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Everything posted by gprestonmoto

  1. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    He needs to just send me that 6" lathe, since I have a little dream team together now trying to build mechanical vape mods.
  2. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Muy chingon, ay mira I'm gonna get a 3d printer.
  3. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I dunno what you mean by a drawing. All I've got is a picture. Should have one in my possession in about a week. @Seth, I wanna do the blue Patina now, out of solid copper. Ok, maybe once you get one you can take some measurments and make me a picture with that information. Then I can try to make some chips. Rad. Always willing to help out friends. Thanks bro. I think it might just be easier for me to mail it to you. The Sir Lancelot mod is pre-order so she won't be here til late March or early April, so I really don't have to rush much. If the value of small production mods keeps rising, it might end up being worth a lot more than I paid, so I plan on having it forever and getting my setup perfected.
  4. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I dunno what you mean by a drawing. All I've got is a picture. Should have one in my possession in about a week. @Seth, I wanna do the blue Patina now, out of solid copper. Ok, maybe once you get one you can take some measurments and make me a picture with that information. Then I can try to make some chips. Rad.
  5. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I dunno what you mean by a drawing. All I've got is a picture. Should have one in my possession in about a week. @Seth, I wanna do the blue Patina now, out of solid copper.
  6. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Ok sometimes things go right over my head. I am sure it could be made, but dimensions would be a must. The tip is a small 45mm high piece of copper plated aluminum I'm sure. It's not going to be solid. My best-case-scenario would be someone being able to fabricate the $12 tip out of solid copper, and blue patina it. Edit - And fuck you Matt for giving me another involved and spendy project to work on. LOL. My wife's going to be pissed. Edit x2 - Neal I ordered the $12 cheapie, so if it is possible to do and I can afford it, I can send it to you to "clone" as it's known in the business.
  7. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Neal I know you know metal, so how do I make this http://www.ebay.com/itm/45mm-Copper-Long-Neck-Drip-Tip-for-Vivi-Nova-510-EGO-Atomizer-/380845652670?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item58ac2b7abe look like the Copper above? Neal I know you know metal, so how do I make this http://www.ebay.com/itm/45mm-Copper-Long-Neck-Drip-Tip-for-Vivi-Nova-510-EGO-Atomizer-/380845652670?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item58ac2b7abe look like the Copper above? It could be done on a lathe, you would just need to be careful. I would start at the deepest cut and work my way out to the end. then just use emery closth to smooth out and use metal aging cream. Why would you want to put a lot of time into something you can buy for $10-$15? Unless, you could fabricate that tip yourself out of pure copper... aged.... for a reasonable price. I could always mail it to you to copy.
  8. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Well shit.... maybe I could... but I'd... God damn it Matt.
  9. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Because the mod definitely doesn't cost 10-15. I got to make the 12 dollar part match the $200 part.
  10. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Neal I know you know metal, so how do I make this http://www.ebay.com/itm/45mm-Copper-Long-Neck-Drip-Tip-for-Vivi-Nova-510-EGO-Atomizer-/380845652670?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item58ac2b7abe look like the Copper above? Without the metal in the same room shot with same or similar rigs and processed with the same image settings there is not much way of knowing. But if they are both Cu, you can always patina them similarly. Might have to remove a clear, but that ain't no thang. That's what I need to know how to do. Different ratios of acids and such, just trying to get a mix that will produce a similar result. Also I won't have the mod until late March early April, so I want be aging the copper til then. Gives me time to research.
  11. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I'm sorry bro, I'm not usually that guy, but fuck it. Goin' all in today.
  12. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Neal I know you know metal, so how do I make this http://www.ebay.com/itm/45mm-Copper-Long-Neck-Drip-Tip-for-Vivi-Nova-510-EGO-Atomizer-/380845652670?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item58ac2b7abe look like the Copper above?
  13. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Expensive.... but man it's so pretty and perfect. Completely sold out, only 999 made, and one is coming to my house.
  14. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  15. gprestonmoto

    Happy Birthday ///M5

    We hit San Antonio pretty hard after Basic training... There are good things to be said about TTB's (Texas Titty Bars)
  16. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Inspirational This had me laughing pretty hard, real world no exercise.
  17. gprestonmoto

    My BTL is very dirty...How can I clean it?

    I'm gonna clean the hell out of it when I get around to ordering a new gasket.Also, are recones as simple as they seem? I get the concept, but I'm not sure how much room for error there is. I want to snag a pink dust cap cone when I replace my current, my surround is horribly scuffed from my wreck. Motor is fine thankfully. Think I'm going to have the basket repainted something funky too, something like the Sig Sauer rainbow finish. That's not paint.....
  18. gprestonmoto

    Please welcome SoundQubed to the SSA forums

  19. gprestonmoto

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    For those interested... http://www.usdaudio.com/sw/cars/buick/
  20. gprestonmoto

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    I don't think he even wanted to hint about it. At least I wouldn't. I don't know at all LOL, I just follow clues. Nem's always making stuff....
  21. gprestonmoto

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Something is being machined....
  22. gprestonmoto

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Thank you sir! Y'all MF'ers got me curious now.
  23. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Over, and over, and over, and over....
  24. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    CO2 oil and Hawk sauce on dual nano coil rda. Jesus Christ. You could hotbox a concert hall...
  25. gprestonmoto

    I have a Zed Mikro1.

    Waiting for detailed pix of said amp. I've seen in the SSA store, yet to see being used or in person. Tits or gtfo.