HU
  5. badasschevillac

    power troubles

    it does neither, thats the weird thing! cuz with this amp(atleast in the last truck i had it in) when it goes into protect mode u have to shut down the whole system(like turn HU off which turns the amp off) and then it will work again and this just cuts out and then u turn the volume back down and baam bass comes back. and the amp also does not shut off either.
  6. amp cuts out when i: hit brake pedal OR turn on electric fans OR turn on compressor OR turn on a/c OR turn volume to loud (with gain turned almost all the way down and/or set properly) i have a red top under hood, a 280 amp alt., big 3, and kinetik 2400 running a hk4000d (i know these are power hungry, but not that much?) to a 18" fi btl(full loaded), all 1/0 gauge, knukonceptz rca's, jensen in-dash(vm9412) thought it was rca's, changed them, still does it so its either headunit rca signal(volts) or the amp any help appreciated, been having problem awhile and just want to get it figured out!
  7. badasschevillac

    power troubles

    no voltage drop, checked the power at the terminal on the amp with a meter, doenst even drop below 14.0 volts when cutting out, actual reading is around 14.04-14.08 volts, amp also does not go into protect mode.
  8. badasschevillac

    18" Fi BTL Fully loaded specs???

    what do u mean by specs, do u mean parameters? all the specs are on FI website, and also at the top of the technical section there is the BTL page.
  9. badasschevillac

    BTL18 truck application

    got another ?, is the box volume that it states in the box calculator ur volume after displacement or before? so like in ur build is the 8.014 box volume ur volume after or before displacement? thanks
  10. badasschevillac

    BTL18 truck application

    i just went on RE website and used that build-tool and started designing one for that identical sub, did u make the second part of the L-port 0 so that it is just a single straight port?
  11. badasschevillac

    box for 1-18" btl

    i am building a box for 1 18" btl, going to be about 8 cu.ft. (actual is 8.02409) and tunned to 32 hz. i have done the calculations and does a 10"H X 3.75"W x 7.24"L port sound right?
  12. badasschevillac

    box for 1-18" btl

    thanks, yea i should have done some more math before i posted this cuz i realized that the port is wrong, i think i did use that website to help me and my friend told me to use the one on realm of excursion, the pencil and paper 101
  13. badasschevillac

    WInisd Fi driver files

    ^how do u go about doing that then? i know how to calculate air space (or alteast the12volts calculators do) but i dont know how u mach a port size with that air space, i thought that only programs could do that. any help would be appreciated. thanks
  14. badasschevillac

    WInisd Fi driver files

    but that doesnt really tell me sizing of the port matched with the sizing of the box.
  15. badasschevillac

    WInisd Fi driver files

    ^ where is the tech sect.? cuz i tried using winISD and i used the parameters that fi has on there site, but the program re-calculates them and they are way off.