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Everything posted by mason_herold

  1. mason_herold

    amp for 2 fi bl 15s

    thanks for all the input guys!
  2. ok so im getting two fi bl 15's and i really dont know which way to go for amps. i was thinking of the crescendo bc3500 or the rockford fosgate T1500-1bdCP, i would have gone with the T2500 but i dont want to pay 1600 for an amp. so which would be better the crescendo or the T1500??
  3. mason_herold

    amp for 2 fi bl 15s

    well the crescendo and the t1500 are damn near the same price like within twenty dollars theyre both about 800 bucks which im fine with i just didnt want to drop 1600 on an amp thats all. i was leaning towards crescendo anyways