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Everything posted by stealth

  1. stealth

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    that sounds like something you wear to bed imo.
  2. stealth


    lets do it son,come to hawaii and ill show you wassup. youll leave with only your underwear. i know one thing, you cant come here with that attitude.. trust me, ill bassrace you if you come down here and with the difference in weather youll over shoot or undershoot and DQ like the bitch you are and ill win with a 152. haha but of course you aint coming.
  3. stealth

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

  4. stealth

    king of bass

    you are loud as balls, but you get no props from me. *that's as far as it needed to go. this is now over*
  5. i had 1 18 and 2 15s in my extreme. the 2 worked out great... so did the 18.... i know all about the space in an s10 lol hows about 2 15s subs up port drivers up.(for numbers and good daily) or just straight wall 2 15s..... i had subs up port up and it worker fine. my box was 48inches wide, 27inches high and 16 inches deep. plenty of room left. but since you got 2 huge amps and gonna need some space for batts idk. i have a bedcover so im putting all my amps and batts in the bed.
  6. stealth

    king of bass

    yeah i know you are loud as hell, but still even if i was as loud as you i wouldnt call myself that. so tacky and cocky, thats my opinion though... sounds immature
  7. i think you had 2 18 btls in a small ass cab and hit 147, fail
  8. stealth

    2000 Watts enough for Fi Q 18

    do you not read specs before you buy a 400 dollar sub. damnit its all about the gainssssssss.
  9. stealth

    6 cubes after disp. for 2 15 nightshades @ 35

    this is retarded. i straight clipmoded my 3000d to power my 18 btl..... had it for months pounding it all day long. and i believe dirty signals do hutrt the sub
  10. stealth


    ok pal. more like retard of the internet.
  11. stealth

    difference in spl and sq subs

    what a retarded question... like asian said, all cars have engines, why do some eat more gas. why are some faster.
  12. stealth

    blow through or not

    if he dont wanna he probably dont even have to wall. just sacrifice the rear seats. subs up, port up can. you can probably get at leat 55 inches wide x 25 inches high x 30 inches deep. that alone will give you at least 15 cubes net. perfect for 4 15s.
  13. stealth

    Would it be a bad idea too.....

    wow, just wow.
  14. stealth

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    i have a request. test the spl coil on 220 volts. 50 hz. or was it 60
  15. stealth

    Project David and Goliath

    And in an SQ install it is the front stage that will still be the limiting factor. 115dB out of a 10 isn't absurd, but that on a front stage will be extremely loud. i know this. most guys only have a front stage.
  16. stealth

    SunDown & DC Audio - SPL Silverado

    very nice work but do you think making the subs so close together created some sort a weak spot. or is it very well braced.
  17. stealth

    Help! blown 40.1

    well said lmfao
  18. stealth

    Project David and Goliath

    are we talking about the same thing here. im talking about his single 10
  19. stealth

    Project David and Goliath

    he said loud when he wants it...... that would be a sick 10.
  20. stealth

    Project David and Goliath

    130 at 30hz sounds good to me.
  21. stealth

    From: Welcome to the IHoP

    damn you guys need a new thread already. this must be slowing down the server somehow. 13937 pages holy chit
  22. stealth

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    thats a pretty high bl, should be able to take some mad power. good to know with those specs it still sounds great for daily It has, literally, double the BL^2 / RE of the Nightshade D1 Now, with the 12-layer flat coil it should be more than that. the 12 layer is getting close to all out straight SPL. looks like you have a new passion. lol
  23. stealth


  24. stealth

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    thats a pretty high bl, should be able to take some mad power. good to know with those specs it still sounds great for daily
  25. stealth

    Project Land Rover

    you got some awesome woodworking skills man, glad to see you use them for the right hobby. lol