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Everything posted by Incriminator

  1. Incriminator

    20.1 Are Shipping!!!

    So did I mention we released the 20.1 on the 1st, the plan was to start shipping Monday the 3rd, but I didn't know SEMA was that week and I didn't get back to the 11th. so we've been shipping a week today.... I didn't know if the word was out or not..... Sorry for the late update, I've been making up from missing a week or so for SEMA. Pics soon...
  2. Incriminator

    Black & Blue December Sale!

  3. Incriminator

    20.1 Are Shipping!!!

    Shoot me an email or email the folks at SSA. Thanks, Nick
  4. Order now and you will get 10% off until Turkey Day on 12's, 15's, and 18's.... Thanks, Nick
  5. Incriminator

    20.1 Are Shipping!!!

    Mic check...1...2.... I've been trying to post pics several times and I get an error....Are we good to go?
  6. Incriminator

    Warden Series

    I've had tons of phone calls and questions asked since World Finals asking about the Warden.... I will say if all goes to plan you should see them at SBN. I started development of the Warden in October 2004 and we've been constantly improving it as I want it to be the solution for all out SPL. The goal is you will need a Warden to win, we've seen large gains over even some of the best woofers out now. I expect alot of you to be surprised at how well they work and how low the price tag will be. In Super Street 1-2 and other low woofer classes I expect the Warden to really excel when you combine it with the 21" parts we have.... Look out - 4 years of innovation is almost here..... No ETA or price tag yet. Thanks, Nick
  7. Incriminator

    Warden Series

    I'm sure you could try it and see I don't imagine a woofer of a Qts of .05 to sound all that well!
  8. The 2005/2006 20.1 came on the scene in June 2005 and instantly made waves as a new stable power house that people like Tommy McKinnie could count on when there was 160+ dB Bass Racing to be done. Three years later and several World Championships under his belt, the original 12 20.1
  9. Incriminator

    Please more DP 21 vids

    Kevin, No worries on the 3 ohm coils, we try to take into account impedance rise. Our Dual 1 = .7 Our Dual 2 = 1.4 Our Dual 4 = 2.8 Just wire it as if it was a Dual 4 and you will be fine. Thanks, Nick
  10. Incriminator

    The wait is almost over.....20.1's

    Glad you guys like the new look!
  11. Incriminator

    The wait is almost over.....20.1's

    Here is the new 20.1 It's a monster at 7" Wide x 17.5" Long footprint. We even did an old 20.1 just to give you an idea...which was 10.25" Wide x 21.75" Long.
  12. Incriminator

    dp-21 video is in!

    How do you like it?
  13. Incriminator Audio, LLC is proud to announce the addition of Powermaster
  14. Incriminator

    2 DP 15's vs 3 DR 12's

    Either one is a good choice...
  15. Incriminator

    PowerMaster Batteries Now Available!!

    It's the Official Battery of Incriminator Audio as well....More news on that soon... Thanks, Nick
  16. Incriminator

    I need two 40.1s bad!

    This guy has 2 for trade......he might sell them.... http://www.caraudio.com/forum/showthread.php?t=351334
  17. Order now and you will get 10% off until Finals on 12's, 15's, and 18's.... Thanks, Nick
  18. Incriminator

    king of bass

    Oh....KOB in da house! Tommy did you call your windshield sponser for Finals? Less than a month and I think we need at least two backups, after the update!
  19. Incriminator

    FL12 or Mag 12

    You know, I don't know it's hard to compare our driver to one that isn't even released yet. I guess time will tell I know Lemons has been working hard on it, as well as us on the FL. We do have a few SQ folks testing the drivers and I will have results soon. Thanks, Nick
  20. Incriminator

    DP 21 parameters and gasket?

    We haven't release the T/S's yet on the DP 21 or any of the DP line. We are tooling a gasket for the 21, but as of now we are shipping them without them as most our customers pull them off anyways. Thanks, Nick
  21. Incriminator


    It's 68 pounds fully packed, around 65 for just the driver. We can ship it USPS for you. Thanks, Nick
  22. Incriminator

    Sad, sad day

    I didn't get an email, but I will send a call tag for it and you can send it back, once we get it we'll file a claim and send you another one. Thanks, Nick
  23. Incriminator

    Flatlyne 12" anyone?

    We have Andy Jones - SQ World Champ testing one now.....I got an email yesterday saying he loved it.....Waiting for the full report now.
  24. Incriminator

    DP 21s shipping?

    Yes, they are shipping and have been for alittle while....finally preorders ships Monday!
  25. Incriminator

    Death Penalty 21" Pics!

    Finally pics are here.....Josh arrived.....