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Everything posted by stealth

  1. stealth

    Got my two 18" Q's!

    tune those bad boys 30 and below.
  2. stealth

    Z v.2 18 / 3 Spiders / NS Cone TS Specs

    how could you doubt him in the first place? you build subs? Fuck yes. I'm not stupid FYI, I know T/S parameters and what they mean. ok bud,
  3. stealth

    Z v.2 18 / 3 Spiders / NS Cone TS Specs

    how could you doubt him in the first place? you build subs?
  4. stealth

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    ^^^^haha is that guys name stevemead.
  5. stealth

    Shipping To Hawaii

    yeehee fi q. what plans you got with this bad boy?
  6. stealth

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    hey jacob, i know they are not recommended sealed, and i know its kinda the same but how do you think these will do in a 4th order bp.
  7. stealth

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    put my order in for 2. cant wait.
  8. stealth

    Sundown SAE-1200D v.2 Pre-Sale OPEN

    can i get a price check shipped to 96816 for one of these and a 1200d v2. i live in hawaii..
  9. stealth

    Nightshades No More !

    cant wait for them nightshade v2s to come out. wanna do 4 15s.
  10. close this thread
  11. 2 18 fi btls 2 sundown 3000ds, iraggi 260 amp alt, 2 kinetik 3800s, 4/0 grounds, 2 runs 1/0 power wire optima up front.
  12. stealth

    some videos from hawaii 18ssssssss

    are you talking about the tones, i downloaded it off of teamhexibases website.
  13. stealth

    Broke 150 barely

    guys i honestly think this is his daily driver and ti elites are low end monsters, if i owned those id tune it right around 28hz as well. hes trying to see what score he could get outta his daily. but yeah, scores sealed at the dash please.
  14. stealth

    2 15" Fi BL

    if i were you, depending on what you listen to id say you just want it loud. honestly i think 2 12 bls or qs ported in a crip box maybe like 5 cubes after displacement with anywhere from 12-16 sq inches of port per like Fi recommends tuned to whatever you want. itll most likely smash your 2 15 type rs sealed, because ive played with type rs and no comparison i say. my friends 1 15 fi Q in a tline was louder and sounded better than 2 15 type rs i did in a crx.
  15. stealth

    SUNDOWN POWER VIDEO 2 18 btls floating cans

    UPDATE ADDING A HAIRTRICK vid. its a little dark but it was filmed in a parking lot at a bar.
  16. check out my vid i made, seen assman do it and had to give it a try, video was taken at diamond head in oahu. oh yeah 2 sundown 3ks
  17. stealth

    Top 5 SQ Subs

    stereo integrity mag all v. icon jl w6v2 mach ixls
  18. stealth

    Anyone from Hawaii an SSA fan?

    one day i wanna pick up a pair of xcons to try them out. looks like those subs do some justice.
  19. stealth

    Anyone from Hawaii an SSA fan?

    i have a couple friends here that have um. one of my friends currently has a single ten and is saving for 3 more to run 4 icon 10s. should be wicked......
  20. stealth

    SUNDOWN POWER VIDEO 2 18 btls floating cans

    UPDATE ADDING A HAIRTRICK vid. its a little dark but it was filmed in a parking lot at a bar.
  21. stealth

    Digital Designs Dd-dxb01

    ill contribute, maybe because the guys at DD have theorys and skills about making better sounding ear phones. maybe they own earphones and to them, sound like chit and they wanted to do something about it. or maybe they are trying to target new customers for a wider business. maybe earphones are speakers. lol its not like dd is making tvs.
  22. stealth

    Digital Designs Dd-dxb01

    11 posts and thats what you use it on. fail
  23. stealth

    Stereo Integrity Mag v.4

    i know exactly what you need. 1 more 10 and 100watts more. lol that sounds like what you want. i have a friend looking into 4 of these.
  24. stealth

    How it's for a ported box?

    think about what Fi recommends. scott recommends 12-16 sq. inches per cube, just like most of the sub companies out there. you have 5 per, you have too little port, and you'll definately have PORT NOISE.