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About miklgagne

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  1. miklgagne

    MINI Cooper Wall Worklog

    I see sorry for being a dick. Now that I now whats going on it makes sense. Sorry for jumping you guys.
  2. miklgagne

    MINI Cooper Wall Worklog

    Upon further reflection, I apologize for being so rude. I got emotional and let that take over me. What I would've said if I had it to do over again is, that you guys don't seem to be helping him, just trying to aggravate him. I am enjoying this thread and wish to see more. From an outside view though it appears that some of the people are bashing this guy. Reading through it for the first time I thought that you guys hate this dude and he's done something wrong to you. Anyway sorry again for going of my rocker, and on with more pics. Please. Perhaps I misunderstood? Are you guys joking with him?
  3. miklgagne

    MINI Cooper Wall Worklog

  4. miklgagne

    2001 Pontiac Grand AM GT Front Door Speakers

    2000 grand am front doors in a 2 door are 4x6's, kindof a surprise considering the grills look like 5.25 or 6.5.
  5. miklgagne

    what is this...and how much is it worth

    dude you are kidding me my cousin gave me two of those 15's a couple years back. He had them in high school and I think that he graduated in like 97 give or take. These were decently loud for me in my blazer I did a set in a 5ft3 box with two 4" pvc ports like 15" long or so. Tuned way too low but it sounded well. The thing is I don't know of anyone who knows anything about them. Try Termpro, I would but I don't have pics and the subs are in the box. Oh and yours look mint, mine not so much. I ran about 1200 watts to the pair of subs.