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Everything posted by Incriminator

  1. Incriminator

    2007 Death Penalty's

    The pictures just don't do them justice! Sorry for the bad pics camera is still crazy! Sorry Chad, I know I told you, you could post first, but I didn't know I'd be running this late! Nick
  2. Incriminator

    2007 Death Penalty's

    I've been fighting with my camera for about 2 days now, it decided it wanted a new memory card. I send Josh to get one, pics will be up in the next hour or two as soon as he gets back and I can upload them!
  3. Incriminator

    2007 Death Penalty's

    Thanks. So I trust that my Hifonics BX1500D (1500 "or so" watts @1ohm) should drive it ok.. At least until i get something that does around 2000 watts at 1ohm. YEP!
  4. Incriminator

    new DP 21"

    All of that data will be posted tomorrow! They are rated at 1500 RMS, I know for burps the most we've tested them at is 5000 a driver and they work excellant with that kind of power. One 21" is exactly the same cone area as 2 15's Thanks, Nick
  5. Incriminator

    2007 Death Penalty's

    They have a pretty stiff spider setup on them I'd recommend at least 800-1000 watts.
  6. Incriminator

    becoming a dealer

    Charlie, I emailed you last week I think. You have a yahoo.com email right? Email me again [email protected], please try to email me again before you fax it. Check your spam folder. Thanks, Nick
  7. Incriminator


    40.1's draw around 450 amps at 12 volts, 20.1's draw around 210 amps at 12 volts.
  8. Incriminator

    Please Welcome Incriminator to SSA forums

    Glad to be here! Looks like fun already!
  9. lol drunk, huh? How does .8 ohms sound? Series to 8 ohms, parallel down 10 times. 2x4=8/10 = .8 Player!!! Nick
  10. Incriminator

    My new babies!

    Agreed......I can say honestly you get what you pay for!! That goes for subs, amps, wire or anything in the middle. Nick
  11. Incriminator

    Where's my Mag :)

    Waiting on you Nick
  12. Incriminator

    Where's my Mag :)

    A few times weekly
  13. Incriminator

    Where's my Mag :)

    lmao, david wanted it to be a secret.......I know I wouldn't tell anybody!
  14. Incriminator

    Where's my Mag :)

    Your sub is at the same place his amp is. lmao, you are correct Your sub is at the same place his amp is. That was an ironic statement about the 20.1 right? Ok yeah I thought so... come to think of it, that would be a very sweet combo 20.1 and MAG 15 AGREED!! Wanging Your sub is at the same place his amp is. OH SOOO FACED!!!! NG Maybe, answer the phone You know you liked it
  15. Incriminator

    Happy B-day Nick

    Nicks a pimp
  16. Incriminator

    Is it just me?

    Is it just me or is Nick one sexy mofo?
  17. Incriminator

    IN SHOCK....

    Nick, Man, I'm so sorry to hear of the lose that as occured we know all the work it takes to build a great company from the bottom up. I really feel for you, as both me and you are alike in alot of way and our companies on founded on the same concepts. I hope to see you next month at NSPL World Finals. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Nick
  18. Incriminator

    Incriminator Audio Needs Help!

    Thanks for the interest guys.......... if you need more information let me know..... [email protected] Nick